300 research outputs found
Overview - Activities with male pigs in Denmark
An overview of the activities with male pigs in Denmark
Production of male pigs in Denmark
Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg, DK June 12th and 13th 2013
Coffee, bread, and welcome (Marianne Bonde, UHF)
Sandra Edwards (UK): Future challenges in organic pig production
Theme 1: Production of entire male pigs / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen
The aim of organic pig production is to ensure high animal welfare and natural products. Banning castration is thus a logical step forward, but the risk of boar taint in the meat is a major barrier for marketing meat from entire male pigs. Is it possible to use genetic tools and breeding strategies to prevent boar taint? What is the effect of feeding, management, housing and hygiene? Is it possible to process the meat to minimize the risk of boar taint? These issues will be discussed based on the results from the research project NOCAST, as well as other on-going Danish research projects on entire male pigs.
Susanne Støier (DK): Boar taint – detection, consumer response and product quality
Maribo (DK), Bent Borg (DK) and Rikke Thomsen (DK): Reduction of boar taint – the practical way.
Anders Strathe (DK): Prevention of boar taint by means of genetics and breeding
Theme 2: Outdoor production of growing-finishing pigs, provision of roughage / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen
Use of roughage and outdoor production are two very important characteristics in organic livestock production. How does the use of roughage affect health and performance in growing-finishing pigs? Is it possible to encourage outdoor pigs to find a large part of their food directly in the field where they are kept, and how does this influence pig performance and meat quality? These issues will be discussed on the basis of results from two major research projects, SUMMER and ICOPP.
Liisa Voutila (FI): Effect of roughage on pig health and performance
Anne Grete Kongsted (DK) and Margrethe Therkildsen (DK): Outdoor growing-finishing pigs: effect of genotype and feeding strategy on animal behaviour, performance and meat quality
Theme 3: Environmental impact and animal welfare / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen
Robust and competitive organic pig production must minimise environmental impact as well as ensuring good animal health and welfare. In theory, improving animal health and welfare reduces environmental impacts through decreased medicine use, improved growth rates and feed conversion efficiency. Is it possible to verify these hypotheses on working farms? The relationship between animal health, welfare and environmental impact will be discussed based on the results from the Core organic II research project ProPig including data collection on these aspects on 75 organic pig farms across Europe. More specifically, it will also be discussed how management practices may affect parasite transmission and thus animal welfare within organic systems (PAROL and NOCAST projects).
Christine Leeb (A): Assessment of animal welfare and environmental impact.
Helena Mejer (DK): Parasite impact, transmission and control
John Hermansen (DK): Introduction to group discussions
Group discussions
Plenum discussion, chaired by John Hermansen
Closing remarks / Marianne Bonde, UHF
Dinner, social get-together
Farm visit (Bus transportation from Hovborg Kro provided
C. Valerii Catulli Carmen 66: A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation and Textual Commentary
This article presents a new critical edition of Catullus’ Carmen 66 along with an introduction, a translation and a textual commentary. The text, based on fresh collations of the manuscripts O and G , deviates from the Oxford text by R.A.B. Mynors in 27 cases. Furthermore, it is the first edition to consider the conventional first two lines of Catullus 67 as the last two lines of Catullus 66, an idea independently conjectured by Alex Agnesini in 2011 and Ian Du Quesnay in 2012
Water supply: proyect spring estimation of sabro waterworks
Determinación de la calidad (en relación a la normativa europea) del agua subterránea extraÃda para consumo humano, relación de los parámetros con el acuÃfero y el suelo del que procede, determinación de la capacidad y edad de los actuales pozos de toma de agua subterránea, análisis de la capacidad de la actual planta de tratamiento del agua extraÃda, determinación de puntos crÃticos de la red de tuberÃas para el abastecimiento de agua y determinación de la influencia de la extracción de agua de pozos contiguos en los pozos a analizar en el estudio
Screening af hangrise - meddelelse nr. 996
En screening af 9 hangrisebesætninger viste, at frasorteringsprocenten alene baseret på skatoltallet var 2,3%. En sortering på baggrund af human nose gav 11% frasorterede, og der var 37% af hangrisene, der lå over 1.0 ppm androstenon
Reduction of boar taint - the practical way
The aim of organic pig production is to ensure high animal welfare and natural products. Banning castration is thus a logical step forward, but the risk of boar taint in the meat is a major barrier for marketing meat from entire male pigs. Is it possible to use genetic tools and breeding strategies to prevent boar taint? What is the effect of feeding, management, housing and hygiene? Is it possible to process the meat to minimize the risk of boar taint? These issues will be discussed based on the results from the research project NOCAST, as well as other on-going Danish research projects on entire male pigs.
Susanne Støier (DK): Boar taint – detection, consumer response and product quality
Hanne Maribo (DK), Bent Borg (DK) and Rikke Thomsen (DK): Reduction of boar taint – the practical way.
Anders Strathe (DK): Prevention of boar taint by means of genetics and breeding
Theme 2: Outdoor production of growing-finishing pigs, provision of roughage / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen
Use of roughage and outdoor production are two very important characteristics in organic livestock production. How does the use of roughage affect health and performance in growing-finishing pigs? Is it possible to encourage outdoor pigs to find a large part of their food directly in the field where they are kept, and how does this influence pig performance and meat quality? These issues will be discussed on the basis of results from two major research projects, SUMMER and ICOPP.
Liisa Voutila (FI): Effect of roughage on pig health and performance
Anne Grete Kongsted (DK) and Margrethe Therkildsen (DK): Outdoor growing-finishing pigs: effect of genotype and feeding strategy on animal behaviour, performance and meat quality
Theme 3: Environmental impact and animal welfare / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen
Robust and competitive organic pig production must minimise environmental impact as well as ensuring good animal health and welfare. In theory, improving animal health and welfare reduces environmental impacts through decreased medicine use, improved growth rates and feed conversion efficiency. Is it possible to verify these hypotheses on working farms? The relationship between animal health, welfare and environmental impact will be discussed based on the results from the Core organic II research project ProPig including data collection on these aspects on 75 organic pig farms across Europe. More specifically, it will also be discussed how management practices may affect parasite transmission and thus animal welfare within organic systems (PAROL and NOCAST projects).
Christine Leeb (A): Assessment of animal welfare and environmental impact.
Helena Mejer (DK): Parasite impact, transmission and control
John Hermansen (DK): Introduction to group discussion
Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Outpatients:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
A common adverse effect of antibiotic use is diarrhea. Probiotics are living microorganisms, which, upon oral ingestion, may prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) by the normalization of an unbalanced gastrointestinal flora. The objective of this systematic review was to assess the benefits and harms of probiotics used for the prevention of AAD in an outpatient setting. A search of the PubMed database was conducted and yielded a total of 17 RCTs with 3631 participants to be included in the review. A meta-analysis was conducted for the primary outcome: the incidence of AAD. The pooled results found that AAD was present in 8.0% of the probiotic group compared to 17.7% in the control group (RR 0.49, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.66; I2 = 58%), and the species-specific results were similar regarding the probiotic strains L. rhamnosus GG and S. boulardii. However, the overall quality of the included studies was moderate. A meta-analysis of the ten trials reporting adverse events demonstrated no statistically significant differences in the incidence of adverse events between the intervention and control group (RD 0.00, 95% CI −0.02 to 0.02, 2.363 participants). The results suggests that probiotic use may be beneficial in the prevention of AAD among outpatients. Furthermore, the use of probiotics appears safe
Hangriselugt - reduktion i praksis
Temadag om økologisk svineproduktion på Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg 13. juni 2013 kl. 9-17
Besætningsbesøg hos Nicolaj Pedersen, Hovborgvej 84, Hovborg (bus afgang fra Hovborg Kro kl. 9.00)
Velkomst og introduktion til dagen / Marianne Bonde, UHF
Hangriseproduktion / ordstyrer Jan Tind Sørensen
• Hangriselugt, hvad er det? - Og kan det reduceres i praksis? v Hanne Maribo, Videncenter for Svineproduktion og Bent Borg Jensen, Aarhus Universitet
• Kan ekstra rengøring fjerne lugten af orne – eller er det slagtevægten der skal optimeres? v Rikke Thomsen, Aarhus Universitet og økologisk svineproducent Preben Drastrup, Nibe
• Erfaringer fra praksis med hangrise v økologisk svineproducent Gert Ladegaard Jensen, Ikast
Slagtesvin på friland og grovfoder / ordstyrer Jan Tind Sørensen
• Kan slagtesvin vokse på det de finder i marken og hvordan smager kødet v. Anne Grete Kongsted, Aarhus Universitet, og økologisk svineproducent Karl Schmidt, Vamdrup
• Grovfoder til slagtesvin - produktion og sundhed (på engelsk) v. Liisa Voutila, Agrifood Research, Finland
Dyrevelfærd og miljø / ordstyrer Jan Tind Sørensen
• Har den økologiske so gode ben v Kristian Knage-Rasmussen, Aarhus Universitet
• Kan dyrevelfærd og miljø gå hånd i hånd v Tine Rousing og Pia Poulsen, Aarhus Universitet
• Parasitter – hvordan bekæmper vi dem v Helena Mejer, København Universitet
Intro workshop / Marianne Bonde, UHF
Workshops: cafe struktur 4 grupper a 20 min med tovholder
• Hangriseproduktion / Marianne Bonde, UHF
• Slagtesvin på friland / Anne Grete Kongsted, AU
• Dyrkning af protein-kilder / Tove Serup og Margrethe Askegaard, VFL
• Miljø og dyrevelfærd / Tine Rousing, AU og Helena Mejer, KU
Afrunding inkl. 5 min opsummering fra hver workshop-tovholder/ordstyrer Jan Tind Sørense
Activities with male pigs - Power point presentation
Presents different activities in Denmark with male pigs
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