399 research outputs found

    Ovarian cortex transplantation: 60 reported live births brings the success and worldwide expansion of the technique towards routine clinical practice

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    Abstract This paper describes the success and expansion of ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation as a fertility restoration procedure, with the largest series of 60 live births worldwide reported. By repeating the procedure, ovarian activity can be restored for more than 11 years

    Recommendations for fertility preservation in patients with lymphoma, leukemia, and breast cancer

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    Fertility issues should be addressed to all patients in reproductive age before cancer treatment. In men, cryopreservation of sperm should be offered to all cancer patients in reproductive age regardless of the risk of gonadal failure. In women, the recommendation of fertility preservation should be individualized based on multiple factors such as the urgency of treatment, the age of the patient, the marital status, the regimen and dosage of cancer treatment

    RĂ©introduction de cellules malignes aprĂšs greffe de tissu ovarien

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    La réimplantation du tissu ovarien congelé permet de restaurer la fonction ovarienne et la fertilité. Si cette technique offre beaucoup d'espoir aux patientes qui ont bénéficié d'une chimiothérapie suffisamment agressive que pour causer une perte irréversible de la réserve ovarienne en follicules primordiaux, peu de papiers rapportent par ailleurs le risque de provoquer une récidive de la maladie en réintroduisant, via le tissu ovarien réimplanté, des cellules malignes. Le but de ce chapitre est d'évaluer le risque dans les différentes pathologies

    FFER 28Úme Journées de la Fédération Fançaise d'Etude de la Reproduction

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    Les 28Ăšmes JournĂ©es de la FFER auront lieu en 2023 au Palais des congrĂšs d’Arcachon en Nouvelle Aquitaine. Nous avons voulu souligner le caractĂšre uni de la nouvelle rĂ©gion, puisque nous avons regroupĂ© les efforts des principaux reprĂ©sentants impliquĂ©s dans l’AMP en Nouvelle Aquitaine : Bordeaux, Limoges et Poitiers. Cette annĂ©e, nous avons choisi comme thĂšme Echecs d'implantation et adjuvants qui restera le fil conducteur des ateliers et des sessions plĂ©niĂšres sans oublier bien sĂ»r les grandes thĂ©matiques mĂ©dicales. Ces journĂ©es annuelles restent centrales pour les rencontres et les Ă©changes entre les centres, les biologistes, les cliniciens, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques et les industriels impliquĂ©s dans la reproduction humaine. Cette collaboration, qui a toujours Ă©tĂ© fructueuse, nous semble une nĂ©cessitĂ© et une source de progrĂšs

    8th World Congress of International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP)

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    “Fertility preservation: the recent changes and expectations” “Ovarian tissue freezing to delay menopause”

    Trials and tribulations of in vitro fertilization after ovarian tissue transplantation.

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    In their systematic review of ovarian stimulation and assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes in women who have undergone ovarian tissue transplantation (OTT) (1), Andersen et al. attempt to provide a consistent overview of the current state of play, which is no easy task given the heterogeneous and often discrepant data available on the subject. Indeed, questions raised in this article concerning issues of oocyte quality, poor ovarian reserve, empty follicle syndrome, and unfavorable in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes have not significantly changed since we first sought to address them more than 10 years ago, when we evaluated the quality of oocytes and embryos derived from frozen-thawed transplanted ovarian tissue in a series of women who had not conceived after 12 months of spontaneous cycles after OTT (2). In that study, the empty follicle rate per oocyte retrieval was 29% and the percentage of abnormal oocytes (immature or degenerated) was 38%. [...

    Virtual IFFS World Congress

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    Freezing gonadal tissue after pubert
