824 research outputs found


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    Introduction. The most important advantage of isotonic training is that there is no need for the human body to perform adjusting processes during execution: hence the accuracy of movement is less perturbed. Recent studies have shown balance and stability improvements after isokinetic training performed either by dynamometer or aquatic programs. Purposes. Our primary goal was to determine what the difference is between concentric isotonic and aquatic isokinetic training programs and how much these types of trainings affect the neuromuscular control of the lower limbs. Improving the subjects’ fitness level and their motivation to exercise regularly was the secondary goal of this study. Methods. Ten young, healthy and untrained female adults participated in this study. The subjects were divided into two groups: aquatic (n=5) and fitness (n=5). Before and after training the subjects’ lower limb neuromuscular control was assessed by the Shark Skill test (SST). The aquatic group (AG) trained in a 1.5 meter deep swimming pool, while the fitness group (FG) trained at a gym, using weights. The subjects of both groups trained for six weeks, three times per week. Results. The final SST proved bilateral amelioration of the neuromuscular control for AG, while FG improved unilaterally. The dominant limb improved more than the non-dominant one. The length of the lower limb negatively influenced the initial SST scores, especially at the FG. The tallest subjects of the AG developed the most their neuromuscular control. Conclusions. Post-experimental neuromuscular control improved in both groups. We did not find evidence that a group improved more than the other. The length of the lower limb negatively influences the neuromuscular control, but it can be developed due to regular training sessions of the lower extremity. The subjects’ fitness level and motivation for regular training increased. Compararea antrenamentului izotonic cu antrenamentul izokinetic acvatic: îmbunătățirea controlului neuromuscular al membrelor inferioare la femei sănătoase și neantrenate. Introducere. Principalul avantaj impus de antrenamentul izotonic se manifestă prin absența capacității de adaptare a organismului pe parcursul exersării, facilitând o execuție mai precisă, lipsită de factori perturbători. Studii recente dovedesc ameliorarea echilibrului, în consecință și a stabilității, în urma antrenamentelor izokinetice fie pe dispozitiv, fie în mediul acvatic. Obiective. Depistarea diferenței dintre efectele antrenamentului izokinetic acvatic și antrenamentului izotonic concentric asupra controlului neuromuscular al membrelor inferioare a reprezentat obiectivul primordial. Secundar, am urmărit creșterea nivelului de fitness al subiecților și dezvolarea motivației acestora de a efectua exercițiu fizic. Metode. Zece subiecți tineri, sănătoși, neantrenați și de sex feminin au participat la acest experiment. Aceștia au fost evaluați prin testul Shark (SST) și împărțiți în două grupe experimentale: lotul bazin (n=5) și lotul fitness (n=5). Lotul bazin (AG) s-a antrenat la o adâncime a apei de 1.5 metri, iar lotul fitness (FG) a efectuat exerciții într-o sală de fitness cu ajutorul aparatelor. Ambele grupe s-au antrenat cu o frecvență de trei ședințe pe săptămână, pe durata a șase săptămâni. Rezultate. Conform SST, AG a demonstrat îmbunătățiri bilaterale ale controlului neuromuscular, iar FG a evoluat doar unilateral. S-au observat ameliorări din perspectiva membrului dominant. Lungimea membrelor inferioare a influențat negativ scorul inițial al SST, vizibil în special la FG. Controlul neuromuscular al subiecților cu membre inferioare mai lungi din AG s-a dezvoltat în cea mai mare măsură. Concluzii. Controlul neuromuscular post-experimental a fost îmbunătățit în cazul ambelor loturi. Diferența dintre efectele celor două tipuri de antrenament este nesemnificativă. Lungimea membrelor inferioare influențează negativ controlul neuromuscular, însă acesta se poate îmbunătăți prin efectuarea regulată a unor exerciții fizice analitice adresate trenului inferior al corpului. S-a atins obiectivul creșterii nivelului de fitness și obținerea aspirației de a efectua exercițiu fizic în mod regulat. Cuvinte cheie: izotonic, izokinetic, control neuromuscular, membre inferioar

    Research Concerning the Fighting of Polystigma rubrum Fungi under the Climate Conditions of Șomcuta Mare Area

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    In this study, our goal was to survey the influence of the climate conditions, the behavior of the Centenar and Anna Spath varieties on the attack of the Polystigma rubrum fungi during the two experimental years (2013, 2014), in order to make recommendations for new plantations. Nine fungicides were tested, being determined their biologic efficiency, in order to identify the most efficient products. The experimental research was performed during 2013 and 2014, in a fruit tree farm belonging to SC Pomicola SA trade company in Somcuta Mare, Maramures county. The attack was calculated by determining the frequency, intensity and the attack degree. The agrometeorological data were recorded using the AgroExpert system, for surveying the biology of fungi. The linear-interrupted laying method was used, each made up of 5 plants/variant in three repetitions/product. The biologic efficiency of the tested products was lower at the Anna Spath variety than at the Centenar variety due to its sensitivity; the recommended products: Folicur Solo 250EW, Dithane M45 and Syllit 400 SC were the most efficient in the fungi combating

    Circular Pedagogy for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Education

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    Higher education institutions seem to be engaged in a reactive process when thinking about education for sustainable development, instead of being proactive. A every stage, educational models remain very limited to specific goals and agendas driven by the fad of the moment and without articulating a sustainable educational model that we argue should be uttered within the concepts of intercultural competencies, smart, inclusive, and sustainable education where learners engage on a circular learning process as captured by the circular pedagogy for higher education. If the academic community is serious about driving actions that help us to enact change and impact to develop a more sustainable conscious socio-economic and environmental global society, we need to rethink our education models and pedagogies so that they are attuned with the complexity of our evolving reality

    A Circular Pedagogy for Higher Education

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    Over the last two decades, higher education has been subject to significant scrutiny due to increasing pressures to provide a meaningful and relevant learning experience to the student population, and by their strong connection to the functioning of the economic and political systems. By reflecting on the controversies surrounding pedagogy, this paper contributes to the current debate by exploring pedagogy as a circular process where learners grow and develop by taking different roles and identities as they navigate a research-informed learning continuum defined by growing levels of complexity and uncertainty. This study introduces a new pedagogical paradigm for adult education, inspired by the Humboldtian model for higher education and that we have coined as “circular pedagogy” where the role of the teacher, student and researcher are indissoluble

    Mastitis Acuta in a Pure Breed Cane Corso female. A Case Report

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    Data regarding bitch mastitis is fairly scarce compared to the literature regarding ruminant mastitis. Neglecting clinical and subclinical cases of mastitis can be life threatening for both dam and puppies. The aim of this report is to present a case of Mastitis acuta complicated with a case of neonatal septicaemia in a Cane Corso (Canis lupus familiaris L.) pure breed female. Laboratory assays showed a milk pH value of 7.5, milk cytology revealed the presence of segmented neutrophils, while foamy cells, phagocytosis and highly pathogenic bacteria (i.e. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were isolated from milk and puppy. To the author's knowledge, this is the first case of bitch mastitis linked to neonatal septicaemia with mixed E. coli and P. aeruginosa infection


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    The problem of making heating systems more efficient was imposed due to the trend of increasing the demand for energy correlated in the same time with the increase of energy costs. Out of the various forms of energy used, in the current trend of developing the technique, the heat energy has the largest share in the energy balance of a country. EU policy in this field, expressed by the White Paper and the European Directive 2001/77/EC on energy production from renewable sources, states that, by 2020, the European Union will need to provide the necessary energy in a ratio of about 15 % by harnessing renewable sources. A solution of recovering the important heat quantities from the environment is the use of heat pumps which offers a real alternative to classic fuels, while contributing to reducing CO2 emissions up to 50% compared to using conventional boilers. They get about three quarters of the energy required for heating from the environment, and for the rest, they use electricity as driving energy

    Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviour of 316l Stainless Steel Honeycomb Cellular Cores Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting

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    Selective laser technology is an additive technology that can allow for the manufacture of cellular structures using different types of metallic powder with complex applications in industries such as aerospace, automotive and medical implant industries. This paper presents the effect of climate and mechanical stresses on some honeycomb cellular cores, used in sandwich structures made of 316L stainless steel powder by applying the selective laser melting technology. The honeycomb cellular cores have undergone the microhardness testing and the resulting variation obtained from the analyzed samples was 225 ± 15 (HV_{0.3}). The compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the cellular structures were determined for flatwise and edgewise compressive stresses. Also, the cellular structures were subjected to accelerated corrosion tests in order to determine their mean life in application use conditions similar to those near seas and oceans. Also, a microstructural evaluation of salt deposits was carried out on the cellular structures subjected to accelerated corrosion tests using a salt spray test chamber