9 research outputs found

    Benznidazole-induced genotoxicity in diploid cells of Aspergillus nidulans

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    Genotoxic effects of benznidazole were studied by the induction of homozygosis of genes previously present in heterozygous. UT448//A757 diploid strain was used in the benznidazole's recombinagenesis test. Although toxic effects on growth of colonies were not observed, 75 and 100 µM benznidazole induced an increasing of mitotic recombination events in diploid strain. Results were related to the induction of chromosomal breaks by the antiparasitic drug

    Parasexuality in asexual development mutants of Aspergillus nidulans

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    The parasexual cycle with parameiosis has been characterized previously by the occurrence of genetic recombination and haploidization inside heterokaryotic hyphae prior to conidial formation. The aim of current research was to characterize, through genetic and cytological analyses, an asexual development mutant strain of A. nidulans and to use it to obtain parameiotic segregants. Analyses showed the medusa phenotype of the B84 strain, whose mutant allele was mapped in the chromosome I. The heterokaryons B84(med)//G422(med+) and B84(med)//G839(brl) were formed in liquid MM+2% CM and inoculated in the appropriate selective media. Two mitotic segregant groups were obtained: aneuploids and haploid stable recombinants. Mitotic segregants, wild-types, and developmental mutants, which did not produce new visible mitotic sectors in the presence of Benomyl and which showed normal meiotic behavior during the sexual cycle, were classified as parameiotic

    Genetic relatedness of Brazilian Colletotrichum truncatum isolates assessed by vegetative compatibility groups and RAPD analysis

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    The genetic variation among nine soybean-originating isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum from different Brazilian states was studied. Nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants were obtained with potassium chlorate and used to characterize vegetative compatibility reactions, heterokaryosis and RAPD profile. Based on pairings of nit mutants from the different isolates, five vegetative complementation groups (VCG) were identified, and barriers to the formation of heterokaryons were observed among isolates derived from the same geographic area. No complementation was observed among any of the nit mutants recovered from the isolate A, which was designed heterokaryon-self-incompatible. Based on RAPD analysis, a polymorphism was detected among the wild isolate C and their nit1 and NitM mutants. RAPD amplification, with five different primers, also showed polymorphic profiles among Brazilian C. truncatum isolates. Dendrogram analysis resulted in a similarity degree ranging between 0.331 and 0.882 among isolates and identified three RAPD groups. Despite the lack of a correlation between the RAPD analysis and the vegetative compatibility grouping, results demonstrated the potential of VCG analysis to differentiate C. truncatum isolates genotypically similar when compared by RAPD

    Vegetative compatibility and molecular characterization of Fusarium graminearum isolates from the State of Paraná, Brazil Compatibilidade vegetativa e caracterização molecular de isolados patogênicos de Fusarium graminearum do Estado do Paraná

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    Fusarium graminearum isolates causing Fusarium head blight in wheat were collected in Brazil and analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG). Nitrate non-utilizing mutants (nit) from each isolate were paired to verify heterokaryon formation. Three VCGs were identified among F. graminearum isolates: VCG1 included F-2, F-3 and F-4 isolates; VCG2 included F-1, F-6 and F-9 isolates; VCG3 included F-5, F-7 and F-8 isolates. Based on PCR amplification with eight different primers, the isolates showed great genetic similarity among themselves. Dendrogram analysis demonstrated two RAPD groups: Group A, consisting of isolates F-2 and F-9, and Group B, composed of the remaining isolates. Results suggest the clonal origin of F. graminearum isolates.<br>Isolados de Fusarium graminearum, obtidos de espigas de trigo com sintomas de Giberela, foram analisados pela técnica do Polimorfismo de DNA Amplificado ao Acaso (RAPD) e pelos Grupos de Compatibilidade Vegetativa (GCV). Mutantes auxotróficos (nit) de cada isolado foram pareados em todas as combinações possíveis, para a formação de heterocários. Três GCVs foram identificados: GCV1, incluindo os isolados F-2, F-3 e F-4; GCV2, incluindo os isolados F-1, F-6 e F-9; e GCV3, formado pelos isolados F-5, F-7 e F-8. Dois grupos foram identificados com base nos marcadores de RAPD: o grupo A, formado pelos isolados F-2 e F-9, e o grupo B, composto pelos demais isolados, os quais apresentaram grande similaridade entre si. Os resultados sugerem a origem clonal dos isolados de F. graminearum analisados