5 research outputs found

    Avaliação diagnóstica da presença de resíduos de agrotóxicos em amostras de urina de moradores de uma “vila rural” do município de Francisco Beltrão/PR

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    Pesticide contamination in rural communities is a well-known problem worldwide, but it is often hidden or underestimated. The development of research projects that identify this type of contamination is essential to advance the debate on the deleterious effects of pesticides. This article presents the results of a research that investigated the levels of pesticide residues in urine samples from residents of a “vila rural” located in the municipality of Francisco Beltrão, state of Paraná, Brazil. According to residents’ reports, the main form of exposure has been due the drift of pesticides resulting from spraying carried out on crops neighboring Vila Rural. Through the application of questionnaires, residents stated that spraying is related to symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness, among others, in addition to problems in the development of food grown in their plots (of 5,000 m2), mostly without the use of pesticides. After the collection of urine samples, laboratory analyzes were performed to identify pesticide residues, such as glyphosate, 2,4D (the most used), and other active ingredients. Samples were collected immediately after the occurrence of spraying onto crops surrounding the site. In the collected samples (n=35), laboratory analyzes were performed to identify possible pesticide residues. To identify possible contaminating pesticides in the samples, multi-residue analysis was performed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). To identify 2.4D residues, an active widely used in the region and not detectable by the technique used for other pesticides, the analyzes were performed by Unioeste using the enzyme immunoassay technique. The results indicate that all urine samples collected showed the presence of 2,4D residues and that 33 samples (90% of them) presented the presence of glyphosate-AMPA residues, without the detection of the other investigated residues. The analysis of data obtained from interviews with residents shows an association between living in the place for longer and having cases of abortion (p<0.05, R=0.43) or feeling unwell after the application of the poison by the neighboring crop (p<0.05, R=0.47). In addition, residents who reported being poisoned with poison also reported having cancer (p<0.05, R=0.42). Assuming that it is unacceptable that urine samples have pesticide residues, it is concluded that the residents of this community are widely exposed and contaminated by pesticides sprayed by third parties, and that may be impacting the health of these people in the long term. It indicate a process of environmental injustice, given that the residents are being contaminated through pesticide use in the crops bordering the “vila rural”. Keywords: Pesticides; Contamination; Rural community; Urine; Environmental injustice.La contaminación por pesticidas en comunidades rurales es un problema mundialmente conocido, pero generalmente oculto. El desarrollo de investigaciones que identifiquen este tipo de contaminación es fundamental para avanzar en el debate sobre los efectos deletéreos de los plaguicidas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca de los niveles de residuos de pesticidas en muestras de orina de residentes de una “vila rural”, ubicada en el municipio de Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, Brasil. Según los informes de personas de la comunidad, la principal forma de exposición se relaciona con la deriva de pesticidas resultante de las fumigaciones realizadas en los cultivos vecinos a la “vila rural”. Mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, los residentes manifestaron que las fumigaciones se relacionan con síntomas como náuseas, dolores de cabeza, mareos, entre otros, además de problemas en el desarrollo de los alimentos que cultivan en sus parcelas (de 5.000 m2), en su mayoría sin el uso de pesticidas. A través de la recolección de muestras de orina, se realizaron análisis de laboratorio para identificar residuos de plaguicidas, como glifosato, 2,4D (los más utilizados) y otros principios activos. Para la identificación de los residuos de 2,4D, los análisis fueron realizados por la Unioeste, utilizando la técnica de inmunoensayo enzimático. Para la identificación de otros residuos, las muestras fueron enviadas para un laboratorio comercial especializado en análisis multiresiduos. Los resultados del análisis indican que las 35 muestras de orina recolectadas mostraron la presencia de residuos 2,4D, y que 33 muestras (90%) mostraron la presencia de residuos de glifosato-AMPA, sin que se detectaran residuos de los otros plaguicidas investigados. El análisis de los datos obtenidos a través de los cuestionarios indica una asociación entre vivir muchos años en el lugar y la existencia de casos de aborto (p<0,05, R=0,47). Además, los residentes que reportaron haber sido intoxicados por pesticidas también reportaron tener algún tipo de cáncer (p<0.05, R=0.42). Asumiendo que es inaceptable que las muestras de orina contengan residuos de pesticidas, se concluye que los habitantes de Vila Rural están ampliamente expuestos y contaminados por pesticidas rociados por terceros, y que esto debe impactar su salud a largo plazo. Esto indica un proceso de injusticia ambiental, dado que los residentes están siendo contaminados por el uso de pesticidas en los cultivos aledaños a la “vila rural”. Palabras clave: Pesticidas; Contaminación; Comunidad rural; Orina; Injusticia ambiental.A contaminação por agrotóxicos em comunidades rurais é um problema mundialmente conhecido, mas, geralmente, ocultado. O desenvolvimento de pesquisas que identifiquem este tipo de contaminação é fundamental para se avançar no debate sobre os efeitos deletérios dos agrotóxicos. Este artigo, apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou os níveis de resíduos de agrotóxicos em amostras de urina de moradores de uma vila rural localizada no município de Francisco Beltrão/PR. Segundo relato dos moradores, a principal forma de exposição tem se dado em virtude da deriva de agrotóxicos decorrente da pulverização realizada em lavouras vizinhas à vila rural. Através da aplicação de questionários, os moradores afirmaram que as pulverizações estão relacionadas a sintomas como náuseas, dores de cabeça, tonturas, entre outros, além de problemas no desenvolvimento de alimentos plantados em seus lotes (de 5.000 m2), majoritariamente sem uso de agrotóxicos. Através da coleta de amostras de urina, foram realizadas análises laboratoriais para identificação de multiresíduos de agrotóxicos. Para identificação de resíduos de 2,4D, as análises foram feitas pela Unioeste, por meio da utilização da técnica de enzimaimunoensaio. Para os demais resíduos, as amostras foram avaliadas por cromatografia de alta resolução acoplada à espectrometria de massas para análises de multiresíduos de agrotóxicos. Os resultados das análises indicam que todas as 35 amostras de urina coletadas apresentaram presença de resíduos de 2,4D, e que 33 amostras (90%) apresentaram presença de resíduos de glifosato-AMPA, sem a detecção de resíduos dos outros agrotóxicos investigados. A análise dos dados obtidos através dos questionários indica uma associação entre residir no local por muitos anos e a existência de casos de aborto (p<0.05, R=0.47). Além disso, moradores que reportaram ter sido intoxicados por agrotóxicos também reportaram ter tido algum tipo de câncer (p<0.05, R=0.42). Partindo do pressuposto de que é inaceitável que amostras de urina possuam resíduos de agrotóxicos, conclui-se que os moradores da área estudada estão amplamente expostos e contaminados por agrotóxicos pulverizados por terceiros, e que isso deve impactar sua saúde em longo prazo. Isso indica um processo de injustiça ambiental, haja vista que os moradores estão sendo contaminados através da utilização de agrotóxicos nas lavouras limítrofes. Palavras-chave: Agrotóxicos; Contaminação; Comunidade rural; Urina; Injustiça ambiental.   Diagnostic evaluation of the presence of pesticide residues in urine samples from residents of a “vila rural” in the Francisco Beltrão municipality, state of Paraná, Brazil   Abstract Pesticide contamination in rural communities is a well-known problem worldwide, but it is often hidden or underestimated. The development of research projects that identify this type of contamination is essential to advance the debate on the deleterious effects of pesticides. This article presents the results of a research that investigated the levels of pesticide residues in urine samples from residents of a “vila rural” located in the municipality of Francisco Beltrão, state of Paraná, Brazil. According to residents’ reports, the main form of exposure has been due the drift of pesticides resulting from spraying carried out on crops neighboring Vila Rural. Through the application of questionnaires, residents stated that spraying is related to symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and dizziness, among others, in addition to problems in the development of food grown in their plots (of 5,000 m2), mostly without the use of pesticides. After the collection of urine samples, laboratory analyzes were performed to identify pesticide residues, such as glyphosate, 2,4D (the most used), and other active ingredients. Samples were collected immediately after the occurrence of spraying onto crops surrounding the site. In the collected samples (n=35), laboratory analyzes were performed to identify possible pesticide residues. To identify possible contaminating pesticides in the samples, multi-residue analysis was performed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). To identify 2.4D residues, an active widely used in the region and not detectable by the technique used for other pesticides, the analyzes were performed by Unioeste using the enzyme immunoassay technique. The results indicate that all urine samples collected showed the presence of 2,4D residues and that 33 samples (90% of them) presented the presence of glyphosate-AMPA residues, without the detection of the other investigated residues. The analysis of data obtained from interviews with residents shows an association between living in the place for longer and having cases of abortion (p<0.05, R=0.43) or feeling unwell after the application of the poison by the neighboring crop (p<0.05, R=0.47). In addition, residents who reported being poisoned with poison also reported having cancer (p<0.05, R=0.42). Assuming that it is unacceptable that urine samples have pesticide residues, it is concluded that the residents of this community are widely exposed and contaminated by pesticides sprayed by third parties, and that may be impacting the health of these people in the long term. It indicate a process of environmental injustice, given that the residents are being contaminated through pesticide use in the crops bordering the “vila rural”. Keywords: Pesticides; Contamination; Rural community; Urine; Environmental injustice.   Evaluación diagnóstica de la presencia de residuos de pesticidas en orina de residentes de una “vila rural” en el município de Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, Brasil   Resumen La contaminación por pesticidas en comunidades rurales es un problema mundialmente conocido, pero generalmente oculto. El desarrollo de investigaciones que identifiquen este tipo de contaminación es fundamental para avanzar en el debate sobre los efectos deletéreos de los plaguicidas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación acerca de los niveles de residuos de pesticidas en muestras de orina de residentes de una “vila rural”, ubicada en el municipio de Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, Brasil. Según los informes de personas de la comunidad, la principal forma de exposición se relaciona con la deriva de pesticidas resultante de las fumigaciones realizadas en los cultivos vecinos a la “vila rural”. Mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, los residentes manifestaron que las fumigaciones se relacionan con síntomas como náuseas, dolores de cabeza, mareos, entre otros, además de problemas en el desarrollo de los alimentos que cultivan en sus parcelas (de 5.000 m2), en su mayoría sin el uso de pesticidas. A través de la recolección de muestras de orina, se realizaron análisis de laboratorio para identificar residuos de plaguicidas, como glifosato, 2,4D (los más utilizados) y otros principios activos. Para la identificación de los residuos de 2,4D, los análisis fueron realizados por la Unioeste, utilizando la técnica de inmunoensayo enzimático. Para la identificación de otros residuos, las muestras fueron enviadas para un laboratorio comercial especializado en análisis multiresiduos. Los resultados del análisis indican que las 35 muestras de orina recolectadas mostraron la presencia de residuos 2,4D, y que 33 muestras (90%) mostraron la presencia de residuos de glifosato-AMPA, sin que se detectaran residuos de los otros plaguicidas investigados. El análisis de los datos obtenidos a través de los cuestionarios indica una asociación entre vivir muchos años en el lugar y la existencia de casos de aborto (p<0,05, R=0,47). Además, los residentes que reportaron haber sido intoxicados por pesticidas también reportaron tener algún tipo de cáncer (p<0.05, R=0.42). Asumiendo que es inaceptable que las muestras de orina contengan residuos de pesticidas, se concluye que los habitantes de Vila Rural están ampliamente expuestos y contaminados por pesticidas rociados por terceros, y que esto debe impactar su salud a largo plazo. Esto indica un proceso de injusticia ambiental, dado que los residentes están siendo contaminados por el uso de pesticidas en los cultivos aledaños a la “vila rural”. Palabras clave: Pesticidas; Contaminación; Comunidad rural; Orina; Injusticia ambiental

    Uma reflexão bioética sobre a perspectiva de acadêmicos de medicina sobre abortamento e descriminalização

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    O abortamento é definido, pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, como a interrupção da gravidez antes da viabilidade fetal. Apesar de uma definição clara, o abortamento ou aborto aparece como uma questão de relevância bioética com diversas controvérsias muito discutida na “bioética de situações persistentes”. Este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar a opinião de acadêmicos de medicina de universidades públicas e privadas a respeito do abortamento, descriminalização e dos deveres do médico diante de uma situação de aborto provocado. Foram incluídas nesta pesquisa respostas de acadêmicos de Medicina (n=110) a questionário estruturado autoaplicado a respeito da descriminalização do abortamento. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos alunos (89%) é favorável à descriminalização do aborto em várias situações, incluindo casos em que a lei brasileira ainda não permite o abortamento, como em caso de malformações compatíveis com a vida e alterações cromossômicas. Além disso, os alunos defendem que os principais responsáveis pela decisão sobre a realização do aborto sejam os dois progenitores. Discussões a respeito das implicações bioéticas do aborto e os direitos e deveres do médico nesse contexto são fundamentais, haja vista a ignorância que ainda existe sobre esse assunto.Abortion is defined by the World Health Organization as the termination of pregnancy before fetal viability. Despite the clear definition, abortion is a matter of bioethical relevance with several much-discussed controversies in the “bioethics of persistent situations." This article aims to assess the opinion of medical students from public and private universities regarding abortion, decriminalization, and the physician's duties in the face of an induced abortion. This survey included responses from medical students (n=110) to a self-administered structured questionnaire regarding the decriminalization of abortion. The results showed that most students (89%) are in favor of decriminalizing abortion in several situations, including cases where Brazilian law still does not allow it, such as in the case of malformations compatible with life and chromosomal alterations. In addition, students defend that the pregnant woman and the father should be the main ones responsible for deciding to carry out an abortion. Discussions about the bioethical implications of abortion and the physician's rights and duties in this context are fundamental, given the general ignorance on this subject

    Brief research report pesticide occupational exposure leads to significant inflammatory changes in normal mammary breast tissue

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    Studies have documented the high occurrence of several tumors, including female breast cancer, in populations occupationally exposed to pesticides worldwide. It is believed that in addition to direct DNA damage, other molecular alterations that indicate genomic instability are associated, such as epigenetic modifications and the production of inflammation mediators. The present study characterized the profile of inflammatory changes in the breast tissue of women without cancer occupationally exposed to pesticides. In samples of normal breast tissue collected during biopsy and evaluated as negative for cancer by a pathologist, oxidative stress levels were assessed as inflammatory markers through measurements of lipoperoxides and total antioxidant capacity of the sample (TRAP) by high-sensitivity chemiluminescence, as well as levels of nitric oxide (NOx) metabolites. The levels of inflammation-modulating transcription factors PPAR-γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) and NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B) were also quantified, in addition to the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 12 (IL-12). The levels of lipoperoxides, TRAP, and NOx were significantly lower in the exposed group. On the other hand, PPAR-γ levels were increased in the breast tissue of exposed women, with no variation in NF-κB. There was also a rise of TNF-α in exposed women samples without significant variations in IL-12 levels. These findings suggest an inflammatory signature of the breast tissue associated with pesticide exposure, which may trigger mechanisms related to mutations and breast carcinogenesis

    Excess body weight significantly affects systemic and tumor inflammatory status and correlates to poor prognosis parameters in patients with breast cancer

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    Introduction: Obesity is a pro-inflammatory disease critical for developing breast cancer (BC), which impacts the profiles of systemic inflammatory mediators and determinants of different disease clinical outcomes remains little explored. Methods: A total of 195 patients diagnosed with breast cancer were included. Aiming to exclude chemotherapy interference on circulating mediators, samples were collected at diagnosis, out of the treatment period. Patients were classified as normal weight (BMI up to 24.9 kg/m2) or overweight (BMI ≥25.0 kg/m2). Serum levels of IL-4, IL-12, hydroperoxides, and nitric oxide metabolites (NOx) were measured. Also, tumor expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), TGF-β1, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes were evaluated. Results: IL-4 levels were significantly increased in the overweight BC group (p = 0.0329), including patients with luminal B subtype (p = 0.0443), presence of lymph node metastases (p = 0.0115) and age of diagnosis below 50 years, (p = 0.0488). IL-12 levels were significantly increased in overweight BC patients with lymph node metastases (p = 0.0115). Hydroperoxides were increased in overweight BC patients (p = 0.0437), including those with tumors smaller than 2 cm (p = 0.05). NOx levels were also increased in overweight BC patients, including those with luminal B disorders (p = 0.0443), high-grade tumors (p = 0.0351) and lymph node metastases (p = 0.0155). The expression of iNOS (p < 0.001) and TCD4+ lymphocytes (p = 0.0378) was significantly investigated in tumor biopsies from overweight BC women. Conclusions: These data provide a picture of the influence of excess body weight on inflammatory mediators' systemic and tumoral profiles, especially in patients displaying poor outcome BC