81 research outputs found

    Wild cat and domestic cat: domestication or taming ?

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    This study point out the relationship between wild cat and domestic cat correlating the craniometric data of wild cats from literature to those from bone remains of the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy (University of Pisa). The morphological and morphometrical features closely associated with behavioral attitudes confirm the hypothesis that the cat would be considered as a taming animal

    Células Ganglionares de la Retina en Aves Rapaces Strigidae: Distribución y Morfometría

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    SUMMARY: The authors studied the morphometry and the topographical distribution of Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) in four nocturnal raptors of the order of Strigiformes, family of Strigidae: little owl, tawny owl, scops owl, eared owl. In order to recognize specialized retinal vision areas (fovea and visual streak), the number of RGCs/mm2 and the soma size in the four retinal fields (dorsal, ventral, temporal and nasal) by the histological analysis of retinal radial sections were recorded. A temporal fovea was identified in little owl, tawny owl and eared owl while in scops owl this visual area was localized near the fundus oculi. A radial visual streak ventrally directed was pointed out in the retinas of the four raptors with different shape according to its width. The Authors linked the obtained data with the predatory behavior of nocturnal raptors in their habitat. RESUMEN: Se estudió la morfometría y la distribución topográfica de las células ganglionares de la retina (CGR) en cuatro aves rapaces nocturnas del orden de los Strigiformes, familia Strigidae: búho pequeño, mochuelo, autillo, y cárabo. Con el objetivo de definir las áreas de visión retiniana especializadas (fóvea y campo visual), se registró el número de CGRs/mm2 y el tamaño del soma en los cuatro campos retinianos (dorsal, ventral, temporal y nasal), mediante análisis histológico de las secciones radiales de la retina. Se identificó una fóvea temporal en mochuelo, búho leonado y búho pequeño, mientras que en el búho real, esta área visual se localizó cerca del fondo de ojo. Se observó un campo radial visual dirigido ventralmente en las retinas de las cuatro aves rapaces, con diferentes formas según su extensión. Se relacionaron los datos obtenidos con el comportamiento predatorio de aves rapaces nocturnas en su hábitat

    Number and topographical distribution of retinal ganglion cells in diurnal and nocturnal raptors

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    Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) in two diurnal raptors, the buzzard (Buteo buteo) and kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), and in two nocturnal raptors, the little owl (Athene noctua) and tawny owl (Strix aluco), were studied in order to highlight their topographical distribution, taking into account the soma size. Cell density (RGCs/mm2) and median soma area from histological radial sections in four retinal fields (dorsal, ventral, temporal and nasal) were recorded in order to identify specialized retinal vision areas. The results showed a different RGCs distribution between diurnal and nocturnal raptors related to the location of the foveas and shape of the horizontal streak, confirming the bibliographic data. In diurnal raptors, a higher cell density was found in the temporal and central retinal fields as revealed by the presence of a temporal and a central fovea which showed a “horizontal streak”. In nocturnal raptors the cell density was higher in the peripheral temporal field likely due to a temporal fovea. A peak in cell density observed in the ventral field, especially in the retina of little owls, might be linked to a more “radial visual streak”. Comparing the data obtained we highlighted that the morphology and the number of RGCs are closely linked to the habitat and to the type of predatio

    Preferential epithelial expression of type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) in the developing canine embryo

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    The use of cannabinoid receptor agonists is gaining a strong interest both in human and veterinary medicine. The potential use of cannabimimetic compounds in companion animals was reviewed in 2007 for their role in tissue inflammation and pain. A better knowledge of type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) expression on the target population may help in risk management in order to prevent unwanted side effects. We used 30-days old canine embryos to describe the distribution of CB1R by means of immunohistochemistry with a commercially available antibody.CB1R immunoreactivity was mainly epithelial and included most structures of central and peripheral nervous system, inner ear, olfactory epithelium and related structures, eye and thyroid. Further investigative research on the role of the endocannabinoid system in the developmental biology field is needed, however, we show that in the canine species we must consider pregnancy as risk condition for developmental abnormalities that may arise upon the use of CB1R receptor agonists

    Morphological study of the iris musculature in diurnal and nocturnal raptors

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    In literature it is established that the iris musculature consists of striate muscle fibers in birds while in mammals it consists of smooth muscles. Some authors report the presence of smooth muscle tissue also in the iris of some species of birds. In the present study we report on the iris muscle tissues (type of tissue, direction and mean diameter of muscle fibers or cells) in five species of Accipitriformes (diurnal raptors) and four species of Strigiformes (nocturnal raptors) because they show different way of life depending of their predatory behavior. This morphological study was carried out from raptors died or euthanized at the Wild Life Rescue Centre of Sea and Water birds in Livorno (Italy). From histological examination of iris serial radial sections we find both striated and smooth musculature even if with marked differences among analyzed species, not directly correlated with diurnal or nocturnal lifestyle. Striated fibers are always present, mainly with cross direction, throughout the iris stroma, while the histological differences concern the smooth cells. Indeed, harrier and sparrow hawk (Accipitriformes) and great horned owl and little owl (Strigiformes) show a compact layer of cross smooth muscle cells throughout the iris stroma. In the other species analyzed smooth muscle cells are slightly detectable as scattered or not detectable. Since the cross smooth muscle tissue allows to maintain a myotic state for extended periods of time, our results might be correlated more to the predatory behavior than the taxonomic order

    Treatment response according to small airways disease status: The effects of high-strength extrafine pMDI beclomethasone dipropionate/formoterol fumarate in fixed dose combination in moderate uncontrolled asthmatic patients

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    Abstract Background Inflammation in small airways is particularly clinically active in severe asthma but they still continue to be ignored as considered silent. Recently, the Atlantis study reports small airways involvement in 91% of the asthma population. Therefore in the era of phenotype driven therapy, the aim of this study was to verify if high-strength extrafine ICS/LABA in fixed dose increases clinical efficacy in moderate asthmatic patients with small airways dysfunction and it could be proposed as phenotype driven therapy. Methods In this prospective, non-interventional, real-life pilot study we enrolled 37 consecutive patients with moderate asthma who were uncontrolled despite GINA step 3 treatment. All subjects at enrollment were divided in two groups according to the presence of small airways dysfunction:1) small airways phenotype (SAP) group: smokers (≥10 packs/die), ex-smokers (>20 packs/year) with air trapping (FVC 100% - FEF 25–75% Results Treatment with extrafine BDP/FF(200/6 μg) in SAP group showed a more significant improvement of FEF25-75%, FVC, RV, and a reduction of alveolar inflammatory markers such as FENO350 and alveolar exhaled pH compared with NSAP patients. Conclusions Our preliminary results support the use of high-strength extrafine pMDI BDP/FF (200/6 μg) as phenotype driven treatment directed to small airways dysfunction demonstrating an increase of clinical efficacy in moderate asthmatics with SAP

    Spheroids from equine amnion mesenchymal stem cells: an in vitro study

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    Background: Equine amnion mesenchymal stem cells (EAMSCs) from amnion isolated after the foal birth represented an alternative source of easy collection of mesenchymal cells used in equine regenerative medicine. Methods: These cells grown as 2D culture in α-MEM medium supplemented with EGF were differentiated in adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic cells. Half a million cells as pellet were left in 15ml tubes with the same differentiation media for 20 days. After the pellets were collected, embedded in paraffin for morphological study. Results: 2D culture showed EAMSCs with an embryonic phenotype (C-kit+, CD105+, Oct-4+) and a differentiation potential in adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic multipotent cells. By a reproducible method of 3D culture, at day 20 the Authors evidenced a formation of small aggregated spheroids gradually gathering. In cross sections the surface of spheroid evidenced flattened cells embedded in a red matrix by Alizarin staining and occasionally a core of calcium precipitation. A network of apoptotic or necrotic cells in a not mineralized matrix was present into the center of nodules. The 3D spheroids appeared larger (mean diameter of 605±53 µm for gathering spheroids and 1486±79 µm for spheroids already gathered) than those from standard monolayer cultures (mean diameter of 200 ± 73 µm). Conclusions: EAMSCs cultured in 3D method preserve their in vitro multipotent differentiation than adherent 2D culture method. These EAMSCs included in extracellular matrix not mineralized at day 20 seem to be a good source of MSCs for tissue repair and regeneration in equine medicine


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    Natural gas hydrate represents one of the most promising solutions to answer to the constantly increasing energy demand; in addition, the possibility of recover methane via carbon dioxide injection, with a theoretical exchange ratio equal to 1, makes it a potential carbon neutral energy source. Among them, energetical costs associated to practical operations in marine deposits. The use of chemical inhibitors and or promoters to improve the exchange process is gaining increasing interest and researchers are mainly focused on finding less environmental unfriendly additives and on reducing their costs. In that direction, the present work deals with the possible use of waste dust, produced during steel mill processes, as promoter of the CO2/CH4 replacement process. That sand commonly contains a great variety of compounds, such as metal oxides, alumina, salts, and so on. Some of them have a chemical composition close to well-known hydrate inhibitors/promoters. Moreover, that application could be a further energetic cycle for a waste product. In this work, both methane and carbon dioxide hydrate formation were tested in absence and in presence of cupper oxides, with different concentrations. Hydrate formation and dissociation results where then compared among each other and with hydrate equilibrium values for those compounds

    Criopreservación seminal en equinos: Efecto de la Trehalosa sobre la célula espermática

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    En los últimos años, el desarrollo de las técnicas de criopreservación de semen en el equino ha permitido congelar semen de padrillos con escasa tolerancia a la criopreservación. La composición del diluyente utilizado es uno de los factores críticos en la congelación espermática, ya que de ella depende que la célula espermática resista el descenso de temperatura a la que es sometida. Los disacáridos entre ellos la trehalosa, incorporada al diluyente de congelación ejerce un efecto osmótico y protege las membranas celulares en semen de varias especies por medio de su acción estabilizante