20 research outputs found

    Significantly enriched GO terms (Biological processes) in the susceptible cultivar ‘JH Hale’ at 30 mpi with Xap.

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    <p>Significantly enriched GO terms (Biological processes) in the susceptible cultivar ‘JH Hale’ at 30 mpi with Xap.</p

    Distribution of frequency classes of gene expression levels (RPKM) after Xap inoculation on leaves of ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) and ‘Redkist’ (resistant) peach cultivars.

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    <p>Distribution of frequency classes of gene expression levels (RPKM) after Xap inoculation on leaves of ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) and ‘Redkist’ (resistant) peach cultivars.</p

    Relative fold change (FC) of expression levels of genes regulated in both ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and in ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) peach cultivars after Xap infection; max FC = 2216, min FC = -49.

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    <p>Relative fold change (FC) of expression levels of genes regulated in both ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and in ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) peach cultivars after Xap infection; max FC = 2216, min FC = -49.</p

    Transcriptome reprogramming of resistant and susceptible peach genotypes during <i>Xanthomonas arboricola</i> pv. <i>pruni</i> early leaf infection

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    <div><p>Bacterial spot caused by <i>Xanthomonas arboricola</i> pv. <i>pruni</i> (Xap) is a major threat to <i>Prunus</i> species worldwide. The molecular mechanisms of peach resistance to Xap during early leaf infection were investigated by RNA-Seq analysis of two <i>Prunus persica</i> cultivars, ‘Redkist’ (resistant), and ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) at 30 minutes, 1 and 3 hours-post-infection (hpi). Both cultivars exhibited extensive modulation of gene expression at 30 mpi, which reduced significantly at 1 hpi, increasing again at 3 hpi. Overall, 714 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected in ‘Redkist’ (12% at 30 mpi and 1 hpi and 88% at 3 hpi). In ‘JH Hale’, 821 DEGs were identified (47% at 30 mpi and 1 hpi and 53% at 3 hpi). Highly up-regulated genes (fold change > 100) at 3 hpi exhibited higher fold change values in ‘Redkist’ than in ‘JH Hale’. RNA-Seq bioinformatics analyses were validated by RT-qPCR. In both cultivars, DEGs included genes with putative roles in perception, signal transduction, secondary metabolism, and transcription regulation, and there were defense responses in both cultivars, with enrichment for the gene ontology terms, ‘immune system process’, ‘defense response’, and ‘cell death’. There were particular differences between the cultivars in the intensity and kinetics of modulation of expression of genes with putative roles in transcriptional activity, secondary metabolism, photosynthesis, and receptor and signaling processes. Analysis of differential exon usage (DEU) revealed that both cultivars initiated remodeling their transcriptomes at 30 mpi; however, ‘Redkist’ exhibited alternative exon usage for a greater number of genes at every time point compared with ‘JH Hale’. Candidate resistance genes (<i>WRKY</i>-like, <i>CRK</i>-like, <i>Copper amine oxidase</i>-like, and <i>TIR-NBS-LRR</i>-like) are of interest for further functional characterization with the aim of elucidating their role in <i>Prunus</i> spp. resistance to Xap.</p></div

    Highly up-regulated genes (fold change > 100) at 3 hpi with Xap in ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) peach cultivars.

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    <p>Highly up-regulated genes (fold change > 100) at 3 hpi with Xap in ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) peach cultivars.</p

    MA plot of genes differentially expressed (red dots) by two peach varieties during a time course after Xap infection.

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    <p>DEGs were selected by filtering based on log<sub>2</sub> (FC) > 2, or log<sub>2</sub> (FC) < -2, and FDR < 0.05.</p

    Transcriptome remodeling in terms of numbers of regulated genes in ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) cultivars during a time course (30 mpi, 1, and 3 hpi) after Xap infection.

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    <p>Transcriptome remodeling in terms of numbers of regulated genes in ‘Redkist’ (resistant) and ‘JH Hale’ (susceptible) cultivars during a time course (30 mpi, 1, and 3 hpi) after Xap infection.</p

    Aminoacid alignment of the R2 and R3 MYB repeat sequences.

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    <p>MYB domains (pfam00249) of peach PpeMYB25, cotton GhMYB25 (ACJ07153.1, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090574#pone.0090574-Li1" target="_blank">[39]</a>) and <i>Antirrhinum</i> AmMYBML1 (CAB433991.1, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090574#pone.0090574-Finn1" target="_blank">[54]</a>) were aligned using the Muscle on line tool at EBI (<a href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/muscle/" target="_blank">http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/muscle/</a>). Graphic display of the alignment was obtained using BoxShade (<a href="http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/BOX_form.html" target="_blank">http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/BOX_form.html</a>). Black shaded residues are identical, grey shaded residues are similar. Coordinates in the protein sequences are indicated.</p