138 research outputs found
Effektevaluering af adjunktuddannelse i en programteoretisk ramme â et casestudie
Vi evaluerede lektorkvalificeringsforløbet pü Københavns Professionshøjskole (KP), efter at alle elementer i denne havde vÌret udbudt mindst Ên gang (ca. 1 ür), med henblik pü at vurdere hele forløbets sammensÌtning samt fü input til evt. revision. Vi valgte at lave denne evaluering i en programteoretisk ramme, hvor vi sü pü lektorkvalificeringen som en intervention beregnet pü at øge kvaliteten af og samarbejdet om undervisningen pü KP. Vi formulerede derfor de ønskede effekter og rettede evalueringsspørgsmülene mod at undersøge 1) om programmet har de ønskede effekter; 2) hvilke justeringer eller andre handlinger der evt. bør foretages.
I denne artikel prĂŚsenterer vi som det første resultat programteorien for KPâs lektorkvalificering og diskuterer vores begrundelser for og erfaringer med at bruge programteori som ramme for evaluering af denne type program. Herudover analyserer vi udvalgte resultater, som er centrale for vores programteori, og diskuterer, om disse giver os anledning til at genbesøge programteorien
Size differences of Arctic marine protists between two climate periods - using the paleoecological record to assess the importance of within-species trait variation
Mean body size decreases with increasing temperature in a variety of organisms. This sizeâtemperature relationship has generally been tested through space but rarely through time. We analyzed the sedimentary archive of dinoflagellate cysts in a sediment record taken from the West Greenland shelf and show that mean cell size decreased at both intraâ and interspecific scales in a period of relatively warm temperatures, compared with a period of relatively cold temperatures. We further show that intraspecific changes accounted for more than 70% of the change in community mean size, whereas shifts in species composition only accounted for about 30% of the observed change. Literature values on size ranges and midpoints for individual taxa were in several cases not representative for the measured sizes, although changes in community mean size, calculated from literature values, did capture the direction of change. While the results show that intraspecific variation is necessary to accurately estimate the magnitude of change in protist community mean size, it may be possible to investigate general patterns, that is relative size differences, using interspecificâlevel estimates
Phytoplankton growth after a century of dormancy illuminates past resilience to catastrophic darkness
Photosynthesis evolved in the oceans more than 3 billion years ago and has persisted throughout all major extinction events in Earth's history. The most recent of such events is linked to an abrupt collapse of primary production due to darkness following the Chicxulub asteroid impact 65.5 million years ago. Coastal phytoplankton groups (particularly dinoflagellates and diatoms) appear to have been resilient to this biotic crisis, but the reason for their high survival rates is still unknown. Here we show that the growth performance of dinoflagellate cells germinated from resting stages is unaffected by up to a century of dormancy. Our results clearly indicate that phytoplankton resting stages can endure periods of darkness far exceeding those estimated for the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction and may effectively aid the rapid resurgence of primary production in coastal areas after events of prolonged photosynthesis shut-down
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