195 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory activity of Wnt signaling in enteric nervous system: in vitro preliminary evidences in rat primary cultures

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    Background: In the last years, Wnt signaling was demonstrated to regulate inflammatory processes. In particular, an increased expression of Wnts and Frizzled receptors was reported in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis to exert both anti- and pro-inflammatory functions regulating the intestinal activated nuclear factor \u3baB (NF-\u3baB), TNFa release, and IL10 expression. Methods: To investigate the role of Wnt pathway in the response of the enteric nervous system (ENS) to inflammation, neurons and glial cells from rat myenteric plexus were treated with exogenous Wnt3a and/or LPS with or without supporting neurotrophic factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epithelial growth factor (EGF), and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The immunophenotypical characterization by flow cytometry and the protein and gene expression analysis by qPCR and Western blotting were carried out. Results: Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence staining evidenced that enteric neurons coexpressed Frizzled 9 and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) while glial cells were immunoreactive to TLR4 and Wnt3a suggesting that canonical Wnt signaling is active in ENS. Conclusions: The results of this study suggested the existence of neuronal surveillance through FZD9 and Wnt3a in enteric myenteric plexus. Moreover, experimental evidences were provided to clarify the correlation among soluble trophic factors, Wnt signaling, and anti-inflammatory protection of ENS

    Breast cancer cells grown on hyaluronic acid-based scaffolds as 3D in vitro model for electroporation

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    Nowadays, electroporation (EP) represents a promising method for the intracellular delivery of anticancer drugs. To setting up the process, the EP efficiency is usually evaluated by using cell suspension and adherent cell cultures that are not representative of the in vivo conditions. Indeed, cells are surrounded by extracellular matrix (ECM) whose composition and physical characteristics are different for each tissue. So, various three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models, such as spheroids and hydrogel-based cultures, have been proposed to mimic the tumour microenvironment. Herein, a 3D breast cancer in vitro model has been proposed. HCC1954 cells were seeded on crosslinked and lyophilized matrices composed of hyaluronic acid (HA) and ionic complementary self-assembling peptides (SAPs) already known to provide a fibrous structure mimicking collagen network. Herein, SAPs were functionalized with laminin derived IKVAV adhesion motif. Cultures were characterized by spheroids surrounded by ECM produced by cancer cells as demonstrated by collagen1a1 and laminin B1 transcripts. EP was carried out on both 2D and 3D cultures: a sequence of 8 voltage pulses at 5 kHz with different amplitude was applied using a plate electrode. Cell sensitivity to EP seemed to be modulated by the presence of ECM and the different cell organization. Indeed, cells cultured on HA-IKVAV were more sensitive than those treated in 2D and HA cultures, in terms of both cell membrane permeabilization and viability. Collectively, our results suggest that HA-IKVAV cultures may represent an interesting model for EP studies. Further studies will be needed to elucidate the influence of ECM composition on EP efficiency

    Nanopatterned acellular valve conduits drive the commitment of blood-derived multipotent cells

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    Considerable progress has been made in recent years toward elucidating the correlation among nanoscale topography, mechanical properties, and biological behavior of cardiac valve substitutes. Porcine TriCol scaffolds are promising valve tissue engineering matrices with demonstrated self-repopulation potentiality. In order to define an in vitro model for investigating the influence of extracellular matrix signaling on the growth pattern of colonizing blood-derived cells, we cultured circulating multipotent cells (CMC) on acellular aortic (AVL) and pulmonary (PVL) valve conduits prepared with TriCol method and under no-flow condition. Isolated by our group from Vietnamese pigs before heart valve prosthetic implantation, porcine CMC revealed high proliferative abilities, three-lineage differentiative potential, and distinct hematopoietic/endothelial and mesenchymal properties. Their interaction with valve extracellular matrix nanostructures boosted differential messenger RNA expression pattern and morphologic features on AVL compared to PVL, while promoting on both matrices the commitment to valvular and endothelial cell-like phenotypes. Based on their origin from peripheral blood, porcine CMC are hypothesized in vivo to exert a pivotal role to homeostatically replenish valve cells and contribute to hetero- or allograft colonization. Furthermore, due to their high responsivity to extracellular matrix nanostructure signaling, porcine CMC could be useful for a preliminary evaluation of heart valve prosthetic functionality

    Facile and selective covalent grafting of an RGD-peptide to electrospun scaffolds improves HUVEC adhesion

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    The development of a biomimetic surface able to promote endothelialization is fundamental in the search for blood vessel substitutes that prevent the formation of thrombi or hyperplasia. This study aims at investigating the effect of functionalization of poly-ε-caprolactone or poly(L-lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) electrospun scaffolds with a photoreactive adhesive peptide. The designed peptide sequence contains four Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro motifs per chain and a p-azido-Phe residue at each terminus. Different peptide densities on the scaffold surface were obtained by simply modifying the peptide concentration used in pretreatment of the scaffold before UV irradiation. Scaffolds of poly-ε-caprolactone embeddedwith adhesive peptideswere produced to assess the importance of peptide covalent grafting. Our results show that the scaffolds functionalized with photoreactive peptides enhance adhesion at 24h with a dosedependent effect and control the proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, whereas the inclusion of adhesive peptide in the electrospun matrices by embedding does not give satisfactory results

    Preliminary investigation of blood vessel-derived acellular matrix for vascular graft application

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    Although autologous vascular grafts and artificial materials have been used for reconstruction of small diameter (<5mm) blood vessels, the poor availability of vessels and the occurrence of intimal hyperplasia and progressive atherosclerotic degeneration represent shortcomings of these vascular prostheses. Therefore, this preliminary study aimed to develop acellular matrix (AM)-based vascular grafts. Rat thoracic aortas were decellularized by means of a detergent-enzymatic treatment [1], whereas endothelial cells (ECs) were obtained through enzymatic digestion of rat skin followed by immunomagnetic separation of CD31-positive cells. Twenty male Lewis rats (8 week old) received either only AM and previously in vitro reendothelized AM as abdominal aorta Interposition grafts (about 2 cm). After 1 (n=10) and 3 (n=10) months from surgery, grafts were explanted and morphologically examined by scanning electron microscopy and Movat staining. The detergent enzymatic treatment completely removed the cellular part of vessels and both MHC class I and class II antigens. After 1 month from surgery, the luminal surface of implanted AMs was partially covered by ECs and several platelets adhered in the areas lacking cell coverage. Intimal hyperplasia, already detected after 1 month, increased at 3 months. On the contrary, all the grafts composed by AM and ECs were completely covered at 1 month and their structure was similar to that of native vessels at 3 months. Taken together, our findings show that prostheses composed of AM pre-seeded with ECs could be a promising approach for the replacement of blood vessels

    Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells modulate dextran sulphate sodium induced acute colitis in immunodeficient mice.

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are complex multi-factorial diseases with increasing incidence worldwide but their treatment is far from satisfactory. Unconventional strategies have consequently been investigated, proposing the use of stem cells as an effective alternative approach to IBD. In the present study we examined the protective potential of exogenously administered human umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs) against Dextran Sulphate Sodium (DSS) induced acute colitis in immunodeficient NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J mice with particular attention to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. METHODS: UCMSCs were injected in NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J via the tail vein at day 1 and 4 after DSS administration. To verify attenuation of DSS induced damage by UCMSCs, Disease Activity Index (DAI) and body weight changes was monitored daily. Moreover, colon length, histological changes, myeloperoxidase and catalase activities, metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and 9 expression and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress related proteins were evaluated on day 7. RESULTS: UCMSCs administration to immunodeficient NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J mice after DSS damage significantly reduced DAI (1.45\u2009\ub1\u20090.16 vs 2.08\u2009\ub1\u20090.18, p\u20093-fold), which were significantly reduced in mice receiving UCMSCs. Moreover, positive modulation in ER stress related proteins was observed after UCMSC administration. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that UCMSCs are able to prevent DSS-induced colitis in immunodeficient mice. Using these mice we demonstrated that our UCMSCs have a direct preventive effect other than the T-cell immunomodulatory properties which are already known. Moreover we demonstrated a key function of MMPs and ER stress in the establishment of colitis suggesting them to be potential therapeutic targets in IBD treatment

    Apparatus and method for non-invasive inspection of solid bodies by muon imaging

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    The present invention has application in the technical field of measuring instruments and it relates to an apparatus for non-invasive inspection of solid bodies by muon imaging usable in civil engineering, archeology, volcanology, tectonics and everywhere a radiographic and/or tomographic non-destructive inspection of geological and/or engineering structures, even of large dimensions, is necessary The invention further relates to a method for non-invasive inspection by muon imaging implementable by said apparatus

    Effects of surface topography on growth and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells

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    The clinical success of an endosseous artificial implant is related to the quality of its osseointegration with the surrounding living bone. To achieve a stable anchorage, mesenchymal cells, migrating to the implant surface from the surrounding tissue, must differentiate towards mature osteoblasts rather than connective tissue cell types. It is well known that the cell response is affected by the physicochemical parameters of the biomaterial surface, such as surface energy, surface charges or chemical composition. Topography seems to be one of the most crucial physical cues for cells (1). In particular, interactions between mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and surfaces with specific micro and nano patterns can stimulate MSCs to produce bone mineral in vitro (2). Herein, stamps reporting different micro and nano features were fabricated in order to obtain several corresponding replicas in a short time through microinjec- tion molding. Then, the effects of the substrate topography on human bone marrowderived MSC adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation were investigated in the absence of inductive growth factors. Collectively, our data show that both micro- and nano-structured surfaces possess osteoinductive properties. A relationship between dimensional feature of surface topography and differentiative potential was noted. On the contrary, cell adhesion and proliferation seemed to be unaffected. Further in vivo studies will be carried out to confirm the osteoinductive properties of selected surface geometries

    Sustained release from injectable composite gels loaded with silver nanowires designed to combat bacterial resistance in bone regeneration applications

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    One-dimensional nanostructures, such as silver nanowires (AgNWs), have attracted considerable attention owing to their outstanding electrical, thermal and antimicrobial properties. However, their application in the prevention of infections linked to bone tissue regeneration intervention has not yet been explored. Here we report on the development of an innovative scaffold prepared from chitosan, composite hydroxyapatite and AgNWs (CS-HACS-AgNWs) having both bioactive and antibacterial properties. In vitro results highlighted the antibacterial potential of AgNWs against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The CS-HACS-AgNWs composite scaffold demonstrated suitable Ca/P deposition, improved gel strength, reduced gelation time, and sustained Ag+ release within therapeutic concentrations. Antibacterial studies showed that the composite formulation was capable of inhibiting bacterial growth in suspension, and able to completely prevent biofilm formation on the scaffold in the presence of resistant strains. The hydrogels were also shown to be biocompatible, allowing cell proliferation. In summary, the developed CS-HACS-AgNWs composite hydrogels demonstrated significant potential as a scaffold material to be employed in bone regenerative medicine, as they present enhanced mechanical strength combined with the ability to allow calcium salts deposition, while efficiently decreasing the risk of infections. The results presented justify further investigations into the potential clinical applications of these materials

    Exploring a tissue engineering strategy as a novel approach for haemophilic arthropathy treatment

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    Among the most disabling complications of Haemophilia, repeated and sponta- neous intra-articular haemorrhages may cause irreversible damage to the joint. This leads to haemophilic arthropathy, a polyarticular disease characterized by joint stiff- ness, chronic pain and a severely limited range of motion. Occurrence of haemophilic arthropathy can be avoided by the prophylactic administration of clotting factors to prevent articular haemorrhages, but it can also be addressed using anti-inflammatory drugs and surgery to alleviate the effects of articular damage, up to arthroplasty as resolute option [1]. However, innovative strategies for the prevention and treatment of this common and serious complication are still required, due to some important limits of current therapies, first of all inhibitor development. In this work, we inves- tigated a tissue engineering approach to regenerate articular focal lesions in Haemo- philic patients by in vitro development of an autologous bio-hybrid prosthesis. For this purpose, we isolated articular chondrocytes from Haemophilic patients (HaeCs) and characterized them for the first time in literature, to verify whether they were altered by blood exposure. Using healthy chondrocytes as control, optical microscope morphological analysis, flow cytometry immunophenotype evaluation and gene expression study by qRT-PCR were performed. After that, an innovative compos- ite scaffold was obtained by combining decellularized Wharton’s Jelly (W’s J) from human umbilical cord with a novel biodegradable polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel [2]. Finally, we assessed HaeCs capacity to re-populate biosynthetic scaffolds by Scan- ning Electron Microscopy and MTT assay on cells seeded on supports. Taken togeth- er, our results contributed to define HaeCs phenotype, highlighting the possibility to use these cells for autologous implant. What is more, HaeCs capacity to growth and proliferate on composite scaffolds set the stage for planning the development of autologous tissue substitutes for haemophilic cartilage regeneration
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