18 research outputs found

    VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 Specific Signaling in Lymphangiogenesis and Angiogenesis

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    The circulatory system consists of the blood and lymphatic vessels. While blood vessels transport oxygen, cells, and nutrients to tissues, the lymphatic vessels collect fluid, cells, and plasma proteins from tissues to return back to the blood circulation. Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is an important process involved in several physiological conditions such as inflammation, wound healing, and embryonic development. Furthermore, angiogenesis is found in many pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis and the growth and differentiation of solid tumors. Many tumor types spread via lymphatic vessels to form lymph node metastasis. The elucidation of the molecular players coordinating development of the vascular system has provided an array of tools for further insight of the circulatory system. The discovery of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) family members and their tyrosine kinase receptors (VEGFRs) has facilitated the understanding of the vasculature in different physiological and pathological situations. The VEGFRs are expressed on endothelial cells and mediate the growth and maintenance of both the blood and lymphatic vasculatures. This study was undertaken to address the role of VEGFR-2 specific signaling in maturation of blood vessels during neoangiogenesis and in lymphangiogenesis. We also wanted to differentiate between VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 specific signaling in lymphangiogenesis. We found that specific VEGFR-2 stimulation alone by gene therapeutic methods is not sufficient for production of mature blood vessels. However, VEGFR-2 stimulation in combination with expression of platelet-derived growth factor D (PDGF-D), a recently identified member of the PDGF growth factor family, was capable of stabilizing these newly formed vessels. Signaling through VEGFR-3 is crucial during developmental lymphangiogenesis, but we showed that the lymphatic vasculature becomes independent of VEGFR-3 signaling after the postnatal period. We also found that VEGFR-2 specific stimulation cannot rescue the loss of lymphatic vessels when VEGFR-3 signaling is blocked and that VEGFR-2 specific signals promote lymphatic vessel enlargement, but are not involved in vessel sprouting to generate new lymphatic vessels in vivo, in contrast to the VEGFR-2 dependent sprouting observed in blood vessels. In addition, we compared the inhibitory effects of a small molecular tyrosine kinase inhibitor of VEGFR-2 vs. VEGFR-3 specific signaling in vitro and in vivo. Our results showed that the tyrosine kinase inhibitor could equally affect physiological and pathological processes dependent on VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 driven angiogenesis or lymphangiogenesis. These results provide new insights into the VEGFR specific pathways required for pre- and postnatal angiogenesis as well as lymphangiogenesis, which could provide important targets and therapies for treatment of diseases characterized by abnormal angiogenesis or lymphangiogenesis.Kehossamme on kaksi erilaista suonijärjestelmää. Verisuonet kuljettavat happea, soluja ja ravintoaineita kudoksiin. Imusuonten ensisijainen tehtävä on kuljettaa kudosnestettä, soluja sekä plasmaproteiineja takaisin verenkiertoon. Tämän lisäksi imusuonistolla on tärkeä rooli immuunijärjestelmässä sekä lipidien imeytymisessä suolistosta. Verisuonten kasvu on tärkeä tekijä monissa fysiologisissa tapahtumasarjoissa, kuten tulehduksissa, haavan paranemisessa sekä sikiönkehityksessä. Verisuonten kasvua tavataan myös monessa sairaustilassa, kuten syöpäkasvainten kasvussa. Jotta syöpäkasvain pystyisi kasvamaan halkasijaltaan paria millimetriä isommaksi, kasvavat syöpäsolut tarvitsevat ravintoaineita. Tämä tarve tyydytetään lisääntyneellä verisuonistolla. Monet syövät myös leviävät imusuonia pitkin ja muodostavat etäpesäkkeitä imusolmukkeisiin. Tyrosiinikinaasit ovat proteiineja, joilla on tärkeä rooli kasvu- ja erilaistumissignaalien siirrossa solukalvolta solun sisään. VEGF tyrosiinikinaasireseptoriperheen on todettu säätelevän endoteelisoluja, jotka ympäröivät veri- ja imusuonistoa. Koska veri- ja imusuonilla on keskeinen rooli monissa patologisissa prosesseissa, on kyky kontrolloida niiden kasvua hyvin tärkeää. Tässä tutkimuksessa olemme lähemmin tutkineet VEGF reseptorin (VEGFR-2) vaikutusta verisuonten ja imusuonten kasvussa. Olemme geeniterapiamenetelmällä tuottaneet VEGFR-2 spesifistä kasvutekijää ja näyttäneet että yhdistelemällä sitä toiseen sukulaisperheen kasvutekijään voimme tuottaa uusia, toimivia verisuonia. Tällainen verisuonten kasvu voisi käyttää hoitomuotona esimerkiksi sydän- ja verisuonitautien yhteydessä, jolloin uusien verisuonten kasvu on voisi olla tärkeä hoitomuoto. Huomasimme tutkimuksessamme myös että VEGFR-2 stimuloi imusuonten kasvua. Olemme tarkemmin tutkineet imusuonten kasvuun liittyviä perusmekanismeja. Näiden perusmekanismien tiedon lisääminen on hyvin tärkeätä kun suunnitellaan uusia hoitomenetelmiä imu- ja verisuonistoon liittyvien sairauksien hoidossa

    Viral Oncogene–Induced DNA Damage Response Is Activated in Kaposi Sarcoma Tumorigenesis

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    Kaposi sarcoma is a tumor consisting of Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV)–infected tumor cells that express endothelial cell (EC) markers and viral genes like v-cyclin, vFLIP, and LANA. Despite a strong link between KSHV infection and certain neoplasms, de novo virus infection of human primary cells does not readily lead to cellular transformation. We have studied the consequences of expression of v-cyclin in primary and immortalized human dermal microvascular ECs. We show that v-cyclin, which is a homolog of cellular D-type cyclins, induces replicative stress in ECs, which leads to senescence and activation of the DNA damage response. We find that antiproliferative checkpoints are activated upon KSHV infection of ECs, and in early-stage but not late-stage lesions of clinical Kaposi sarcoma specimens. These are some of the first results suggesting that DNA damage checkpoint response also functions as an anticancer barrier in virally induced cancers

    Distinct vascular endothelial growth factor signals for lymphatic vessel enlargement and sprouting

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    Lymphatic vessel growth, or lymphangiogenesis, is regulated by vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) and -D via VEGF receptor 3 (VEGFR-3). Recent studies suggest that VEGF, which does not bind to VEGFR-3, can also induce lymphangiogenesis through unknown mechanisms. To dissect the receptor pathway that triggers VEGFR-3–independent lymphangiogenesis, we used both transgenic and adenoviral overexpression of placenta growth factor (PlGF) and VEGF-E, which are specific activators of VEGFR-1 and -2, respectively. Unlike PlGF, VEGF-E induced circumferential lymphatic vessel hyperplasia, but essentially no new vessel sprouting, when transduced into mouse skin via adenoviral vectors. This effect was not inhibited by blocking VEGF-C and -D. Postnatal lymphatic hyperplasia, without increased density of lymphatic vessels, was also detected in transgenic mice expressing VEGF-E in the skin, but not in mice expressing PlGF. Surprisingly, VEGF-E induced lymphatic hyperplasia postnatally, and it did not rescue the loss of lymphatic vessels in transgenic embryos where VEGF-C and VEGF-D were blocked. Our data suggests that VEGFR-2 signals promote lymphatic vessel enlargement, but unlike in the blood vessels, are not involved in vessel sprouting to generate new lymphatic vessels in vivo

    Short and long-term effects of hVEGF-A(165) in cre-activated transgenic mice

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    We have generated a transgenic mouse where hVEGF-A(165) expression has been silenced with loxP-STOP fragment, and we used this model to study the effects of hVEGF-A(165) over-expression in mice after systemic adenovirus mediated Cre-gene transfer. Unlike previous conventional transgenic models, this model leads to the expression of hVEGF-A(165) in only a low number of cells in the target tissues in adult mice. Levels of hVEGF-A(165) expression were moderate and morphological changes were found mainly in the liver, showing typical signs of active angiogenesis. Most mice were healthy without any major consequences up to 18 months after the activation of hVEGF-A(165) expression. However, one mouse with a high plasma hVEGF-A(165) level died spontaneously because of bleeding into abdominal cavity and having liver hemangioma, haemorrhagic paratubarian cystic lesions and spleen peliosis. Also, two mice developed malignant tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma), which were not seen in control mice. We conclude that long-term uncontrolled hVEGF-A(165) expression in only a limited number of target cells in adult mice can be associated with pathological changes, including possible formation of malignant tumors and uncontrolled bleeding in target tissues. These findings have implications for the design of long-term clinical trials using hVEGF-A(165) gene and protein.We have generated a transgenic mouse where hVEGF-A(165) expression has been silenced with loxP-STOP fragment, and we used this model to study the effects of hVEGF-A(165) over-expression in mice after systemic adenovirus mediated Cre-gene transfer. Unlike previous conventional transgenic models, this model leads to the expression of hVEGF-A(165) in only a low number of cells in the target tissues in adult mice. Levels of hVEGF-A(165) expression were moderate and morphological changes were found mainly in the liver, showing typical signs of active angiogenesis. Most mice were healthy without any major consequences up to 18 months after the activation of hVEGF-A(165) expression. However, one mouse with a high plasma hVEGF-A(165) level died spontaneously because of bleeding into abdominal cavity and having liver hemangioma, haemorrhagic paratubarian cystic lesions and spleen peliosis. Also, two mice developed malignant tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma), which were not seen in control mice. We conclude that long-term uncontrolled hVEGF-A(165) expression in only a limited number of target cells in adult mice can be associated with pathological changes, including possible formation of malignant tumors and uncontrolled bleeding in target tissues. These findings have implications for the design of long-term clinical trials using hVEGF-A(165) gene and protein.We have generated a transgenic mouse where hVEGF-A(165) expression has been silenced with loxP-STOP fragment, and we used this model to study the effects of hVEGF-A(165) over-expression in mice after systemic adenovirus mediated Cre-gene transfer. Unlike previous conventional transgenic models, this model leads to the expression of hVEGF-A(165) in only a low number of cells in the target tissues in adult mice. Levels of hVEGF-A(165) expression were moderate and morphological changes were found mainly in the liver, showing typical signs of active angiogenesis. Most mice were healthy without any major consequences up to 18 months after the activation of hVEGF-A(165) expression. However, one mouse with a high plasma hVEGF-A(165) level died spontaneously because of bleeding into abdominal cavity and having liver hemangioma, haemorrhagic paratubarian cystic lesions and spleen peliosis. Also, two mice developed malignant tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma), which were not seen in control mice. We conclude that long-term uncontrolled hVEGF-A(165) expression in only a limited number of target cells in adult mice can be associated with pathological changes, including possible formation of malignant tumors and uncontrolled bleeding in target tissues. These findings have implications for the design of long-term clinical trials using hVEGF-A(165) gene and protein.Peer reviewe

    Lymphangiogenic growth factor responsiveness is modulated by postnatal lymphatic vessel maturation

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    Lymphatic vessel plasticity and stability are of considerable importance when attempting to treat diseases associated with the lymphatic vasculature. Development of lymphatic vessels during embryogenesis is dependent on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C but not VEGF-D. Using a recombinant adenovirus encoding a soluble form of their receptor VEGFR-3 (AdVEGFR-3-Ig), we studied lymphatic vessel dependency on VEGF-C and VEGF-D induced VEGFR-3 signaling in postnatal and adult mice. Transduction with AdVEGFR-3-Ig led to regression of lymphatic capillaries and medium-sized lymphatic vessels in mice under 2 weeks of age without affecting collecting lymphatic vessels or the blood vasculature. No effect was observed after this period. The lymphatic capillaries of neonatal mice also regressed partially in response to recombinant VEGFR3-Ig or blocking antibodies against VEGFR-3, but not to adenovirus-encoded VEGFR-2-Ig. Despite sustained inhibitory VEGFR-3-Ig levels, lymphatic vessel regrowth was observed at 4 weeks of age. interestingly, whereas transgenic expression of VEGF-C in the skin induced lymphatic hyperplasia even during embryogenesis, similar expression of VEGF-D resulted in lymphangio-genesis predominantly after birth. These results indicate considerable plasticity of lymphatic vessels during the early postnatal period but not thereafter, suggesting that anti-lymphangiogenic therapy can he safely applied in adults