10 research outputs found

    Características bromatológicas e digestibilidade in vitro de quatro variedades de cana-de-açúcar submetidas ou não à aplicação de cal virgem

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    The experiment was conducted to evaluate the bromatological characteristics and the in vitro digestibility of four sugarcane varieties, subjected or not to hydrolysis, with quicklime. A completely randomized design was employed with three replications arranged in a 4 × 2 factorial scheme, with four sugarcane varieties (SP 52454, RB 867515, RB 855536 and IAC 862480), hydrolyzed or not. There was significant effect on brix (p < 0.05) and industrial fiber (p < 0.05), and IAC 862480 variety had the lowest levels of industrial fiber. There were no significant difference (p &gt; 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin levels among the sugarcane varieties under analysis and for the sugarcanes, hydrolyzed or not. The use of sugarcane hydrolysis with 1% quicklime improves the in vitro digestibility of NDF and ADF, regardless of the variety studied. Hydrolysis with 1% quicklime did not alter the sugarcane chemical composition

    Digestion of feed fractions and intake of heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane stored for different periods

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate, in Nellore heifers, intake and digestibility of hydrolyzed sugarcane stored for different periods. The experimental design used was a 4 × 4 Latin square, four diets, four Nellore heifers with ruminal cannulas (initial body weight 285.4±23.08 kg and average initial age 14 months) and four periods of 21 days. The diets were composed by fresh sugarcane (time zero) or hydrolyzed sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime, stored for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as the unique forage. Intake and digestibility of feed fractions, nitrogen balance, microbial synthesis efficiency, total number of ruminal protozoans and ammoniacal nitrogen did not significantly change by storing sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime. Sugarcane pH varied quadratically for storage time, with maximum pH of 7.02 after 24 hours from lime addition. Ruminal liquid pH values were higher for heifers fed fresh sugarcane, in comparison with those fed hydrolyzed sugarcane. Sugarcane treated with 0.5% of hydrated lime stored for up to 72 hours does not change ruminal digestion to alter the amount of feed consumed by pubescent Nellore heifers. Thus, lime is a viable technology, once it allows long-duration storage and bee control on treated forage, which contributes to animal feeding logistics

    Silagem de milho, cana-de-açúcar in natura e hidrolisada, para vacas em lactação

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada (CH) com cal virgem como único volumoso na dieta de vacas em lactação sobre o consumo de nutrientes, produção e composição do leite, e análise parcial de custos. Os tratamentos foram cana-de-açúcar picada in natura (CIN), CH com 0,5% de cal virgem armazenada por 48 horas (CH48), CH com 0,5% de cal virgem armazenada por 72 horas (CH72) e silagem de milho (SM), juntamente com o concentrado. Utilizaram-se oito vacas da raça holandesa, pós-pico de lactação, delineadas em dois quadrados latino 4x4, com períodos de 19 dias. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi em média 17,42; 10,90; 10,49 e 10,12 kg para o tratamento com SM, CIN, CH48 e CH72 respectivamente (P<0,05). O consumo de nutrientes em kg/dia e em porcentagem do peso corporal, com exceção do consumo de fibra em detergente ácido, foi superior (P<0,05) para o tratamento SM em relação aos demais tratamentos. Para os tratamentos contendo cana-deaçúcar foi verificado que o consumo de fibra em detergente neutro foi menor para CH72 em relação à CIN, e ambos semelhantes à CH48. A produção de leite foi em média 13,29; 9,55; 10,45 e 11,10 kg/dia para o tratamento com SM, CIN, CH48 e CH72 respectivamente (P<0,05). Quanto à composição do leite verificou-se que independente do tratamento, permaneceu dentro dos padrões exigidos. Vacas alimentadas com silagem de milho juntamente com o concentrado produziram mais leite que vacas alimentadas com a CH com 48 e 72 horas mais o concentrado, porém a alimentação de vacas leiteiras com CH proporcionou redução no custo do quilograma de leite produzido e melhor margem bruta.The objective was to evaluate the sugar cane hydrolyzed (SCH) with virgin lime as the only roughage in the diet of dairy cows on the consumption of nutrients, production, milk composition and partial analysis of costs. The treatments were cane in nature (CIN), sugar cane hydrolyzed with 0.5% of lime virgin and 48 hours of storage (SC48), sugar cane hydrolyzed with 0.5% of lime virgin and 72 hours of storage (SCH72), and corn silage (CS), together with the concentrate. Eight Holstein cows, post-peak lactation, were used outlined in Latin square 4x4, with periods of 19 days. The dry matter intake was on averaged 17.42, 10.90, 10.49 and 10.12 kg for the treatment with CS, CIN, SCH48 and SCH72 respectively (P<0.05). The consumption of nutrients in kg/day and percentage of body weight, with the exception of consumption of acid detergent fiber, it was greater (P <0.05) for animals fed with CS than the animals fed with other treatments. For treatments containing sugar cane was verified that the neutral detergent fiber consumption was higher for SCH72 on CIN, both similar to SCH48. Milk production was on average 13.29, 9.55, 10.45 and 11.10 kg/day for the treatment with CS, CIN, SCH48 and SCH72 respectively (P<0.05). About milk composition it was verified that independent of treatment, remained within the required standards. Cows fed with corn silage together with the concentrate produced more milk than cows fed with SCH with 48 and 72 hours more the concentrate, but the feeding of dairy cows with sugar cane hydrolyzed has reduced the cost of kilograms of milk produced and with better gross margin.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada para vacas em lactação

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    This study aimed to evaluate chemical composition, nutrient intake, in vitro digestibility, blood parameters, milk production, milk composition and partial economic evaluation of dairy cows fed diets with different proportions of sugarcane hydrolyzed with hydrated lime and corn silage. Eight Holstein cows, designed into two 4 x 4 Latin Squares with four periods of 19 days each, 14 days of adaptation and five days of data collection. The cows were fed with diets containing 100% hydrolyzed sugarcane (HS); 70% HS + 30% corn silage (CS); 50% HS + 50% CS; and 100% CS. The concentrate was supplied at the rate of 1 kg for every 2.5 kg of milk. The sugarcane used was IAC 862480 with 12 months of growth, particle size of 8 mm, hydrolyzed with 0.5% hydrated lime (≥ 95% calcium hydroxide) + 2,0 liters water + 100 kg chopped sugarcane, based on natural matter. Diets with hydrolyzed sugarcane as the only forage and diets with 70% HS + 30% CS decreased dry matter, crude protein and digestible nutrients intake. The lower in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility was 34.92% for the diet with 100% hydrolyzed sugarcane. Milk yield and 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield decreased linearly (P0.05). Diets with hydrolyzed sugarcane showed better cost-benefit. Although all proportios can be used, it’s recommended the combination of 50% of the corn silage and hydrolyzed sugarcane due to reach results closer to corn silage and reduce the cost of the kilogram of milkEste trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as diferentes proporções de cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada e silagem de milho na alimentação de vacas leiteiras através da composição bromatológica, consumo de nutrientes, digestibilidade in vitro, parâmetros sanguíneos, produção de leite, composição do leite e avaliação econômica parcial das dietas. Foram utilizadas oito vacas da raça Holandesa, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4, com quatro períodos de 19 dias cada, sendo 14 dias de adaptação e cinco dias de coleta. As vacas foram alimentadas com dietas contendo 100% de cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada (CH); 70% de CH + 30% de silagem de milho (SM); 50% CH + 50% SM; e 100% SM. O concentrado foi fornecido na proporção de 1 kg para cada 2,5 kg de leite produzido. A cana-de-açúcar utilizada foi a IAC 862480 com 12 meses de crescimento, picada no tamanho de partícula de 8 mm, hidrolisada com 0,5% de cal hidratada (95% de hidróxido de cálcio) + 2,0 litros de água + 100kg de cana-de-açúcar picada, com base na matéria natural. As dietas com cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada como único volumoso e as dietas com 70% CH + 30% SM causaram menor consumo de matéria seca, proteína bruta e de nutrientes digestíveis. A menor digestibilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro foi de 34,92% para a dieta com 100% cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada. As produções de leite e as produções de leite para 3,5% de gordura (PL3,5%G) diminuíram linearmente (P0,05). As dietas com cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada apresentaram melhor custo/beneficio. Embora todas as proporções possam ser utilizadas, recomenda-se a associação de ..

    Productive performance of dairy cows fed with hydrolyzed sugarcane

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    This study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of dairy cows fed with sugarcane treated with 5g kg-1 of calcium oxide (CaO) or hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]. Eight Holstein cows with 638.01±12.52kg of body weight and milk yield of 20.32±1.5kg d-1 were randomly assigned into two 4x4 Latin squares, fed with the following diets composed of corn silage (CS), fresh sugarcane (FS), sugarcane treated with calcium oxide (STCO) or calcium hydroxide (STCH) as only forage. Data collection lasted five days, after 15 days of adaptation to diets and facilities. The dry matter intake (% of body weight) was higher in diets with CS (3.08) compared to those with FS (2.67), STCO (2.73) or STCH (2.73), which did not differ. Diets with CS determined milk production adjusted for 4% fat (20.05kg d-1) similar to diets containing STCO and STCH (18.01 and 17.89kg d-1, respectively) and higher than those with FS (17.33kg d-1). The experimental diets did not alter the composition of milk. The use of sugarcane treated with Ca(OH)2 is a viable option for feeding Holstein cows with average genetic potential for milk production because it allows production and composition similar to milk dairy cows fed with corn silage, besides benefiting the logistics of feeding in the rural properties

    Consumo de matéria seca e desempenho de novilhas Nelore alimentadas com dietas contendo cana-de-açúcar hidrolisada

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho de novilhas Nelore alimentadas com dietas contendo cana-de-açúcar in natura (CN) ou hidrolisada (CH) com 0,5% de Ca(OH)2 armazenada por 24, 48 e 72 horas. Foram utilizadas 24 novilhas com nove meses de idade e 119,6±8,1kg de peso corporal inicial. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualisado com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. O consumo de matéria seca foi reduzido em 29% pela adição de Ca(OH)2, não sendo alterado pelo período de armazenamento da CH. O consumo de cálcio foi incrementado (P<0,05) pela utilização de CH nas dietas, mantendo níveis de ingestão aceitáveis. Novilhas alimentadas com CH armazenada por 24, 48 e 72 horas apresentaram, respectivamente, ganhos de peso 41, 30 e 35% inferior (P<0,05) àquelas alimentadas com CN. O tratamento da cana-de-açúcar com Ca(OH)2 não é recomendado para alimentação de novilhas Nelore, em virtude de limitar a ingestão e reduzir o ganho de peso.The study aimed to evaluate the nutrients intake and performance of Nellore heifers fed with chopped sugarcane, fresh (FS) or treated (HS) with 0.5% of Ca(OH)2 and stored during 24, 48 or 72 hours. It was used twenty-four heifers with nine months age and 119.6±8.1kg of initial body weight. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and six replications. The dry matter intake showed an average reduction of 29% by adding Ca(OH)2, and didn't change with the storage period. Calcium intake was increased by the use of HS in the diet, while maintaining acceptable levels of intake. Heifers fed with HS stored during 24, 48 and 72 hours had, respectively, average daily weight gain of 41, 30 and 35% lower than those fed with FS. The treatment of sugarcane with Ca(OH)2 is not recommended for feeding Nellore heifers, due to limited intake and lower weight gain

    Characteristics of forage and feeding behavior of Nellore heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical characteristics of the forage and ingestive behavior of Nellore heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane in different periods of storage. Twenty-four heifers with initial body weight of 119.6±8.1 kg were utilized. The experimental design was completely randomized, in which the treatments were diets with fresh sugarcane and hydrolyzed sugarcane (5 g of lime kg-1 of chopped sugarcane) stored for 24, 48 or 72 hours as the only roughage. The addition of lime to sugarcane associated with its storage up to 72 hours provided an increase of 20% of the potentially degradable cell wall of carbohydrates, from 382.4 to 458.8 g kg-1 of total carbohydrates. The in vitro digestibility of dry matter was altered by the storage of hydrolyzed sugarcane, increasing 7.08% when the storage time was increased from 24 to 72 hours. Heifers fed fresh sugarcane remained more time consuming compared with heifers fed other diets. The time used for water intake was not influenced by the diet. The rumination time presented a quadratic variation in relation to storage time of the hydrolyzed sugarcane, with higher values for the of hydrolyzed sugarcane diets stored for 48 hours. Heifers fed hydrolyzed sugarcane spent more time on other activities than those fed fresh sugarcane. The supply of hydrolyzed sugarcane stored up to 72 hours in the proportion of 600 g kg-1 of dry matter in the diet, alters the intake patterns, reducing the feed intake in Nellore heifers