49 research outputs found

    Standardized Terms and Conditions For Open Patenting

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    After providing a legal characterization of the open patenting phenomenon and discussing many of the empirical and theoretical experiences that relate to both Open Innovation and defensive patenting, this paper suggests standardized terms and conditions that a patent license should contain in order to foster both the free movement of patented knowledge and its business applications

    The interface between intellectual property and information technology law

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    In this chapter, I address the relationship between IP and the rules adopted to govern the specific technologies that are designed to handle information—known as ‘information technologies (IT)’. This set of provisions goes under the name of ‘IT law’. I address the interface between IP and IT law from the standpoint of the IP scholars who have an interest in technology. In particular, I investigate how the IP/IT interface is, or could be regulated and how the rules regarding IP and IT law interact with each other. There is indeed a circular relationship between law and technology as the former, while governing the latter, is also shaped by it and vice versa

    Cenni alla riforma del processo amministrativo e implicazioni nella tutela della concorrenza

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    Articolo sui riflessi della riforma del processo amministrativo nel procedimento antitrus

    (Digital) circular economy and IPRs: a story of challenges and opportunities

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    The article explore the interplay between digital circular economy and IPRS

    La distribuzione on line delle opere dell'ingegno: un'indagine empirica nel settore dell'intrattenimento

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    Analisi empirica sulla distribuzione on line dei contenuti digital

    Predatory and Exclusionary Innovation: Which Legal Standard for Software Integration in the Context of the Competition versus Intellectual Property Rights Clash?

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    articolo sull'applicazione della dottrina dell'innovazione predatoria nel caso Microsoft europe

    A new interface between copyright law and technology: how user-generated content will shape the future of online distribution

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    The article aims to depict the evolution and the state of online distribution and assess to what extent online distribution and its developments altered the relationship between copyright law and technology as we traditionally know it. The dialectic relationship between copyright law and technology has been shaped by two relevant moments. The first dates back to when digital technology encountered the Internet. The second is more recent and occurred when the Internet morphed into the World Wide Web 2.0. The article shows that both moments had, and still have, relevant effects on online distribution and, in turn, on the relationship between copyright law and technology. Thus the article is structured as follows. Part II describes the interaction between technology and copyright law as it was before the encounter between digital technology and the Internet. Part III and IV analyze the effects of the encounter between digital technology and the Internet at legislative, technological, and judicial level. Part V moves on and explores the current scenario of online distribution, ranging from proprietary distribution and open distribution to the spread of advertising-based distribution models for the dissemination of both professional and amateur content. Part VI concludes by illustrating how the relationship between technology and copyright law has been altered and introduces foresights

    LibertĂ  e condizionamenti delle biblioteche nel diritto d'autore in rete

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    L'articolo esamina il ristretto spazio riservato agli usi bibliotecari nell'attuale regime del diritto d'autore