12 research outputs found


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Anodonția primară este definită ca lipsa unuia sau a mai multor dinți datorită neformării congenitale a mugurelui dentar, ceea ce generează dereglări estetice si funcționale. Această anomalie poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin respectarea consecutivității etapelor ortodontice și chirurgicale de tratament. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea metodei de tratament ortodontic si chirurgical în restabilirea protetică a dinților lipsă prin utilizarea implanturilor dentare. Materiale și metode. Pacienta C.V, 32 ani, s-a adresat cu acuze estetice și funcționale, iar în urma examinării clinice și paraclinice s-a stabilit diagnosticul de edentație parțială clasa a III Kenedy la maxilă, malocluzie clasa I Angle. S-a efectuat crearea spațiului viitorului implant prin tratament ortodontic cu sistema adezivă fixă bimaxilară. Chirurgical, sub anestezie loco-regională s-a realizat incizie marginală a dintelui 1.2 cu decolarea lamboului mucoperiostal, creasta edentată clasa B-W Misch cu forarea neo-alveolei 1.2, duritatea D3 Misch. Rezultate. Tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical a inclus crearea spațiului preoperator de 8 mm cu ulterioara inserare a implantului Dentium Superline 3,5/13 mm. După perioada de osteointegrare va urma tratamentul protetic postimplantar cu restabilirea morfofuncțională a integrității arcadei dentare, ținând cont de normele antropometrice. Concluzii. Anodonția primara, ce se prezintă clinic prin lipsa spațiului dentar, poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin intermediul tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical, cu crearea spațiului dentar necesar în vederea inserării implantului în neo-alveolă, urmat de tratament protetic cu coroană de înveliș.Introduction. Primary anodontics is defined as the absence of one or more teeth due to congenital malformation of the dental bud, which generates aesthetic and functional disorders. This anomaly can be successfully rehabilitated by following the sequence of orthodontic and surgical stages of treatment. Purpose of the study. The evaluation of the orthodontic and surgical treatment method in the prosthetic restoration of missing teeth by using dental implants. Materials and methods. The patient C.V, 32 years old, suffered from aesthetic and functional accusations, and following the clinical and paraclinical examination, the diagnosis of partial edentation class III Kenedy in the maxilla, malocclusion class I Angle was established. The space of the future implant was created by orthodontic treatment with a fixed bimaxillary adhesive system. Surgically, under loco-regional anesthesia, a marginal incision of the 1.2 tooth was made with the detachment of the mucoperiostal flap, the edentulous ridge class B-W Misch with the perforation of the neo-alveolus 1.2, the hardness of D3 Misch. Results: Orthodontic and surgical treatment included the creation of the 8 mm preoperative space with the subsequent insertion of the 3.5 / 13 mm Dentium Superline implant. After the osseointegration period, the post-implant prosthetic treatment will follow with the morphofunctional restoration of the integrity of the dental arch, taking into account the anthropometric norms. Conclusion: Primary anodontics, which presents clinically due to lack of dental space, can be successfully rehabilitated through orthodontic and surgical treatment, creating the necessary dental space to insert the implant into the neo-alveolus, followed by prosthetic treatment with a crown

    Reabilitarea anodonției primare unidentare prin aspect ortodontic și implanto-protetic. Caz clinic

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    Introduction. Primary anodontics is defined as the absence of one or more teeth due to congenital malformation of the dental bud, which generates aesthetic and functional disorders. This anomaly can be successfully rehabilitated by following the sequence of orthodontic and surgical stages of treatment. Purpose of the study. The evaluation of the orthodontic and surgical treatment method in the prosthetic restoration of missing teeth by using dental implants. Materials and methods. The patient C.V, 32 years old, suffered from aesthetic and functional accusations, and following the clinical and paraclinical examination, the diagnosis of partial edentation class III Kenedy in the maxilla, malocclusion class I Angle was established. The space of the future implant was created by orthodontic treatment with a fixed bimaxillary adhesive system. Surgically, under loco-regional anesthesia, a marginal incision of the 1.2 tooth was made with the detachment of the mucoperiostal flap, the edentulous ridge class B-W Misch with the perforation of the neo-alveolus 1.2, the hardness of D3 Misch. Results: Orthodontic and surgical treatment included the creation of the 8 mm preoperative space with the subsequent insertion of the 3.5 / 13 mm Dentium Superline implant. After the osseointegration period, the post-implant prosthetic treatment will follow with the morphofunctional restoration of the integrity of the dental arch, taking into account the anthropometric norms. Conclusion: Primary anodontics, which presents clinically due to lack of dental space, can be successfully rehabilitated through orthodontic and surgical treatment, creating the necessary dental space to insert the implant into the neo-alveolus, followed by prosthetic treatment with a crown.Introducere. Anodonția primară este definită ca lipsa unuia sau a mai multor dinți datorită neformării congenitale a mugurelui dentar, ceea ce generează dereglări estetice si funcționale. Această anomalie poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin respectarea consecutivității etapelor ortodontice și chirurgicale de tratament. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea metodei de tratament ortodontic si chirurgical în restabilirea protetică a dinților lipsă prin utilizarea implanturilor dentare. Materiale și metode. Pacienta C.V, 32 ani, s-a adresat cu acuze estetice și funcționale, iar în urma examinării clinice și paraclinice s-a stabilit diagnosticul de edentație parțială clasa a III Kenedy la maxilă, malocluzie clasa I Angle. S-a efectuat crearea spațiului viitorului implant prin tratament ortodontic cu sistema adezivă fixă bimaxilară. Chirurgical, sub anestezie loco-regională s-a realizat incizie marginală a dintelui 1.2 cu decolarea lamboului mucoperiostal, creasta edentată clasa B-W Misch cu forarea neo-alveolei 1.2, duritatea D3 Misch. Rezultate. Tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical a inclus crearea spațiului preoperator de 8 mm cu ulterioara inserare a implantului Dentium Superline 3,5/13 mm. După perioada de osteointegrare va urma tratamentul protetic postimplantar cu restabilirea morfofuncțională a integrității arcadei dentare, ținând cont de normele antropometrice. Concluzii. Anodonția primara, ce se prezintă clinic prin lipsa spațiului dentar, poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin intermediul tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical, cu crearea spațiului dentar necesar în vederea inserării implantului în neo-alveolă, urmat de tratament protetic cu coroană de înveliș

    Analysis of Chromosome Number in Some Allium and Silene Wild Species with Ornamental Use

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    The present study analyses the number of somatic chromosomes in plant species with ornamental value, in Romanian indigenous flora, Allium (A. flavum L., A. saxatile Bieb.) and Silene (S. compacta Fischer., S. supina M.Bieb.). The biological material was identified and harvested in the South-Eastern part of Dobrogea (Tulcea and Constanţa counties), area in the South-Eastern part of Romania, situated between the Danube and the Black Sea. Individuals from two populations of Allium flavum and Allium saxatile, respectively from Tulcea county (Turcoaia town) and Constanţa county (from Cheile Dobrogei) were analyzed. In the case of Silene compacta and Silene supina, plants of one population in Tulcea county, Turcoaia town, were used. The aim of the analysis was the quantification and comparison of the somatic chromosomes of plants from the same species but different populations, as is the case of the two Allium species, but also to relate them to results from specialty literature, reported by others. The chromosome number was determined in the roots of the small plants that were obtained from seeds collected in their natural habitat. Except the case of Silene supina species, where only diploid forms were identified (2n=24), when in specific literature tetraploid forms are mentioned (2n=48), found in other areas, all other analyzed taxa register similar data to that reported in other geographic regions. Respectively, 2n= 16 in the case of Allium flavum and Allium saxatile and 2n= 24 in the case of Silene compacta

    Reabilitarea Anodonției primare unidentare prin aspect ortodontic și implanto-protetic. Caz clinic

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    Introducere: Anodonția primară este definită ca lipsa unuia sau a mai multor dinți datorită neformării congenitale a mugurelui dentar, ceea ce generează dereglări estetice și funcițonale. Această anomalie poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin respectarea consecutivității etapelor ortodontice și chirurgicale de tratament. Scopul lucrării: Evaluarea metodei de tratament ortodontic și chirurgical în restabilirea protetică a dinților lipsă prin utilizarea implanturilor dentare. Materiale și metode: Pacienta C.V, 32 ani, s-a adresat cu acuze estetice și funcționale, iar în urma examinării clinice și paraclinice s-a stabilit diagnosticul de edentație parțială clasa a III Kenedy la maxil, malocluzie clasa I Angle. S-a efectuat crearea spațiului viitorului implant prin tratament ortodontic cu sistema adezivă fix bimaxilar. Chirurgical, sub anestezie loco-regională s-a realizat incizie marginală a dintelui 1.2 cu decolarea lamboului mucoperiostal, creasta edentată clasa B-W Misch cu forțarea neoalveolei 1.2, duritatea D3 Misch. Rezultate: Tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical a inclus crearea spațiului preoperator de la 5 la 7 mm cu ulterioara inserare a implantului Megagen AnyOne 3,5/13 mm. După perioada de osteointegrare va urma tratamentul protetic postimplantar cu restabilirea morfofuncțională a integrității arcadei dentare, ținînd cont de normele antropometrice. Concluzie: Anodonția primaă, ce se prezintă clinic prin lipsa spțaiului dentar, poate fi reabilitată cu succes prin intermediul tratamentului ortodontic și chirurgical, cu crearea spațiului dentar necesar în vederea inserării implantului în neo-alveol, urmat de tratament protetic cu coroană de înveliș

    Ciclul biologic al viermelui merelor -cydia pomonellal., la soiuri de nuc în condiţiile ecositemului pomicol Iaşi

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    The purpose of this paper is to follow Cydiapomonella's biological cycle with the help of pheromone traps in order to warn the treatments and to know the evolution of the pest in the NE area of Romania in the case walnut tree growing. Another objective pursued is to effectively combat this pest with plant protection substances. The observations were made in 2017, having as research material 14 walnut genotypes, in the 7thyear since planting, being grafted on Juglansregia as rootstock. In case of variant 1 phytosanitary treatments with fungicides and insecticides were carried out and in the second variant (V2) no phytosanitary treatments were carried out, pest control being carried out by biotechnical means, using AtraPom synthetic sex pheromones traps. During this period the climatic factors, which influence the occurrence of the pest, were analyzed. Based on the observations made, the flight curve of the species was drawn in the studied area. Following the monitoring of the C. pomonella, we can warn the treatments according to the number of adults captured, as follows: for the first generation in the period 16-20.05.2017 and for the second generation in the period between June 25thto July 1st

    The Hepatic Fetal Venous System

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    The vascular architecture of the human liver is established at the end of the 10th week of gestation as a result of a complex process. Recent developments in ultrasonographic imaging facilitate the prenatal evaluation of this system. However, many of the involved mechanisms are poorly understood. The hepatic primordium is in contact with the vitelline veins and the umbilical veins, and by the end of the 6th week, the afferent venous system of the liver is acquired giving rise to the portal vein, the portal sinus, and the ductus venosus. The only afferent vein of the liver that remains open at birth is the portal vein. Also, the efferent venous system of the liver is formed and emerges from the vitelline veins

    Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthropathy on ANTI-TNF-ALPHA Therapy

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    Videocapillaroscopy is a simple, non-invasive investigation that allows the “in vivo” study of the nailfold capillaries. This method is inexpensive, easily accepted by patients and the results can be easily interpreted. It is mainly used in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon and systemic sclerosis, but this examination can also be performed on patients who are suspected of having microcirculation alterations, such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. It may aid in the diagnosis, evaluation and prognosis of other rheumatic diseases, besides systemic sclerosis. The aim of this study is to identify the nailfold videocapillaroscopic abnormalities in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients and analyze the correlation between their evolution and 12 months of anti-TNF-α therapy. The abnormal capillaroscopic findings comprised widened, dilated or giant capillaries and the distortion of the normal nailfold architecture, avascular areas, hemorrhages and neoangiogenesis. Overall, capillary density, dilated capillaries, giant capillaries, elongated capillaries and angiogenesis significantly improved after 12 months. Moreover, no avascular areas were found after 12 months of anti-TNF treatment

    First Trimester Ultrasound Detection of Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies

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    Objective: To evaluate the potential of the first-trimester ultrasound (US) features for the detection of central nervous system (CNS) anomalies. Methods/Methodology: This is a prospective one-center three-year study. Unselected singleton pregnant women were examined using an extended first-trimester anomaly scan (FTAS) that included the CNS assessment: the calvaria shape, the septum (falx cerebri), the aspect of the lateral ventricles, the presence of the third ventricle and aqueduct of Sylvius (AS) and the posterior brain morphometry: the fourth ventricle, namely intracranial translucency (IT), brain stem/brain stem–occipital bone ratio (BS/BSOB) and cisterna magna (CM). The spine and underlying skin were also evaluated. The cases were also followed during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and at delivery. FTAS efficiency to detect major CNS abnormalities was calculated. Results: We detected 17 cases with CNS major abnormalities in a population of 1943 first-trimester (FT) fetuses, including spina bifida with myelomeningocele, exencephaly-anencephaly, holoprosencephaly, hydrocephaly, cephalocele and Dandy-Walker malformation. The CNS features in the abnormal group are presented. In the second trimester (ST), we further diagnosed cases of corpus callosum agenesis, cerebellar hypoplasia, vein of Galen aneurysm and fetal infection features (ventriculomegaly, intraventricular bands, intraventricular cyst and hyperechoic foci), all declared normal at the FTAS. During the third trimester (TT) scan we identified a massive fetal cerebral haemorrhage absent at previous investigations. We report a detection rate of 72.7% of fetal brain anomalies in the FT using the proposed CNS parameters. The sensitivity of the examination protocol was 72.7%, and the specificity was 100%. Conclusion: A detailed FT CNS scan is feasible and efficient. The majority of cases of major CNS abnormalities can be detected early in pregnancy. The visualization rates of the CNS parameters in the FT are great with short, if any, additional investigation time. FT cerebral disorders such as haemorrhage or infections were missed in the FT even when an extended evaluation protocol was used

    Severe Intentional Corrosive (Nitric Acid) Acute Poisoning: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Despite being one of the most debilitating conditions encountered in the field of toxicology, there is a lack of neutralization measures for the toxins involved in acute corrosive poisoning, and this promotes progressive contact injury of deep tissues after poisoning has occurred. Multiple controversies still surround management strategies during the acute phase of poisoning and the long-term follow-up of the patient. Here, we report a severe case of intentional poisoning with nitric acid complicated by extensive injury of the upper digestive tract, multiple stricture formation, and complete dysphagia. Serial endoscopic dilation and insertion of a jejunostomy feeding tube were necessary, and underlying psychiatric illness negatively affected the outcome of the patient. We conclude that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to properly reduce the extent of lesions and sequelae induced by corrosion. Early endoscopic mapping of injuries is of major importance to better predict the evolution and possible complications of poisoning. Interventional and reconstructive surgical procedures may significantly improve the life expectancy and quality of life of patients following intoxication with corrosive substances