5 research outputs found
Getting the Final Girl Out of Get Out
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Becker
- Boon
- Cartee
- Cartee
- Cartee
- Curry
- Davidson
- DeMadmon
- Eisenberg
- Evans
- Feeney
- Feeney
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Judith A. Hudson
- Junicwcz
- Kantrowitz
- Kantrowitz
- Kantrowitz
- Konde
- Konde
- Kremkau
- Lillehei
- Lombard
- Lombard
- Marich
- Miller
- Nyland
- Nyland
- Penninck
- Pipers
- Pugh
- Robert E. Cartee
- Rubin
- Schelling
- Spaulding
- Susan Finn-Bodner
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tinreh
- Townsend
- Wallace
- Walls
- Wrigley
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Bollywood tracks towards and through the city: structural patterns of Hindi film culture in Antwerp (Belgium)
- Author
- Allen Robert
- Appadurai Arjun
- Bhabha Homi K.
- Brosius Christiane
- Desai Jigna
- Dudrah Rajinder K.
- Dudrah Rajinder Kumar
- Ewing Katherine P.
- Georgiou Myria
- Georgiou Myria
- Gillespie Marie
- Gillespie Marie
- Golding Peter
- Iris Vandevelde
- Kapur Jyotsna
- Kaur Raminder
- Kavoori Anandam P.
- Kavoori Anandam P.
- Kerrigan Finola
- Marich Robert
- Miller Daniel
- Mosco Vincent
- Murdock Graham
- Naficy Hamid
- Pendakur Manjunath
- Philippe Meers
- Roel Vande Winkel
- Salzman Marian L.
- Sofie Van Bauwel
- Thussu Daya Kishan
- Thussu Daya Kishan
- Thussu Daya Kishan
- Velayutham Selvaraj
- Verstappen Sanderien
- Wasko Janet
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Structural Model of Advertising Signaling and Social Learning: The Case of the Motion Picture Industry
- Author
- Adam D Rennho�
- Amit M Joshi
- Andrew T Ching
- Andrew T Ching
- Anita Elberse
- Charles C Moul
- Chelin Su
- Chelin Su
- Christopher T Conlon
- Daniel A Ackerberg
- Daniel A Ackerberg
- De Vany
- Dmitri Byzalov
- Donald Andrew
- Enrico Moretti
- Erdem
- G Grossman
- Gerard Butters
- Hailey Joo
- Haiyan Liu
- I J Horstman
- John H Roberts
- Kyle Bagwell
- L Thomas
- Laurent Linnemer
- Laurent Linnemer
- Liran Einav
- Marc Santugini
- Maria Vitorino
- Mark N Hertzendorf
- Narayanan
- P Milgrom
- P Nelson
- P Nelson
- Peter W Kennedy
- Richard E Kihlstrom
- Richard Turner
- Robert Marich
- Simon Anderson
- Sovinsky M Goeree
- Steven A Matthews
- Suman Basuroy
- Susan Athey
- Tulin Erdem
- Z Eckstein
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2017
- Field of study
CCmo Impulsar La Innovaciin Intraemprendedora En Organizaciones Que Aprenden (How to Foster Intrapreneurship Innovation in Learning Organizations)
- Author
- Alan Gibbs
- Alan West
- Albert Shapero
- Albert Shapero
- Allen Edwards
- Andrew Comrey
- Andrew Inkpen
- Anne Miner
- Art Fry
- Arturo
- B Hedberg
- Bennis Warren
- Bernad Lamarre
- C M Fiol
- Charles Garfield
- D B Miller
- David Kolb
- David Mcclelland
- David Mcclelland
- David Mcclelland
- David Miron
- Donald Kim
- Donald Y Kuatko
- D�amboise Gerard
- Edward B Roberts
- Erik E Rule
- Floyd Rodgers
- Fred Kerlinger
- G Geofrey
- Garz�n Castrill�n
- Garz�n Castrill�n
- Garz�n Castrill�n
- Garz�n Castrill�n
- George Gruenwald
- Gifford Pinchot
- Gifford Pinchot
- Gifford Pinchot
- Herbert Simon
- Hollister Sykes
- Howard H Stevenson
- Ira Hill
- J A Hornaday
- J A Welsh
- J G Marich
- J White
- Jacques Girard
- James Roscow
- Jeffry S Hornsby
- Joel Roos
- Jorge Padua
- Joseph Schumpeter
- Joseph Schumpeter
- Joseph Y Novak
- Kenneth Stephen
- L Filion
- Luis D�hainaut
- Luis Romero
- Luis Romero
- M Dodgson
- Malcolm
- Manuel Alfonso Garzzn
- Marlene Fiol
- Martiniano Rom�n
- Marvin Y Dunnete
- Mauro Rodr�guez
- Michael Kolchin
- Michael Mcginnis
- Michele Laurin
- Morin Laval
- M�xico Universidad Aut�noma Metropolitana
- Necmi Karagazoglu
- Norman Poirier
- O P Guilford
- Octavi Fullat
- Ordaz Navarrete
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Finch
- Peter Foley
- Philip Rousell
- Pierre Jadoul
- Pierre Maheu
- Pinto Villatoro
- R D Hirsch
- R D&apos
- R M Cyert
- Robert Y Thorndike
- Rodrigo Varela
- Salinas G�mez
- Sally Pla
- Stanley Gravowsky
- Stepjen Robbins
- Tapscott
- Thomas Peter
- Thomas Rohan
- W Schilit
- Walker James
- Wei Choo
- William I Saucer
- William Taylor
- William Y Sahlman
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study