366 research outputs found

    Adsorption of long chain sodium carboxylates on membrane materials

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    Adsorption of long chain sodium carboxylates on membrane material

    Protein Interactions / assemblies and subsequent properties

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    Protein Interactions / assemblies and subsequent properties. STLOpenday

    Swelling of dry heated whey protein microparticles in different physicochemical conditions

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    This study was conducted in order to promote innovation and new product development in the dairy industry with 100% dairy ingredients. Whey protein microparticles (PMI) produced by dry heating are studied for texturizing properties in food matrices. The production process consists of mixing whey proteins and lactose at an alkaline pH value, drying the solution and dry-heating the powder. We investigate the functional or swelling properties of these PMI by measuring the amount of water entrapped (WE) in microparticles and viscosity (h) of their suspensions prepared in different physicochemical conditions. The results of the study allowed defining the best ranges of conditions to use theses PMI for food applications

    Structure and surface properties of soluble protein aggregates isolated from heated skim milk

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    Structure and surface properties of soluble protein aggregates isolated from heated skim milk . Conference on Food structure and food qualit

    Comparison of rheological properties of acid gels made from heated casein combined with β-lactoglobulin or egg ovalbumin

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    Gelation of heat-treated milk protein solutions by acid fermentation was performed using a model system of micellar casein alone (systR), micellar casein and b-lactoglobulin (systB) or micellar casein and egg ovalbumin (systO) dissolved in a milk ultrafiltrate and heat-treated at 901C for 24 min. Solubility of globular proteins at given pH values and their interactions with casein were determined. Particle size and z-potential of the protein systems were measured before and after heat treatment. Acid gelation of the heated systems was monitored using dynamic low-amplitude strain oscillation. Ovalbumin alone or with casein produced largerparticles than casein alone or with b-lactoglobulin upon heat treatment. The systems gelled at different pH values, i.e. 4.88, 5.47 and 5.88 in systR, systB and systO, respectively. The latter two pH values were clearly related to the pH of the loss of solubility of the heated globular proteins. While the gelation pattern for systR resembled unheated milk, the pattern for systB and systO showed the usual maximum for tan d of heated milk

    Comprehensive study of acid gelation of heated milk with model protein systems

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    The effect of heat treatment of milk on the formation of acid gels was investigated using model protein systems. Protein systems contained micellar casein alone (35 g kg−1) (systR) or in the combination with either β-lactoglobulin (βLG) (4 g kg−1; systB) or egg ovalbumin (4 g kg−1; systO). Proteins in a milk ultrafiltrate (UF) were heat-treated at 90°C for 24 min. The same heat-treated systems without casein were also prepared: the UF alone (systUFR), with βLG (4 g kg−1; systUFB) and with ovalbumin (4 g kg−1; systUFO). Proteins in pellet and supernatant fractions were analysed using reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The solubility of globular proteins in heated systUFB and heated systUFO was determined at pH 1.6–6.5 by absorbance measurements. Rheological changes during gelation with a starter at 42°C were determined and microstructures of gels by scanning electron microscopy. High quantities of κ-casein and βLG in the form of complexes (disrupted by 2-mercaptoethanol) were found in supernatant of heated systB and not in that of systO. The gelation pH was related to the solubility of the globular proteins, and the gelation pattern for systB and systO resembled that of heated milk and the systR pattern resembled that of unheated milk. The gels of systR were coarse and consisted of large particles. Particles in gels from systB and systO were smaller and less clustered. Although the two globular proteins behave differently during heating, they both confer to the casein micelles their solubility properties as a function of pH. A model is presented where both soluble and colloidal complexes including the globular protein interact at pH 5.5 and initiate the acid gelation

    Structure development of soft cheese curd

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    Structure development of soft cheese curd. 26 ème congrès international de laiteri

    The structure of casein in heated suspensions affects the acid gelification of milk

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    The structure of casein in heated suspensions affects the acid gelification of milk. FIL-IDF "Fermented milk

    Modulation of the texture of emulsified and acidified model systems by the addition of protein aggregates

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    Modulation of the texture of emulsified and acidified model systems by the addition of protein aggregates. Colloque Biopolymers 201

    A tutela penal do ambiente e a responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica por crimes ambientais

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    Prof. Mestre Andrea Regina de Morais Benedetti - OrientadoraMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Direito AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar a importância da tutela penal do meio ambiente no âmbito da responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica por crimes ambientais, demonstrando a aplicação dos princípios do direito ambiental explícitos ou implícitos no ordenamento jurídico. Pretende-se, ainda, demonstrar a necessidade de criminalização da pessoa jurídica que comete dano ambiental, tendo em vista a relevância do ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado para a humanidade. Para tanto, inicialmente foi abordado sobre os interesses coletivos, difusos e individuais homogêneos, estabelecendo a correta classificação do bem ambiental. Na sequência foram trazidos os principais princípios de direito ambiental: princípio do desenvolvimento sustentável; prevenção e precaução; poluidor-pagador; usuário-pagador; participação popular; informação; função socioambiental da propriedade; educação ambiental e vedação do retrocesso ecológico. Princípios estes norteadores da efetiva aplicação do direito do ambiente. Logo após, foram trazidos alguns princípios que envolvem o direito penal e sua relação e aplicação na seara ambiental, bem como as críticas doutrinárias acerca do tema, tais como o princípio da insignificância, da legalidade ou reserva legal, da intervenção mínima e do NE bis in idem, da adequação social, da irretroatividade da lei penal e da proporcionalidade, bem como tratou-se da norma penal em branco e sua relação com o direito ambiental. Por último, tratou-se do direito penal ambiental, demonstrando a autonomia do bem jurídico meio ambiente e ainda explicitando os fundamentos da tutela penal do meio ambiente, além de breves traços sobre a lei de crimes ambientais. Em conclusão, observou-se a necessidade de se tutelar criminalmente o meio ambiente, tendo em vista tratar-se de um bem jurídico de relevo. O método utilizado foi o hipotético-dedutivo com técnica de revisão bibliográfica