494 research outputs found

    Understanding Polarization Properties of InAs Quantum Dots by Atomistic Modeling of Growth Dynamics

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    A model for realistic InAs quantum dot composition profile is proposed and analyzed, consisting of a double region scheme with an In-rich internal core and an In-poor external shell, in order to mimic the atomic scale phenomena such as In-Ga intermixing and In segregation during the growth and overgrowth with GaAs. The parameters of the proposed model are derived by reproducing the experimentally measured polarization data. Further understanding is developed by analyzing the strain fields which suggests that the two-composition model indeed results in lower strain energies than the commonly applied uniform composition model.Comment: in press, AIP proceedings for ICPS 2012 - 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, July 29-August 3, 2012 Zuric

    Use of weaning concentrate in the feeding suckling kids: effects on meat quality

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    The effect of a feeding supplementation with starter concentrate on “Capretto” meat production and its qualitative characteristics was investigated. The results showed that the effect of concentrate supplementation did not influence the slaughter weight, slaughter and dissection data, tissue composition and meat chemical composition of the pelvic limb. No differences were found for rheological characteristics of LD meat, except cohesiveness values, which were higher in the concentrate group kids

    The influence of somatic cell count on sheep milk composition and cheese-making properties

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    Somatic cell count (SCC) is an important tool for monitoring intramammary infections in dairy cows. However, systematic generalization of this decision rule is not easy in small ruminants. Determination of SCC in sheep milk is important for the processors of milk (indicator of quality), for breeders (mastitis indicator) and could be useful for selection as well. SCC value can be affected by some non-infective factors such as breed, stage of lactation, parity, type of lambing, type of milking, etc. (Bergonier et al., 1994), as well the health status of the udder (Fruganti et al., 1985; Ranucci et al., 1988). In addition, EC Directive 92/46, which regulates the production and commercialisation of milk and dairy products, imposes strict limits on SCC from dairy cattle but it does not dispel the uncertainty over recommended SCC levels in small ruminants.With the aim of knowing more about somatic cells count and their effects on milk quality and cheese-making properties an experimental trial was carried out

    Site seismic response for a strategic building in the city of Messina by two-dimensional finite element analysis

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    It is well recognized that local seismic effects can exert a significant influence on the distribution of damages during earthquakes. Traditionally, these effects have been studied by means of simple one-dimensional (1-D) models of seismic wave propagation which take only the influence of the stratigraphic profile and soil/bedrock properties into account on the seismic response. Conversely, local effects derived from surface topography such as ridge, cliffs etc., which are typically two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) problems, have received less attention because of computational time, lack of experimental data and the need of more refined models. It is therefore of great interest to quantitatively evaluate the relative contribution on seismic response of stratigraphic as well as of topographic effects, which can be very different depending on the specific morphological conditions and geotechnical characteristics of the site

    Kroc Fit Kids Needs Assessment

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    The Salvation Army Kroc Center, a 12.4-acre family support, education, recreation, and cultural arts center located in the Rolando neighborhood of San Diego, is interested in designing an intervention program to alleviate the issue of low levels of physical activity and combat the childhood obesity problem. The Kroc Center is well suited to designing such an intervention because it works closely with six partner elementary schools in its surrounding neighborhoods. To assist the Kroc Center in developing an intervention, this needs assessment examines factors that may lead to low fitness scores, and the potential dangers to students, and the community, if no intervention takes place.https://digital.sandiego.edu/npi-bpl-programdesign/1003/thumbnail.jp

    A systematic review of the use of organization and management theories in climate change studies

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    Climate change studies have been gaining increasing importance in the academic debate, and also in the field of organizations and management. Scholars have contributed to this field by borrowing approaches from sustainable business research. However, some authors have raised unanswered questions about the contribution of these studies to the management theories. According to them, climate change studies have failed to provide theoretical insights and too often they have adopted a descriptive and practical approach. Our review describes the theoretical contribution of the climate change papers, identifying the most often used management theories. The analysis results for 28 different management theories indicate that, while some theories such as the institutional and stakeholder theories have been widely debated, the relation between business climate change strategies and other organization theories still appears to be unexplored

    Two-dimensional site seismic response analysis for a strategic building in Catania

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    This study is part of a more extensive research aimed to the seismic risk mitigation in Eastern Sicily. The earthquakes that occurred in Sicily in 1169, 1542, 1693, 1818, 1908 and more recently in 1990, testify the high level of seismic hazard in this region. It is well recognized that local seismic effects can exert a significant influence on the distribution of damage during earthquake. Traditionally, these effects are studied by means of simple one–dimensional (1-D) models of seismic wave propagation, which take only the influence of the stratigraphic profile and soil proprieties into to account for the site seismic response. It is known that the seismic response is strongly influenced by stratigraphic and topographic features that can reduce or amplify the earthquake induced ground motion depending on the soil stiffness and on the ground topography. This paper concerns the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) finite element analysis carried out to evaluate the response of the site where the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) building is located in the town of Catania. The analysis, performed using as seismic input the accelerogram recorded in 1990 during the Santa Lucia earthquake, allowed to make some considerations about the expected accelerations at that the site and some comparison with the peak accelerations prescribed by Italian seismic code

    Analisi interpretative per il riconoscimento delle connessioni ecologico-ambientali nei territori trans-frontalieri dell'agrigentino e delle isole maltesi

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    Il volume contiene gli esiti della ricerca Remasi indirizzata alla realizzazione di una rete transfrontaliera sui temi della conservazione e valorizzazione delle aree di interesse naturalistico sia come “rete immateriale” di scambio di informazioni e buone pratiche, sia come “rete materiale” di interconnessione ecologico-ambientale dei siti di interesse naturale