125 research outputs found

    The Effect of Fluctuating Temperature on the Stability of Turoctocog Alfa for Hemophilia A

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    Factor VIII (FVIII) is indicated for the prevention or treatment of bleeding in patients with hemophilia A. FVIII product stability under high and fluctuating temperatures is important, particularly for patients who reside in, or travel to, regions with high ambient temperatures, as they may remove their product from the refrigerator and return it, unused, multiple times. We evaluated the effect of variable temperature storage conditions, including up to 40 Â°C, on the stability of the recombinant FVIII product, turoctocog alfa

    Patient preferences in the treatment of hemophilia A: impact of storage conditions on product choice

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    Objectives: To gain insights into the usage of factor VIII (FVIII) products by patients diagnosed with moderate/severe hemophilia A, and to assess the impact and perceived importance of product storage. Methods: In this study, 200 patients diagnosed with moderate or severe hemophilia A across seven countries participated. Data were collected via a 30-minute, face-to-face interview in six countries and via a web-based survey in the seventh country. The questionnaire evaluated the effect of six features associated with FVIII products on the choice of the product; the structure and flow of data collection was designed to eliminate potential bias. Results: Two-thirds of the respondents were using recombinant FVIII products. Only 17% were generally dissatisfied with current FVIII products, whereas 40% of the respondents were dissatisfied with frequency of administration and storage issues when traveling. The majority noted restrictions in their daily activities, particularly travel and sports. Most of them (85%), stored their product in the refrigerator and of these, 88% believed that it should always be stored there. These patients were also less satisfied with the product overall, more concerned about storage temperature, more restricted in daily activities, and spent more time on preparation and injection compared with patients who stored their product at room temperature. Conjoint analysis revealed that origin of FVIII (plasma-derived vs recombinant) was the strongest driver of product choice among all respondents, followed by storage flexibility (temperature), reconstitution device, and administration frequency. In this study, we did not investigate the efficacy and safety of the product. Conclusion: Not refrigerating FVIII products was associated with greater patient satisfaction and less restriction on daily activities. If efficacy and safety are unaffected, then storing FVIII at room temperature might have a positive impact on product choice. Few patients were aware that FVIII can be stored without refrigeration, suggesting that health care professionals who treat hemophilia should communicate this aspect to the patient (depending on the labeled option); this approach might offer patients greater flexibility when traveling and require less time for reconstitution

    Incidence of venous thromboembolism and use of anticoagulation in hematological malignancies: Critical review of the literature

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    Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) frequently complicates the course of hematologic malignancies (HM) and its incidence is similar to that observed in high-risk solid tumors. Despite that, pharmacologic prophylaxis and treatment of VTE in patients with HM is challenging, mainly because a severe thrombocytopenia frequently complicates the course of treatments or may be present since diagnosis, thus increasing the risk of bleeding. Therefore, in this setting, safe and effective methods of VTE prophylaxis and treatment have not been well defined and hematologists generally refer to guidelines produced for cancer patients that give indications on anticoagulation in patients with thrombocytopenia. In this review, besides to summarize the incidence and the available data on prophylaxis and treatment of VTE in HM, we give some advices on how to use antithrombotic drugs in patients with HM according to platelets count

    Combined Point of Care Tools Are Able to Improve Treatment Adherence and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Severe Hemophilia: An Observational Prospective Study

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    Introduction: Ultrasound (US) assessment of joints is an evolving point of care tool for the detection of early joint arthropathy (Napolitano M, Kessler CM. Hemophilia A and B. Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Kitchens, 4th edition); population pharmacokinetic (pop-PK) studies are adopted as a useful instrument to set the prophylaxis regimen for patients with hemophilia, they may improve adherence (Nagao A.et al. Thromb Res. 2019 Jan; 173:79-84) and reduce the annual bleeding rate (ABR). Adherence to continuous intravenous administrations of factor VIII or Factor IX products is challenging, thus patients may experience breakthrough bleedings while on prophylaxis. Repeated US examinations of joint status have recently been advocated to attempt to remedy sub-optimal medication adherence (Di Minno A et al., Blood Rev. 2019 Jan;33:106-116). Aim of the current prospective analysis was to evaluate the impact of combined US assessment and pop-PK study on adherence to treatment and health related quality of life in patients with severe hemophilia A(HA) and B (HB) under regular prophylaxis. Material and methods: This prospective observational study was performed at a single tertiary center from January 2017 to June 2019. Research was conducted following the Helsinki Declaration. All patients included in the study provided a written informed consent for study participation. Patients with severe HA and HB routinely underwent, as part of regular 12-months follow-up visits, the following: US joints evaluation of elbows, knees and ankles using the HEAD-US protocol, treatment adherence evaluation by VERITAS-Pro questionnaire, health –related quality of life assessment by the standardized EQ-5D,EQ-VAS and pop-PK study (WAPPS-Hemo, McMaster University) as needed (i.e.in case of changes in life style, planned treatment switch); each patient visualised US and his estimated PK profile during medial encounters. Compliance to the prescribed treatment was also determined by analysis of patient diaries with infusion logs. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software version 25.0 (SPSS Chicago, IL). Statistical tests were 2-sided, with a significance threshold of 0.05. Results: Twenty consecutive males with severe haemophilia were included in the current analysis, 13 with severe HA, 2 with HA with previous inhibitors and 5 HB, with a median age of 30 (range 14- 56) years and a median ABR of 5 (range:0-12). Nine patients were under primary prophylaxis, 8 under secondary prophylaxis and 3 under tertiary prophylaxis, they all self-infused at home. Four patients had one target joint and 3 patients had multiple target joints. For each enrolled subject, HEAD-US score, VERITAS-pro, EQ5D and EQ-VAS score were assessed at enrolment (T0) and at 12 (T12) and 24 (T24) months follow-up visits, respectively. Pop-PK was assessed in 11 patients: in 7 (5 HA,2 HB) it was assessed twice, before and after treatment switch to extended half-life (EHL) products, in 4 it was assessed once to modify prophylaxis treatment schedules for a more active life-style (N=2) or weight changes (N=2). Median ABR was 4 at T12 and 3.8 at T24. Reported breakthrough bleeds at T12 were 14, mainly trauma-related (N= 8) or affecting target joints (N=4), they were not reported at T24 in patients with PK-driven modified schedules (N=4) and in 4 patients under EHL treatments. Mean HEAD-US score at T0 resulted 8 (range:0-16), at T24 it was 6 (range:0-16). Mean Veritas-Pro score values were 42.7 at TO, 40.1 at T12 and 38.7 at T24. At T0, EQ-5D mean utility score was 0.82 (range: 0.68-1), at T24, the mean was 0.87 (range:0.72-1). In detail, at 24 months follow-up, there was a statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement in adherence to treatment with particular reference to the dimensions of communication and skipped doses. A tendency toward improved HEAD-US score, higher adherence and better quality of life scores, was observed in particular in patients switched to EHL products at T24, at a mean of 10 months after switching (range: 6-22 months). Conclusion: Several combined measures of haemophilia treatment monitoring, allowing visual assessment of joints status and PK profile estimates by patients have here shown to improve treatment adherence and quality of life in patients with HA and HB, this may be not only related to new available treatments but also to an increased awareness and education of patients

    Circulating Endothelial Cell Levels Correlate with Treatment Outcomes of Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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    Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) are viable, apoptotic or necrotic cells, identified by CD 146 surface antigen expression, considered a biomarker of thrombotic risk, given their active role in inflammatory, procoagulant and immune processes of the vascular compartment. Growing evidence establishes that CECs are also involved in the pathogenesis of several hematological and solid malignancies. The primary aim of this study was to verify if CEC levels could predict both the course and treatment responses of splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT), either in patients affected by myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) or liver disease. Thus, a retrospective multicenter study was performed; fifteen patients receiving anticoagulant oral treatment with vitamin k antagonists (VKA) for SVT were evaluated. Nine patients were affected by MPN, and all of them received cytoreduction in addition to anticoagulant therapy; four of these patients had primary myelofibrosis (PMF) and were treated with ruxolitinib (RUX), and one patient with primary myelofibrosis, two patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), and two patients with polycythemia vera (PV) were treated with hydroxyurea (HU). Six patients affected by liver diseases (three with liver cirrhosis and three with hepatocellular carcinoma) were included as the control group. CECs were assayed by flow cytometry on peripheral blood at specific time points, for up to six months after enrollment. The CEC levels were related to C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, splenic volume reduction, and thrombus recanalization, mainly in MPN patients. In patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), for which the mechanism of SVT development is quite different, the relationship between CEC and SV reduction was absent. In conclusion, the CEC levels showed a significant correlation with the extent of venous thrombosis and endothelial cell damage in myeloproliferative neoplasm patients with splanchnic vein thrombosis. Although preliminary, these results show how monitoring CEC levels during cytoreductive and anticoagulant treatments may be useful to improve SVT outcome in MPN patients

    Benign intracranial hypertension associated to blood coagulation derangements

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    Benign Intracranial Hypertension (BIH) may be caused, at least in part, by intracranial sinus thrombosis. Thrombosis is normally due to derangements in blood coagulation cascade which may predispose to abnormal clotting activation or deficiency in natural inhibitors' control. The aim of the study is to examine the strength of the association between risk factors for thrombosis and BIH
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