83 research outputs found

    Hyperuniform disordered phononic structures

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    We demonstrate the existence of large phononic band gaps in designed hyperuniform (isotropic) disordered two-dimensional (2D) phononic structures of Pb cylinders in epoxy matrix. The phononic band gaps in hyperuniform disordered phononic structures are comparable to band gaps of similar periodic structures, for both out-of-plane and in-plane polarizations. A large number of localized modes is identified near the band edges, as well as, diffusive transmission throughout the rest of the frequency spectrum. Very high-Q cavity modes for both out-of-plane and in-plane polarizations are formed by selectively removing a single cylinder out of the structure. Efficient waveguiding with almost 100% transmission trough waveguide structures with arbitrary bends is also presented. We expand our results to thin three-dimensional layers of such structures and demonstrate effective band gaps related to the respective 2D band gaps. Moreover, the drop in the Q factor for the three-dimensional structures is not more than three orders of magnitude compared to the 2D ones

    High-Q photonic crystal cavities in all-semiconductor photonic-crystal heterostructures

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    Photonic crystal cavities enable the realization of high Q-factor and low mode-volume resonators, with typical architectures consisting of a thin suspended periodically-patterned layer to maximize confinement of light by strong index guiding. We investigate a heterostructure-based approach comprising a high refractive index core and lower refractive index cladding layers. Whilst confinement typically decreases with decreasing index contrast between the core and cladding layers, we show that, counter-intuitively, due to the confinement provided by the photonic band structure in the cladding layers, it becomes possible to achieve Q-factors >104>10^4 with only a small refractive index contrast. This opens up new opportunities for implementing high Q-factor cavities in conventional semiconductor heterostructures, with direct applications to the design of electrically-pumped nano-cavity lasers using conventional fabrication approaches

    Optical cavities and waveguides in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids

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    Using finite difference time domain and band structure computer simulations, we show that it is possible to construct optical cavities and waveguide architectures in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids that are unattainable in photonic crystals. The cavity modes can be classified according to the symmetry (monopole, dipole, quadrupole,etc.) of the confined electromagnetic wave pattern. Owing to the isotropy of the band gaps characteristic of hyperuniform disordered solids, high-quality waveguides with freeform geometries (e.g., arbitrary bending angles) can be constructed that have no analogue in periodic or quasiperiodic solids. These capabilities have implications for many photonic applications

    Effects of Random Link Removal on the Photonic Band Gaps of Honeycomb Networks

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    We explore the effects of random link removal on the photonic band gaps of honeycomb networks. Missing or incomplete links are expected to be common in practical realizations of this class of connected network structures due to unavoidable flaws in the fabrication process. We focus on the collapse of the photonic band gap due to the defects induced by the link removal. We show that the photonic band gap is quite robust against this type of random decimation and survives even when almost 58% of the network links are removed

    Thermal emission and absorption of radiation in finite inverted-opal photonic crystals

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    We study theoretically the optical properties of a finite inverted-opal photonic crystal. The light-matter interaction is strongly affected by the presence of the three-dimensional photonic crystal and the alterations of the light emission and absorption processes can be used to suppress or enhance the thermal emissivity and absorptivity of the dielectric structure. We investigate the influence of the absorption present in the system on the relevant band edge frequencies that control the optical response of the photonic crystal. Our study reveals that the absorption processes cause spectral broadening and shifting of the band edge optical resonances, and determine a strong reduction of the photonic band gap spectral range. Using the angular and spectral dependence of the band edge frequencies for stop bands along different directions, we argue that by matching the blackbody emission spectrum peak with a prescribed maximum of the absorption coefficient, it is possible to achieve an angle-sensitive enhancement of the thermal emission/absorption of radiation. This result opens a way to realize a frequency-sensitive and angle-sensitive photonic crystal absorbers/emitters. © 2005 The American Physical Society

    Single photons on demand from 3D photonic band-gap structures

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    We describe a practical implementation of a (semi-deterministic) photon gun based on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage pumping and the strong enhancement of the photonic density of states in a photonic band-gap material. We show that this device allows {\em deterministic} and {\em unidirectional} production of single photons with a high repetition rate of the order of 100kHz. We also discuss specific 3D photonic microstructure architectures in which our model can be realized and the feasibility of implementing such a device using Er3+{Er}^{3+} ions that produce single photons at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.55μ1.55 \mum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figure

    Photonic band gap in isotropic hyperuniform disordered solids with low dielectric contrast

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of a TE-polarization photonic band gap (PBG) in a 2D isotropic hyperuniform disordered solid (HUDS) made of dielectric media with a index contrast of 1.6:1, very low for PBG formation. The solid is composed of a connected network of dielectric walls enclosing air-filled cells. Direct comparison with photonic crystals and quasicrystals permitted us to investigate band-gap properties as a function of increasing rotational isotropy. We present results from numerical simulations proving that the PBG observed experimentally for HUDS at low index contrast has zero density of states. The PBG is associated with the energy difference between complementary resonant modes above and below the gap, with the field predominantly concentrated in the air or in the dielectric. The intrinsic isotropy of HUDS may offer unprecedented flexibilities and freedom in applications (i. e. defect architecture design) not limited by crystalline symmetries

    High- Q

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