28 research outputs found

    Patient with malignant vulvar neoplasm: case report

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    Background: Vulvar carcinoma most often occurs on the outer surface area of the female genitalia. The vulva is the area of skin that surrounds the urethra and vagina, including the clitoris and labia. It is quite rare cancer of the female reproductive system and accounts for 3-4% of all genitourinary tract neoplasms. Though it can occur at any age, vulvar cancer is most common in older adults. When present in young women it is mostly associated with human papillomavirus (HPV)–related dysplasia. The most common histology is squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. Case study: This report presents a patient with verified planocellular vulvar carcinoma who underwent radical hysterectomy with adnexectomy and lymphadenectomy due to cervical neoplasm (squamous cell carcinoma). After chemo-radio therapy, the patient underwent radical vulvectomy and two months later, resection of the distal urethra and vulvar and vaginal reconstruction with gracilis muscle. Full-thickness skin graft was used to reconstruct the distal part of the urethra. Conclusion: Combination of flaps and full-thickness skin graft can be used in reconstruction of vulva and urethra

    Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 Antagonized Local Anesthetic Effect of Lidocaine

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    We documented that stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 counteracts convulsions induced by concomitant application of atypical neuroleptic, SSRI and NSAID, risperidone, citalopram and metamizole in rats. BPC 157, LD1 not achieved, was implemented as an anti-ulcer peptide in inflammatory bowel disease trials and now in a multiple sclerosis trial. Previously, BPC 157 counteracts consequences of dopamine (D), receptors blockade (neuroleptics-induced catalepsy, prolonged QT intervals, sphincters dysfunction and gastric lesions), much like over-stimulation (amphetamine acute and chronic disturbances; much like Dreceptors supersensitivity (amphetamine after haloperidol)), nigrostriatal lesions (MPTP Parkinsogenic neurotoxin), D-vesicles depletion (reserpine). Similarly, BPC 157 counteracts immobility more than imipramine in depression-models (Porsolt’s and chronic unpredictable stress-open field) and induces 5-HT release in particular brain areas (nigrostriatum) when given peripherally, acute and chronically. Also, BPC 157 counteracts convulsions induced by various convulsants (picrotoxine, strychnine, bicuculline) much like either with insulin or with paracetamol. we applied (mg/kg) risperidone 2.5 mg/kg, citalopram 2.0 mg/kg and metamizole 2.0 intraperitoneally. Medication (mg/kg), given 15 min before, or immediately after, includes BPC 157(0.01; 0,00001) while control rats received an equivolume of saline (5 mL/kg). Thereafter, at 20 minutes after medication risperidone/citalopram/metamizole rats became markedly sedated. Then, after the next 20 minutes they start with tonic-clonic seizures. The seizure period was lasting for the next 3 hours. Contrarily, either of BPC 157 regimens maintained normal behavior in all rats. BPC 157 exhibits also an anticonvulsant capacity, as well as a particular profile, which could in a therapy of neuroleptic, SSRI and NSAID intoxication

    Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy in rats with cysteamine induced-terminal ileitis

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    We introduce pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy in rats with cysteamine induced-terminal ileitis 1h/1month/2months. We counteracted gross hyperemia, edema, erosion, bleeding, microscopically significant loss of villous architecture, loss and shortening of villae and severe lymphocytic infiltrate. Pentadecapeptide counteracts various lesions in the whole GI-tract and free radical formation, and tested in ulcerative colitis trials and now in multiple sclerosis. Cysteamine was known to induce gastric-acid hypersecretion as a prototype of duodenal lesion. Cysteamine induced duodenal lesions after gastrectomy, and applied as an enema, ulcerative colitis in rats Cysteamine was applied in female Albino Wistar rats into the terminal ileum, 5 cm segment up to ileocecal valve, which was kept gently compressed for 1 min, and then released. Medication(BPC, or saline (controls)) was applied as an abdominal bath immediately after the end of the cysteamine application procedure, and then if rats were not sacrificed at 1 h, continuously, perorally in drinking water till the end of 1 or 2 months The hyperemia, edema, erosion and bleeding scores were summarized. Microscopically, cysteamine induced terminal ileitis presents with: submucosal congestion, significant loss of villous architecture, loss and shortening of villae and lamina propria infiltrated with mild to severe lymphocytic infiltrate, much like intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration and some epithelial elevation from lamina propria. Better preservation of mucosal architecture appears in pentadecapeptide treated rats. There is only mild villous edema with capillary congestion and mild lymphocytic infiltrate. No epithelial elevation from lamina propria For further therapy, beneficial effect of the BPC counteracts cysteamine- terminal ileitis

    Portal triad obstruction and reperfusion in rats –the effect of BPC 157

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    To investigate effects of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy in temporary portal triad obstruction – PTO (hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct, 30 min in rats), and in reperfusion period thereafter, during 15 min and 24 h. BPC 157 (10 μg/kg, 10 ng/kg), or saline (5 ml/kg) was applied as a bath at the hepatoduodenal ligament area immediately after portal triad clamping or at the same area at 1 min or at 24 h reperfusion time. A period of 30 min of PTO much like reperfusion during 15 min and 24 h regularly produced severe hemorrhagic congestion (scored 0-4) of the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, cecum, colon, and esophageal bleeding in all controls. Contrarily, given either in ischemia period or in reperfusion period, BPC 157 counteracts severe hemorrhagic congestion in all organs, counteracts esophageal bleeding and maintained grossly intact esophageal mucosa. BPC 157 promptly induced effective shunting (venography in portal vein below ligation, portal vein-superior mesenteric vein-inferior mesenteric vein-rectal veins-left iliac vein-inferior caval vein). BPC 157, since attenuates portal hypertension in PTO-period, and completely eliminates pre-existing portal hypertension in post-PTO-period resulting in the values much like in the normal rats. PTO induced esophageal bleeding and severe hemorrhagic congestion in stomach, duodenum, jejunum, cecum and colon. BPC 157 counteracts these complications along with portal hypertension. Pringle maneuver and its consequences may have BPC 157 application as a successful therapy

    BPC 157 pentadecapepide attenuates acute renal ischemia injury, prevents ensuing hemodynamic disturbances, peaked and inverted p waves, and gastrointestinal lesions

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    We focused on the effects of BPC 157 on acute unilateral renal ischemia in rats, subsequent severe portal (PV) and inferior vena cava (IVC) hypertension and thrombosis, abdominal aorta (AA) hypotension, peaked or inverted P waves and gastrointestinal lesions. Medication (/kg) (BPC 157 (10 μg)(treated group) or saline (5 ml)(control group)) was applied as an abdominal bath immediately after the right renal artery was ligated. 10min, 1h, and 24h after ligation electrocardiography, USB microcamera recording, intravascular cannulation, and thrombi extraction was performed. Control rats exhibited PV and IVC hypertension, aortic hypotension (mmHg) (10min: 32±2 PV, 24±4 IVC, 75±2 AA; 1h: 43±4 PV, 46±3 IVC, 73±4 AA; 24h: 30±2 PV, 34±1 IVC, 86±3 AA) and thrombosis (thrombus weight, mg) (10min: 1.3±0.3 IVC, 3.5±0.4 PV; 1h: 15.1±0.5 IVC, 5.4±0.2 PV; 24h: 16.3±1.5 IVC, 6.1±0.9 PV). Treated group showed improved pressure values (10min: 4±1 PV, 8±1 IVC, 84±3 AA; 1h: 18±2 PV, 6±1 IVC, 92±3 AA; 24h: 5±1 PV, 10±1 IVC, 97±2 AA) and milder thrombosis (10min: no thrombi; 1h: 7.7±0.3 IVC, 2.3±0.2 PV; 24h: 11.6±0.5 IVC, 3.2±0.2 PV). Control rats exhibited peaked (10 min, 1h) or inverted (24h) P waves, gastric and intestinal lesions (24h) and complete renal infarction (24h), whereas the treated rats exhibited no P wave abnormalities, significantly mitigated gastrointestinal lesions (24h) and only partial renal infarction (24h). BPC 157 therapy reduces the severity of renal ischemia injury, counteracts hemodynamic disturbances, P wave abnormalities and gastrointestinal lesions that follow

    Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in Rats with Episcleral Veins Cauterization, Glaucoma Model, Preserved Retinal and Optic Nerve Integrity

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    BPC 157 (LD1 not achieved) was implemented as an anti-ulcer peptide in IBD trials and now in a multiple sclerosis trial. BPC 157 maintained corneal transparency, total debridement of corneal epithelium cured with no corneal neovascularization, perforating corneal incisions in rats successfully closed and no new vessels, providing a particular healing and vascular effect. We wanted to explore effect of BPC 157 in rats with glaucoma, induced by episcleral veins cauterization. Randomly assigned operated male Wistar rats, 250g (two dorsal episcleral veins and one temporal episcleral vein isolated from the surrounding tissues; a cautery specifically applied to the selected vein), were further studied. Medication (pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (10μg/kg) (Diagen, Slovenia) intraperitoneally) or an equivolume of 0.9%NaCl (5ml/kg) intraperitoneally (controls)) was applied immediately after surgery, and then once time daily. Histopathological retinal and optic nerve samples were obtained after sacrifice at 24h, 4 and 6-weeks interval. At 24h, 4 and 6 weeks after surgery controls exhibited ganglion cell layer and optic nerve thinning. All BPC 157 rats exhibited only slight or none ganglion cell layer or optic nerve thinning. Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 continuously counteracts the effects of episcleral veins cauterization on morphological changes of ganglion cell layer and optic nerve