292 research outputs found

    The Coevolution of New Organizational Forms in the Fashion Industry: A Historical and Comparative Study of France, Italy, and the United States

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    In many industries, the contemporary context of acute environmental dislocation shows the limits of traditional organizational recipes. In direct response to environmental challenges, companies are experimenting with new organizational solutions. While flexibility, or the capacity to redefine organizational form to follow changing purposes, is undeniably a common trend, these experiments otherwise differ greatly. Diversity is such, in fact, that it is difficult to clearly identify and define a unique organizational paradigm for the future. To explore the connection between environmental dislocation and organizational transformations, we adopt a historical and comparative perspective. Our empirical base of evidence is the luxury fashion industry in three countries, France, Italy, and the United States. For many years, this industry was defined by stable environmental conditions, and a craft model of organization remained dominant. We show that, over a more recent period, increasing environmental turbulence has brought about a redefinition of the rules of the game. A common response has been for organizations to move towards greater flexibility or modularity and to experiment with network forms. However, we also show that the paths or trajectories leading to organizational flexibility have varied significantly across countries, reflecting historical legacies and institutional constraints. We identify in fact three different network forms in that industry, which represent national ideal types-the "umbrella holding" company in France, the "flexible embedded network" in Italy, and the "virtual organization" in the United States. We argue that the process of change in the luxury fashion industry has been one of coevolution, where environmental transformation and organizational change have fed upon each other through time. Pioneer firms in the luxury fashion industry originally devised organizational solutions within the bounds set by nationally defined constraints and opportunities. Becoming institutionalized, these early solutions in turn shaped the environment for individual organizations and organizational populations, creating new sets of opportunities and constraints. In a pathdependent manner, different models of organization and national competitiveness thus emerged. In conclusion, we are brought to question the likelihood of full and stable convergence towards a unique organizational form or paradigm. There appears to be, in each national context, a process of construction of new organizational solutions that starts from local foundations. Embedded as they are in powerful historical and institutional legacies, organizational differences are there to stay, we believe, beyond the period of transition and acute environmental dislocation. [First paragraph

    Contested rules and shifting boundaries: International standard setting in accounting

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    The paper investigates the emergence and development, since the Second World War, of a transnational field of governance for accounting and financial reporting. Recent decades have seen a proliferation of activities and initiatives to make financial reporting standards comparable across national borders. This process of transnational or international standards setting is shown to be a highly political process where actors with different backgrounds enter the game with specific interests, perceptions, strategies and resources. In fact, it shows how contest and conflict can become driving forces of international standardization if organized within a widely accepted procedural framework. -- In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Spannungsfeld der Entstehung und Entwicklung von internationalen Standards fĂŒr die WirtschaftsprĂŒfung und Rechnungslegung seit dem 2. Weltkrieg untersucht. In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist eine Zunahme von AktivitĂ€ten und Initiativen zur grenzĂŒberschreitenden Harmonisierung von Rechnungslegungsstandards zu beobachten. Die Schaffung von transnationalen bzw. internationalen Standards erweist sich als hochpolitischer Prozess, in den Akteure aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen ihre spezifischen Interessen, Wahrnehmungen, Strategien und Ressourcen einbringen. TatsĂ€chlich verdeutlichen diese VorgĂ€nge, dass Konkurrenz und Konflikt als treibende KrĂ€fte fĂŒr die internationale Standardsetzung dienen können, sofern der Verfahrensrahmen allgemein anerkannt ist.

    The missing link: Bringing institutions back into the debate on economic globalisation

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    In der Auseinandersetzung mit der Globalisierung von Wirtschaftsprozessen kann sich die sozialwissenschaftliche Institutionentheorie nicht mehr auf die Untersuchung nationaler Konfigurationen beschrĂ€nken, sondern sollte der transnationalen Rekombination institutioneller Arrangements mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. FĂŒr die Untersuchung solcher Prozesse sind verĂ€nderte analytische Werkzeuge erforderlich. Die Autorinnen dieses Beitrags schlagen eine Synthese von National Business Systems- und Varieties of Capitalism- AnsĂ€tzen mit kulturalistischen und phĂ€nomenologischen Varianten der Institutionentheorie vor. Es werden drei Aspekte der institutionellen Analyse vertieft, die zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des VerhĂ€ltnisses von Globalisierung und Institutionen beitragen: Institutionalisierung als Prozeß, Rekombination als Mechanismus der Institutionengenese und des Institutionenwandels und eine Mehrebenenanalyse des Zusammenspiels von institutionellen VerĂ€nderungen auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene. Die vorgeschlagene Synthese verschiedener institutionalistischer AnsĂ€tze bietet einerseits Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr die Untersuchung der Rolle nationaler Akteure in der Genese und Entwicklung transnationaler Institutionen. Andererseits trĂ€gt sie zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der Rekombination von Elementen verschiedener institutioneller Arrangements sowie der Herausbildung neuer Institutionen auf transnationaler Ebene bei. Diese Entwicklungen im transnationalen Raum wirken wiederum auf Institutionen in nationalen Sozial- und WirtschaftsrĂ€umen ein. Die Autorinnen des vorliegenden Beitrages argumentieren, daß die Abfolge und Kombination einer Reihe gradueller und zunĂ€chst geringfĂŒgiger VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum hinweg zu einem signifikanten Wandel von gesellschaftlichen Institutionen fĂŒhren können. -- Faced with ongoing debates on globalisation, societal institutionalism in its traditional form is showing its limits. In this paper, we suggest that a serious sociologically grounded and institutional contribution to the ongoing debate on global governance calls for a shift in focus away from the preoccupation with national configurations and towards an attempt at understanding transnational recombinations. The investigation of transnational recombination calls for new analytical tools. Here we argue that the solution may come from an hybridisation of NBS and VOC approaches with other variants of the institutionalist argument in particular those we label cultural or phenomenological. We elaborate on three aspects of institutional analysis that we identify as key to getting a better understanding of the relationship between globalisation and institutions. Firstly, we propose an interpretation of institutionalisation as a process and not a state of things. Secondly, we reinterpret institutional genesis and institutional change as revealing recombination. Thirdly, we argue for a more systematic analysis of the interplay of such processes of recombination across different levels of analysis, particularly the national and the transnational. With a conceptual framework so reformulated, it is possible to take in the transnational reality in its full complexity. We show, on the one hand, how the NBS and VOC perspectives are an interesting starting base to look at the structuration and stabilisation of the transnational reality. On the other hand, we gain new insights in the ways in which institution building and recombination at the transnational level become reflected often progressively and somewhat incrementally at the national business system level. Our proposition is that the succession and combination, over a long period of time, of a series of incremental and sometimes minor transformations could lead in the end to consequential and significant change.

    Symposium on multiplicity and plurality in the world of standards

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    Globalization is often described as a chaotic process which signals the end of national institutions' ability to regulate markets. However, a closer look reveals a new world of standards and regulations, often with a transnational scope and reach. Contemporary rule making and rule monitoring increasingly take place in the context of transnational arenas that bring around the table many different types of actors, all of whom have or feel to have a "stake" in the regulatory project at hand, yet often for quite diverse reasons and with varying interests. While standardization would seem to suggest regularity, rationalization, and a reduction of diversity if not the advance of homogeneity and convergence, we can easily document a surprising multiplicity and plurality in our transnational world of standards. In most industries, fields and arenas, we find multiple standards and standard setting coalitions. Even so, scholars have only barely started to explore this multiplicity and plurality. Building upon what we know on technical standards, this Symposium describes and explains important patterns in the world of transnational standard-setting, revealing the nature of this plurality and the ways in which it impacts upon and is impacted by different groups of actors involved

    L'arrivée du management en France : un retour historique sur les liens entre managérialisme et Etat

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    La managérialisation de la sphÚre publique est aujourd'hui dans l'air du temps. La réforme de l'Etat semble passer par l'importation et l'appropriation des pratiques et de l'esprit du management - avec promesse à la clef d'une plus grande rationalité et d'une meilleure efficience. En faisant un retour en arriÚre sur le contexte et les conditions de l'arrivée du management en France aprÚs la deuxiÚme guerre mondiale, cet article offre une autre perspective sur les développements contemporains. Le management, au sens moderne que l'on donne à ce terme, est à l'origine américain. Il est importé/exporté en France dans les années qui suivent la deuxiÚme guerre mondiale, dans un contexte local de remise en cause profonde des institutions économiques et sociales d'avant guerre. L'Etat et les institutions publiques et semi-publiques sont alors les éléments moteurs du processus de transfert. A l'époque, la sphÚre publique modernise le secteur privé - en particulier en lui imposant une révolution managériale. Les développements contemporains sont, de fait, les conséquences directes et indirectes du processus déclenché alors - un effet boomerang pour l'Etat français de son initiative lointaine de "modernisation" de l'économie et de l'industrie

    Contested rules and shifting boundaries: international standard-setting in accounting

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    "In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Spannungsfeld der Entstehung und Entwicklung von internationalen Standards fĂŒr die WirtschaftsprĂŒfung und Rechnungslegung seit dem 2. Weltkrieg untersucht. In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist eine Zunahme von AktivitĂ€ten und Initiativen zur grenzĂŒberschreitenden Harmonisierung von Rechnungslegungsstandards zu beobachten. Die Schaffung von transnationalen bzw. internationalen Standards erweist sich als hochpolitischer Prozess, in den Akteure aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen ihre spezifischen Interessen, Wahrnehmungen, Strategien und Ressourcen einbringen. TatsĂ€chlich verdeutlichen diese VorgĂ€nge, dass Konkurrenz und Konflikt als treibende KrĂ€fte fĂŒr die internationale Standardsetzung dienen können, sofern der Verfahrensrahmen allgemein anerkannt ist." (Autorenreferat)"The paper investigates the emergence and development, since the Second World War, of a transnational field of governance for accounting and financial reporting. Recent decades have seen a proliferation of activities and initiatives to make financial reporting standards comparable across national borders. This process of transnational or international standards setting is shown to be a highly political process where actors with different backgrounds enter the game with specific interests, perceptions, strategies and resources. In fact, it shows how contest and conflict can become driving forces of international standardization if organized within a widely accepted procedural framework." (author's abstract

    The missing link: bringing institutions back into the debate on economic globalisation

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    "Faced with ongoing debates on globalisation, societal institutionalism in its traditional form is showing its limits. In this paper, we suggest that a serious sociologically grounded and institutional contribution to the ongoing debate on global governance calls for a shift in focus - away from the preoccupation with national configurations and towards an attempt at understanding transnational recombinations. The investigation of transnational recombination calls for new analytical tools. Here we argue that the solution may come from an hybridisation of NBS and VOC approaches with other variants of the institutionalist argument in particular those we label 'cultural' or 'phenomenological'. We elaborate on three aspects of institutional analysis that we identify as key to getting a better understanding of the relationship between globalisation and institutions. Firstly, we propose an interpretation of institutionalisation as a process and not a state of things. Secondly, we reinterpret institutional genesis and institutional change as revealing recombination. Thirdly, we argue for a more systematic analysis of the interplay of such processes of recombination across different levels of analysis, particularly the national and the transnational. With a conceptual framework so reformulated, it is possible to take in the transnational reality in its full complexity. We show, on the one hand, how the NBS and VOC perspectives are an interesting starting base to look at the structuration and stabilisation of the transnational reality. On the other hand, we gain new insights in the ways in which institution building and recombination at the transnational level become reflected - often progressively and somewhat incrementally - at the national business system level. Our proposition is that the succession and combination, over a long period of time, of a series of incremental and sometimes minor transformations could lead in the end to consequential and significant change." (author's abstract)"In der Auseinandersetzung mit der Globalisierung von Wirtschaftsprozessen kann sich die sozialwissenschaftliche Institutionentheorie nicht mehr auf die Untersuchung nationaler Konfigurationen beschrĂ€nken, sondern sollte der transnationalen Rekombination institutioneller Arrangements mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken. FĂŒr die Untersuchung solcher Prozesse sind verĂ€nderte analytische Werkzeuge erforderlich. Die Autorinnen dieses Beitrags schlagen eine Synthese von 'National Business Systems'- und 'Varieties of Capitalism'-AnsĂ€tzen mit kulturalistischen und phĂ€nomenologischen Varianten der Institutionentheorie vor. Es werden drei Aspekte der institutionellen Analyse vertieft, die zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des VerhĂ€ltnisses von Globalisierung und Institutionen beitragen: Institutionalisierung als Prozess, Rekombination als Mechanismus der Institutionengenese und des Institutionenwandels und eine Mehrebenenanalyse des Zusammenspiels von institutionellen VerĂ€nderungen auf nationaler und transnationaler Ebene. Die vorgeschlagene Synthese verschiedener institutionalistischer AnsĂ€tze bietet einerseits Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr die Untersuchung der Rolle nationaler Akteure in der Genese und Entwicklung transnationaler Institutionen. Andererseits trĂ€gt sie zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der Rekombination von Elementen verschiedener institutioneller Arrangements sowie der Herausbildung neuer Institutionen auf transnationaler Ebene bei. Diese Entwicklungen im transnationalen Raum wirken wiederum auf Institutionen in nationalen Sozial- und WirtschaftsrĂ€umen ein. Die Autorinnen des vorliegenden Beitrages argumentieren, dass die Abfolge und Kombination einer Reihe gradueller und zunĂ€chst geringfĂŒgiger VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum hinweg zu einem signifikanten Wandel von gesellschaftlichen Institutionen fĂŒhren können." (Autorenreferat

    Les politiques du chiffre

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    Les contributions rassemblĂ©es dans ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial prolongent le colloque de la revue Politiques et Management Public organisĂ© les 25 et 26 octobre 2013 Ă  Paris sur le thĂšme : « Les politiques du chiffre – entre managĂ©rialisation du politique et politisation du management ». Le colloque a rĂ©uni plus de trente communications prĂ©sentĂ©es en sessions parallĂšles, deux tables-rondes parallĂšles – sur les politiques du chiffre Ă  l’hĂŽpital et l’harmonisation europĂ©enne des normes comptables du secte..

    Les Chiffres – Le Moi, transparence radicale et gouvernementalitĂ© transnationale

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    La prĂ©sence et le rĂŽle des chiffres ne sont, en soi, pas des phĂ©nomĂšnes nouveaux. Les chiffres et les infrastructures de calculs qui les produisent, sont depuis longtemps dĂ©jĂ  des outils importants de la dĂ©cision et de l’action pour les entreprises privĂ©es comme pour l’administration publique. En prĂ©parant cette allocution d’introduction et en rĂ©flĂ©chissant au thĂšme de cette confĂ©rence – « Les Politiques du Chiffre » - je me suis donc demandĂ© si je pouvais vraiment contribuer de maniĂšre origi..
