4 research outputs found

    Demographic, clinical and psychological characteristics of the FM and HC groups.

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    <p>FM = Fibromyalgia, df = Degrees of freedom, FIQ-Pain = item “Pain” of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS-A and HADS-D = Anxiety and Depression subscales of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, SD = Standard deviation.</p><p>Demographic, clinical and psychological characteristics of the FM and HC groups.</p

    Neuropsychological tests scores.

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    <p>FM = Fibromyalgia, df = Degrees of freedom, DS F = Digit Span Forward, AVLT = Rey auditory-verbal learning test, AVLT D = Rey auditory-verbal learning test Delayed recall, TMT = Trail Making Test, FAS = verbal fluency, DS B = Digit Span Backward, ToL = Tower of London (total score—range 0–36—given by the sum of the time-based scores of the twelve configurations to solve; the higher the score the higher the performance), SD = Standard deviation.</p><p>Mean (SD) or mean rank, t-test or Mann–Whitney <i>U</i> test are listed.</p

    Pearson or Spearman correlations in FM group between the four executive function measures and TAS-20, Ekman and RME.

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    <p>FAS = verbal fluency, DS B = Digit Span Backward, ToL = Tower of London, TMT = Trail Making Test, TAS-20 = Twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS-F1 = Difficult identifying feelings factor of Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS-F2 = difficulty describing feelings factor of Toronto Alexithymia Scale, RME = Reading the Mind in the Eyes.</p><p>Pearson or Spearman correlations in FM group between the four executive function measures and TAS-20, Ekman and RME.</p

    Number and percentage of patients with FM and healthy controls with impaired or borderline performance (E.S. = 0–1) at neuropsychological measures.

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    <p>FM = Fibromyalgia, df = Degrees of freedom, DS F = Digit Span Forward, AVLT = Rey auditory-verbal learning test, AVLT D = Rey auditory-verbal learning test Delayed recall, TMT = Trail Making Test, FAS = verbal fluency, DS B = Digit Span Backward, ToL = Tower of London.</p><p>Number and percentage of patients with FM and healthy controls with impaired or borderline performance (E.S. = 0–1) at neuropsychological measures.</p