8,586 research outputs found

    Why we should all care about social institutions related to gender inequality

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    Institutions are a major factor explaining development outcomes. This study focuses on social institutions related to gender inequality understood as long-lasting norms, values and codes of conduct that shape gender roles, and presents evidence on why they matter for development. We derive hypotheses from existing theories and empirically test them at the cross-country level with linear regressions using the newly created Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and its subindices as measures for social institutions. We find that apart from geography, political system, religion, and the level of economic development, one has to consider social institutions related to gender inequality to better account for differences in development. Our results show that social institutions that deprive women of their autonomy and bargaining power in the household, or that increase the private costs and reduce the private returns to investments into girls, are associated with lower female education, higher fertility rates and higher child mortality. Moreover, social institutions related to gender inequality are negatively associated with governance measured as rule of law and voice and accountability. --Social institutions,SIGI,Gender inequality,Fertility,Child mortality,Female education,Governance

    The Institutional Basis of Gender Inequality

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    In this paper we construct the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and its five subindices Family code, Civil liberties, Physical integrity, Son Preference and Ownership rights using variables of the OECD Gender, Institutions and Development database. Instead of measuring gender inequality in education, health, economic or political participation, these indices allow a new perspective on gender issues in developing countries. The SIGI and the subindices measure long-lasting social institutions which are mirrored by societal practices and legal norms that frame gender-relevant meanings and form the basis of gender roles. The subindices measure each one dimension of the concept and the SIGI combines the subindices into a multidimensional index of deprivation of women caused by social institutions. Methodologically, the SIGI is inspired by the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measures. It offers a new way of aggregating gender inequality in several dimensions, penalizing high inequality in each dimension and allowing only for partial compensation between dimensions. The SIGI and the subindices are useful tools to identify countries and dimensions of social institutions that deserve attention. Empirical results confirm that the SIGI provides additional information to that of other well-known gender-related indices. --SIGI,Composite index,Gender inequality,Social institutions,OECD-GID database

    Rat models of autoimmune uveitis

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    Experimental autoimmune uveitis ( EAU) in Lewis rats is a well-established model for human uveitis. During the last years we used this model to demonstrate extraocular induction of uveitis by antigenic mimicry of environmental antigens with retinal autoantigen and investigated the migration and intraocular reactivation of autoreactive green fluorescent protein ( GFP)+ T cells. We could also elaborate several differences between EAU induced with S-antigen peptide PDSAg or R14, a peptide derived from interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, suggesting two differently regulated diseases in the same rat strain. R14-mediated EAU in Lewis rats has been shown to relapse, thus we have a new model to test therapeutic approaches in an ongoing immune response instead of just preventing disease. Finally, we show antigenic mimicry of PDSAg and an HLA-B peptide for oral tolerance induction. After the successful first therapeutic trial this approach will now proceed with international multicenter clinical trials. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Social-ecological resilience in organic and non-organic cocoa farming systems in the Yungas of Bolivia

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    Cocoa based small scale agriculture is the basic livelihood of most farming families in the region of Alto Beni in the Bolivian Andes. Cocoa cultivation is affected by climate change impacts, soil degradation, pests and plant diseases, and insecure cocoa prices. From a sustainable development point of view, cocoa farms need thus to become more resilient. Resilience refers to the ability within a farming system to reduce the sensitivity to stress factors while maintaining productivity, the capacity for self-organisation, to learn, and to adapt to change. Resilience can be subdivided in the three features buffer capacity, self-organisation, and adaptive capacity. This study addresses differences in resilience of organic and non-organic cocoa farms, and the most important features that influence social-ecological resilience in cocoa farming systems. Indicators for resilience were defined in a transdisciplinary process with local experts and cocoa farmers in a workshop and focus groups. Indicators for buffer capacity were tree diversity, crop diversity, and the diversity of income sources of the farming family. Indicators for self-organisation were the interaction with farmers’ organisations, their subsistence level, cocoa yields, and the annual family income. Adaptive capacity was assessed by inquiring the number of courses on cocoa cultivation family members had participated in, and the number of information sources they had. We interviewed 52 certified and non-certified households and conducted an in-depth participant observation with 15 households from the sample. It resulted that organic farms in the research area were more diversified (tree species in cocoa plots: 4.4 vs. 1.9, crop diversity: 8.4 vs. 6.7 crop varieties on cocoa farms), and had higher cocoa yields (506 kg ha−1 yr−1 vs. 335.8 kg ha−1 yr−1, both without external inputs). Annual family income was significantly higher on organic farms with 7530.2 vs. 6044.4 USD. Organic farmers had participated in more courses on cocoa cultivation which may be the main reason for the better performance of their farms. We conclude that resilience building was enhanced by local organisations that organise organic certification and go further than basic organic certification principles by providing extension services, tree seedlings, capacity building, and certain social insurances

    Determinants of Spatial Distribution of Organic Farming in Germany

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    The share of organically managed land is spread unevenly throughout Germany and shows pronounced regional concentrations. The spatial distribution of organic farming is assumed to be influenced by several factors. Location factors of farms are regionally different and thus may influence the spatial distribution of organic farming. Agglomeration effects and therefore spatial dependence are also considered important in determining spatial distribution. These factors with a potential influence on the spatial distribution of organic farming can be divided into four categories: natural factors, farm-structure factors, socio-economic factors and political factors. Their possible influence on the spatial distribution of organic farming is analysed by several statistical methods: ordinary least square regression model, spatial autoregressive models, analysis of variance and Spearman correlation. Of the analysed factors, spatial contiguity has the strongest influence on the spatial distribution of organic farming (indicating relevant agglomeration effects)

    Policies supporting organic food and farming in the EU: assessment and development by stakeholders in 11 European countries

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    There is no single ‘best way’ of policy development. Bottom-up approaches to policy design and a broad debate among stakeholders facilitate policy learning and innovation. A novel approach of a bottom-up policy design process involving stakeholders is introduced. The first results obtained by implementing this methodology are presented. The outcomes of a large international effort for a development of policies for organic food and farming, which took place in Maj 2004 in Europe, are analyzed: the synthesized results from 11 European countries (AT, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, GB, HU, IT, PL, SI) on the current situation of policies related to the organic food market in Europe are highlighted and policy recommendations for the development of the organic food and farming sector are formulated. Specifically, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsof policies related to the organic food market are identified and policy instruments used to address these aspects are developed

    Policies Supporting Organic Food Markets in the EU: Analyses by Stakeholders in 11 European Countries

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    There is no single 'best way' of policy development. Bottom-up approaches to policy design and a broad debate among stakeholders facilitate policy learning and innovation. A novel approach of a bottom-up policy design process involving stakeholders is introduced. First results obtained by this methodology are presented. The outcomes of a large international effort for a development of policies for organic food and farming in Mai 2004 in Europe are analyzed: the synthesized results from 11 European countries (AT, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, GB, HU, IT, PL, SI) on the current situation of policies related to the organic food market in Europe are highlighted and policy recommendations for the development of the organic food and farming sector formulated. Specifically, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of policies related to organic food market are identified and policy instruments to address these aspects are developed.multi-stakeholder involvement, policy learning/transfer, network, organic food market policy, policy recommendations, Europe, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Agricultural Policy Assessment and Development by Stakeholders: A Cross-Country Analysis of National Organic Farming Policy in 11 European Countries

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    There is no single 'best way' of policy development. Bottom-up approaches to policy design and a broad debate among stakeholders facilitate policy learning and innovation. A novel approach of a bottom-up policy design process involving stakeholders is introduced. First results obtained by this methodology are presented. The outcomes of an international effort for a development of policies for organic food and farming in Mai 2004 in Europe are analyzed: the synthesized results from 11 European countries (AT, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, GB, HU, IT, PL, SI) on the current situation of policies related to the organic food and farming sector in Europe are highlighted and policy recommendations for the development of the sector formulated. Specifically, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of policies related to organic food market are identified and policy instruments to address these aspects are developed.Agricultural and Food Policy, Q18,
