395 research outputs found

    Assessment of diagnostic value of dipyridamole testing in angina pectoris.

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    Summary: In order to assess the diagnostic value of dipyridamole (D) testing, we studied the responses of 34 patients with chest pain and 10 normal subjects. Blood pressure and 12-lead ECG were recorded during and after intravenous infusion of 0.6 mg/kg dipyridamole for 10 minutes. Coronary arteriography and maximal or symptom-limited exercise tests were performed in the 34 patients with chest pain. During infusion 13 patients presented ischemic ST changes and 5 with anginal pain only. The latter group had normal coronary arteries. Among the 13 patients with ischemic ST changes, 7 had at least two critical coronary stenoses and the remaining 6 had no coronary lesions. Dipyridamole tests showed poor sensitivity (44%) and specificity (39%) with respect to coronary arteriography. The relatively high number of positive responses in subjects with normal coronary arteries indicates that the coronary steal phenomenon is not the sole cause of "ischemic" response to the drug. Indirect indexes of myocardial oxygen consumption were higher in patients with a positive response to drug infusion than in those with a negative response; however the value of rate-pressure product at infusion end never reached that observed at ischemic threshold during exercise testing in the same patient. This suggests that neither can oxygen consumption increase be considered as entirely responsible for ischemic response to dipyridamole. In conclusion dipyridamole test cannot be proposed for predicting critical coronary stenoses

    Bioremediation of Crude Oil by Haematococcus Pluvialis: A Preliminary Study

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    Nowadays, oil pollution is one of the main environmental problems. The current methods for recovering spills mainly involve chemical agents, but scientific research has focused on more natural and less harmful techniques for the environment, including a consortium of bacteria and microalgae to clean up water contaminated by hydrocarbons. The purpose of this preliminary study was to evaluate the ability of a microalga belonging to Chlorophyceae to grow in the presence of crude oil and remove the principal contaminants. H. pluvialis, which is usually used for nutraceutical purposes, thanks to the production of astaxanthin, was able to grow in anaerobic conditions, varying its metabolism from autotrophic to heterotrophic, exploiting the carbon present in the solution deriving from the presence of 1% of crude oil. Furthermore, the results of bioremediation showed a relevant reduction in chemical pollutants such as nitrate, fluoride, sulfate, and phosphate. The most important aspect of the study was the reduction after 160 days in the hydrocarbon concentration inside not only the culture medium (−32%) but also the algal biomass (−80.25%), demonstrating an optimized degradation rather than a simple absorption inside the alga

    Genetic Improvement to Obtain Specialized Haematococcus pluvialis Genotypes for the Production of Carotenoids, with Particular Reference to Astaxanthin

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    Nowadays, the search for natural substances with a high nutraceutical effect positively impact the world market. Among the most attractive macromolecules are antioxidants, capable of preventing the development of various pathologies. Astaxanthin (ASX) is antioxidant molecule produced by the microalga H. pluvialis as a response to different types of stress. Usually, astaxanthin production involves the first phase of accumulation of the biomass of H. pluvialis (green phase), which is then stressed to stimulate the biosynthesis and accumulation of ASX (red phase). In this study, the H. pluvialis wild-type strain was subjected to random mutagenesis by UV. Among the different mutant strains obtained, only two showed interesting bio-functional characteristics, such as a good growth rate. The results demonstrated that the HM1010 mutant not only has a higher growth trend than the WT mutant but accumulates and produces ASX even in the green phase. This innovative genotype would guarantee the continuous production of ASX, not linked to the two-step process and the uniqueness of the product obtained

    Reactions to the second Cypriot bailout deal from across the European Press

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    Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s mixed messages on Monday in the aftermath of the bailout were widely reported, along with the national and international economic implications of the new deal, while the run-up to the negotiations on Sunday evening saw politicians across Europe attempt to shift the blame for the previous bailout deal’s most controversial dimension, the penalisation of small Cypriot savers, to Cypriot leaders

    Changes in physicochemical properties at different development stages of Hexachlamys edulis fruit, an underutilized South American species

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    The aim of this work was to study the evolution of fruit size and weight together with the soluble solid and total titratable acidity contents during development of Hexachlamys edulis fruit. Also, the patterns of accumulation of chlorophylls, carotenoids, phenols and antioxidant activity were analysed to define the optimal time for harvesting to obtain maximum nutraceutical characteristics. Fruits were harvested from H. edulis plants growing at the experimental field of the University of MorĂłn (Moreno, Buenos Aires, 34°35â€Č4.98″ SL, 58°48â€Č52.09″ WL, 14 m.a.s.l.). Fresh fruit weight was significantly higher in Medium ripe, Ripe and Overripe fruits (40.1, 39.6 and 38.5 g, respectively) than in Unripe fruits (19.5 g). Soluble solids/total titratable acidity was significantly higher in Overripe fruits (7.3) than in Unripe, Medium ripe and Ripe fruits (3.7–4.5). Total polyphenols were maximum in Unripe fruits (905.8 mg tannic acid/100 g fresh fruit weight) decreasing during the fruit development (426.2–130.4 mg tannic acid/100 g fresh fruit weight). Also, DPPH radical scavenging activity was significantly higher in Unripe fruits (75.7%) compared with Medium ripe, Ripe and Overripe fruits (64.1–17.0%). Positive and significant correlations were observed between total polyphenol content and DPPH radical scavenging activity at each extract concentration (r = 0.74, 0.87, 0.74 and 0.60 for 1.25; 2.50; 5.00 and 12.50 mg/mL, respectively). Total carotenoid content increased during fruit development while at the same time decreased chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll b is the main chlorophyll found. Chromatographic analysis showed that lutein is the main carotenoid found in H. edulis fruits, followed by ÎČ-cryptoxanthin and ÎČ-carotene. As shown by the chromatograms at 280 nm, the concentration of biophenols and the complexity of the biophenol profile decreases during fruit development. Levels of polyphenols and pigments together with the antioxidant activity allow us to consider H. edulis fruit as a functional food.Fil: Arena, Miriam Elisabet. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En FisiologĂ­a Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Povilonis, Ignacio. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En FisiologĂ­a Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Borroni, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de TecnologĂ­a en PolĂ­meros y NanotecnologĂ­a. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de TecnologĂ­a en PolĂ­meros y NanotecnologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Constenla, Diana Teresita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Radice, Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En FisiologĂ­a Vegetal; Argentin

    Left ventricular diastolic function in normotensive adolescents with different genetic risk of hypertension.

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    Abnormalities of the diastolic function of the left ventricle are the first sign of cardiac involvement in arterial hypertension. We have studied the diastolic function in a group of normotensive adolescents with confirmed family history of hypertension. M-mode echocardiography was performed in 86 normotensive males aged 14-19 years: 41 sons of at least one hypertensive parent (SHT) and 45 sons of normotensive parents (SNT). Cross-sectional area of the left ventricle and left ventricular (LV) mass index were significantly greater in the SHT than in the SNT group (10.05 +/- 1.84 vs. 8.9 +/- 1.56 cm/m2, p less than 0.01 and 129.3 +/- 296.3 vs. 109.23 +/- 25.7 g/m2, p less than 0.002, respectively). No significant difference between the two groups was observed in the indices of left ventricular diastolic function, except for mitral valve opening rate (463.51 +/- 90.45 in SHT vs. 416.71 +/- 78.84 mm/s in SNT; p less than 0.02). From the analysis of the subgroup of adolescents having left ventricular mass greater than the upper normal value, we observed that they showed mean time of rapid filling significantly longer than SNT: this could represent an early marker of the pathological character of such hypertrophy. Our results suggest that the higher LV mass observed in the SHT is not associated with chamber and myocardial stiffness abnormalities

    An innovative protocol to select the best growth phase for astaxanthin biosynthesis in H. pluvialis.

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    H. pluvialis is a green unicellular microalgae and it is the first producer of natural astaxanthin in the world if subjected to stress conditions such as high light, high salinity and nutrient starvation. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant used in many fields, such as aquaculture, pharmaceutical, food supplements and cosmetic. To obtain a large amount of astaxanthin, researcher focused on the optimisation of H. pluvialis growth. H. pluvialis has four different size growth stage (macrozooids, microzooids, palmelloid and “red non-motile astaxanthin accumulated encysted”), and astaxanthin production occur in the last phase. Recent studies shown that non-motile cells can produce more astaxanthin than motile cells if subjected to light stress. For these reasons, the aim of this study is to find a new and innovative methodology to select and recovery H. pluvialis in his last growth phase thanks to an electrophoretic run, and optimize, in this way, astaxanthin production

    Las funciones porteñas posrevolucionarias y la representación de una nueva mentalidad

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    SegĂșn los viajeros ingleses John y William Parish Robertson "las fiestas pĂșblicas de todo gĂ©nero en Sud-AmĂ©rica son designadas con el nombre genĂ©rico de `funciones'. Y asĂ­, hay funciones teatrales, funciones de iglesias (o procesiones), funciones de gobierno, (procesiones pĂșblicas tambiĂ©n) y sobre todo las funciones mayas. Oficiadas en el seno de las plazas (centros funcionales y simbĂłlicos de las ciudades hispanoamericanas) dichas funciones fueron eventos propicios para la realizaciĂłn de manifestaciones artĂ­sticas de carĂĄcter efĂ­mero, condiciĂłn Ă©sta que las coloca dentro del terreno de lo intangible. Desprovistos de su materialidad, entonces, es necesaria su re-construcciĂłn a partir de otras fuentes documentales que den cuenta de su despliegue y sentido teatral. Los textos de viajeros y la iconografĂ­a porteña de las primeras dĂ©cadas del siglo XIX permiten abordar el estudio de la teatralidad implĂ­cita en la fiesta como la representaciĂłn de un universo simbĂłlico en el que la "nueva" mentalidad posrevolucionaria se manifiesta en arquitectura ficticia, los emblemas y ornatos de manera paradĂłjica. A partir del anĂĄlisis de estas "puestas en escena" se podrĂ­a afirmar que convivĂ­an en las funciones mayas deseos identitarios de una RepĂșblica en formaciĂłn e indicios de pervivencias de la tradiciĂłn barroca como resabios del rĂ©gimen colonial español supuestamente extinguido.Mesa: Arte y SociedadFacultad de Bellas Arte

    Benzo[a]pyrene modelling over Italy: comparison with experimental data and source apportionment

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    Abstract This work describes the extension of the Flexible Air quality Regional Model (FARM) to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Modules accounting for the partitioning of these species between gaseous and particulate phases were inserted in a simplified version of the model and in a more state–of–the–art configuration implementing the SAPRC99 gas–phase chemical mechanism coupled with the aero3 aerosol module. Both versions of FARM were applied over Italy for the year 2005. The analysis of model results was focused on benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), which is considered a marker substance for the carcinogenic risk of PAHs. Simulated B[a]P concentrations were compared with observed data, collected at background sites mainly located in Po Valley, and with concentrations produced at continental scale by EMEP/MSC–E model. Higher B[a]P yearly average concentrations were simulated by the national modelling system as a result of different factors: the higher resolution adopted by the national modelling system, the greater Italian emissions estimated by the national inventory and the effects induced by the use of a high resolution topography on meteorological fields and thus on the dispersion of pollutants. The comparison between observed and predicted monthly averaged concentrations evidenced the capability of the two versions of FARM model to capture the seasonal behaviour of B[a]P, characterised by higher values during the winter season due to the large use of wood for residential heating, enhanced by lower dispersion atmospheric conditions. The statistical analysis evidenced, for both versions of the model, a good performance and better indicators than those associated to EMEP/MSC–E simulations. A source apportionment was then carried out using the simplified version of the model, which proved to perform similarly to the full chemistry version but with the advantage to be computationally less expensive. The analysis revealed a significant influence of national sources on B[a]P concentrations, with non–industrial combustion employing wood burning devices being the most important sector. The contribution of the industrial sectors is relevant around major industrial facilities, with the largest absolute contribution in Taranto (above 1 ng m −3 ), where steel industries are the largest individual source of PAHs in the country

    Reduced sulfatide content in deferoxamine-induced senescent HepG2 cells

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    Iron chelators, such as deferoxamine, exert an anticancer effect by altering the activity of biomolecules critical for regulation of the cell cycle, cell metabolism, and apoptotic processes. Thus, iron chelators are sometimes used in combination with radio- and/or chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. The possibility that deferoxamine could induce a program of senescence similar to radio- and/or chemotherapy, fostering adaptation in the treatment of cancer cells, is not fully understood. Using established biochemical techniques, biomarkers linked to lipid composition, and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, we demonstrated that hepatocellular carcinoma-derived HepG2 cells survive after deferoxamine treatment, acquiring phenotypic traits and representative hallmarks of senescent cells. The results support the view that deferoxamine acts in HepG2 cells to produce oxidative stress-induced senescence by triggering sequential mitochondrial and lysosomal dysfunction accompanied by autophagy blockade. We also focused on the lipidome of senescent cells after deferoxamine treatment. Using mass spectrometry, we found that the deferoxamine-induced senescent cells presented marked remodeling of the phosphoinositol, sulfatide, and cardiolipin profiles, which all play a central role in cell signaling cascades, intracellular membrane trafficking, and mitochondria functions. Detection of alterations in glycosphingolipid sulfate species suggested modifications in ceramide generation, and turnover is frequently described in cancer cell survival and resistance to chemotherapy. Blockade of ceramide generation may explain autophagic default, resistance to apoptosis, and the onset of senescence
