37 research outputs found


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    Vladimir Ciolac is one of the most famous representatives of musical culture in the Republic of Moldova since the confl uence of the 20th-21st centuries who carries out a prolifi c activity of conductor, composer and pedagogue. Although the central axis of this activity is represented by choral music V. Ciolac approached in his creation several genres of instrumental music, including the sonata. Th is article is devoted to the analysis of the Sonata for fl ute and piano composed in 1986. Although monopartite, the composition of the Sonata reveals the typical structure of a more or less traditional sonata allegro in which in some sections the latent manifestation of the functions of the other parts of the cyclic form is observed. . Th us, we fi nd that V. Ciolac’s Sonata combines elements typical of classical-romantic sonatas and features characteristic of musical thinking in the second half of the 20th century, demonstrating the tendency to overcome pre-existing patterns and diversify the forms of musical discourse


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    Testele vegetative de laborator au relevat nivelul de susceptibilitate a șase rase de cartofi cultivate în Moldova – Agata, Romano, Irga, Albăstriu-mov, Kondor, Concorde – către nematodele din genul Ditylenchus: D. destructor, parazitul obligatoriu la tuberculii de cartofi și D. dipsaci, parazitul obligatoriu la Allium, dar și în cultura usturoiului. Cel mai înalt nivel de susceptibilitate la nematoda D. destructor au relevat soiurile de cartofi Irga și Albăstriu-mov. Procentul de invazie a recoltei obținute a constituit 45-50% pentru Irga, fiind evaluat cu balul 4, ca soiuri serios infestate, și 50-70% pentru Albăstriu-mov, evaluat cu balul 5, ca soiuri puternic infestate. Procentul de invazie la cele trei specii studiate – Romano, Kondor și Concorde a variat între 11 și 28%, fiind apreciate cu balul 3, ca soiuri moderat infestate. Dintre speciile mai puțin susceptibile sau cele mai rezistente la D. destructor s-a dovedit a fi soiul Agata. Nivelul de infestare a consti­tuit 8-10%, evaluat cu balul 2, care corespunde soiului slab infestat. Niciunul dintre cele șase soiuri studiate de cartofi nu a fost infestat cu nematoda D. dipsaci, parazitul usturoiului, ceea ce denotă posibilitatea de a infesta cartofii cu altă rasă de Ditylenchus dipsaci.TESTING THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF SOME POTATO BREEDS TO D. DESTRUCTOR AND D. DIPSACI  NEMATHODA SPECIESThe laboratory vegetative tests revealed the level of susceptibility of six potato breeds cultivated in Moldova - Agata, Romano, Irga, Albăstriu-mov, Kondor, Concorde, to Ditylenchus species – D. destructor, the obligatory parasite in the potato tubers, and D. dipsaci, the obligatory parasite in Allium but also in the garlic culture. The highest level of sus­ceptibility to D. destructor nematoda revealed Irga and Albăstriu-mov potato breeds. The percentage of invasion of the obtained harvest constituted 45-50% for Irga, being evaluated with mark 4 as the seriously affected species and 50-70% for Albăstriu-mov, evaluated with mark 5 as the largely affected species. The percentage of obtained harvest invasion of those three studied species – Romano, Kondor and Concorde varied between 11 and 28%, being evaluated with mark 3 as moderately infested breeds. Less susceptible species or the most resistant to D. destructor proved to be Agata breed. The level of invasion constituted 8-10%, evaluated with mark 2 which corresponds to the low-infested breeds. None of those six studied breeds of potatoes were not infested with nemathoda D. dipsaci parasiting garlic, which denotes the possibility of infesting the potatoes with other race of D. dipsaci.</p


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    In recent years concern for organic food and combat drought in crops received increasingly higher attention. Under assessment was the productive value of 6 foreign strawberry cultivars : ‘Alba’, ‘Aprica’, ‘Clery’, ‘Joly’, ‘Fortuna’ and ‘Malling. The cultivars were evaluated in terms of productive value in organic and chemical fertilization. It was noted that organic fertilization has a high influence

    Mulch Effects on Three Highbush Blueberry Cultivars Grown in Container

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    Weed problems were reported in almost all production areas, and management of competing unwanted vegetation has long been an issue for commercial growers all around the world. A field trial was set up in 2016 in Bologa, Cluj county, Romania, in order to examine the influence that different mulches have on weed control, crop growth, yield and soil properties. Weed management is critical for successful production of blueberries. The use of herbicides is becoming increasingly limited, the cost and availability of manual labor are prohibitive factors. There was little research comparing different production strategies in container grown blueberries. The main objective was finding a cost effective weed suppression method that increases yield, promotes vegetative growth and fruit quality. Organic matter (OM) was 6% higher in pine bark treatment compared with weed mat, the pH was not influenced in a significant way by any of the treatments. The number of shoots was higher in pine bark treatment, 1.67 on average, compared to weed mat treatment where the number of shoots was 1.45 this might lead to an increase of production in the following years for pine bark

    The Influence of Cutting Roots on the Growth and Fruiting of ‘Top Group’ Plum Cultivars

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    The influence of cutting roots on the growth and fruiting of ‘top group’ plum cultivars (‘Topfirst’, ‘Topfive’, ‘Toptaste’, ‘Tophit’ and ‘Topend Plus’), under the pedoclimatic conditions of Sînmihaiu Almasului, in the centre of Transylvania, Romania, in 2017-2018, was studied. The trees were grafted on Saint Julien rootstock, trained as Zahn Spindel and the orchard had a density of 1000 trees/ha. Roots were cut twice, at 40 cm distance from the trunk, in an angle of 45° and 30 cm depth, as followed: first time in the autumn during the fall of leaves, on one side of the row and the second time in spring, at blooming time, on the other side of the row. The measurements were done each year after the leaves have been fallen. There were made observations on some growth parameters (length of shoots, height of trees, trunk sectional area, the fruits and vegetative branches ratio) and fructification (average yield for 2017-2018 period, and was determined the productivity index). The treatments influenced the shoot growth, height of the trees, cumulative yield, trunk cross sectional area, the ratio of the yield to a trunk sectional area, with differences statistically assured. Root pruning reduced the average length of shoots. The longest shoots, in mean values, gave the unpruned root variant (131.0 cm). Root pruning decreased the average length of annual growth (51.1 cm). The biggest average trunk cross sectional area with the unpruned root system was obtained (58.7 cm2). Also root pruning influenced the height of the trees. The best cumulative yield was obtained in the variant of root pruning system (28.75 t/ha) followed by the unpruned root system (25.87 t/ha). Finally, root pruning increased productivity. The biggest value was registered in ‘Tophit’ in the root pruned variant (0.73 kg/cm2). The lowest value of productivity index was obtained in the unpruned system

    Oddziaływanie kwaśnego białka włókienkowego gleju i białka S100 w gruczolakach przysadki mózgowej: dwóch czy więcej graczy?

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    Introduction: S100 protein and GFAP expression in pituitary adenomas tumour cells is not well known; few correlations with other prognostic or therapeutic factors have previously been reported in pituitary adenomas. We aim to elucidate their involvement in the pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas and to establish the correlation of their expression with different growth factors and growth factor receptors known to have a prognostic and/or therapeutic role. Material and methods: Sixty-one cases of pituitary adenomas were immunohistochemically assessed for the expression of GFAP and S100 protein in both tumour cells and FS cells, in close relationship with hormone profile, and correlated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression, previously studied by our team. Results: GFAP and S100 protein were expressed both in tumour cells and FS cells. Differences between morphology, distribution, and density of GFAP+ FS cells and S100+ FS cells were observed according to the hormone profile of pituitary adenomas. GFAP and S100 protein expression in tumour cells was significantly related to hormone profile of pituitary adenomas and also with VEGF and EGFR expression. Conclusions: GFAP and S100 protein expressions in tumour cells from pituitary adenomas are influenced by hormone profile. Our re­sults support the presence of two molecular subtypes of FS cells GFAP+/VEGF+/S100 respectively and another one that is GFAP-/S100+/EGFR+ simultaneously with the classical variant GFAP+/S100+. It is possible that S100+/EGFR+ pituitary adenomas represent a group of pituitary adenomas with an aggressive behaviour and a high ability of invasion and recurrence.Wstęp: Ekspresja białka S100 i kwaśnego białka włókienkowego gleju (GFAP, glial fibrillary acid protein) w gruczolakach przysadki mózgowej nie została dobrze poznana. Dostępne są nieliczne publikacje dotyczące korelacji tych cząsteczek z innymi czynnikami prognostycznymi lub terapeutycznymi w gruczolakach przysadki. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wyjaśnienie udziału tych białek w patogenezie gruczolaków przysadki i ustalenie korelacji między ich ekspresją a różnymi czynnikami wzrostu lub receptorami czynników wzrostu o znanej wartości prognostycznej i/lub terapeutycznej. Materiał i metody: Sześćdziesiąt sześć przypadków gruczolaka przysadki zbadano metodami immunohistochemicznymi w celu oceny ekspresji białek GFAP i S100 zarówno w komórkach guza, jak i w komórkach pęcherzykowo-gwiaździstych (FS, folliculo-stellate cells) oraz przeanalizowania uzyskanych wyników w ścisłej zależności z profilami hormonalnymi gruczolaków i w korelacji z ekspresją czynnika wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego (VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor) i receptora naskórkowego czynnika wzrostu (EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor), ocenianych w badaniu przeprowadzonym wcześniej przez nasz zespół. Wyniki: Ekspresję białek GFAP i S100 stwierdzono zarówno w komórkach guza, jak i w komórkach FS. Zaobserwowano różnice pod względem morfologii, rozkładu i gęstości komórek FS z dodatnią ekspresją białek GFAP i S100 (GFAP+FS i S100+FS) odpowiadające profilowi hormonalnemu gruczolaków przysadki. Ekspresja białek GFAP i S100 w komórkach guza była istotnie związana z profilem hormonalnym gruczolaków przysadki, a także z ekspresją VEGF i EGFR. Wnioski: Ekspresja białek GFAP i S100 w komórkach gruczolaka przysadki zależy od profilu hormonalnego guza. Uzyskane w badaniu wyniki potwierdzają obecność dwóch podtypów molekularnych komórek FS GFAP+/VEGF+/S100 oraz jednego typu GFAP–/S100+/EGFR+ występujących jednocześnie z klasycznym wariantem GFAP+/S100+. Możliwe, że gruczolaki przysadki z ekspresją S100+/EGFR+ należą do grupy tych nowotworów cechujących się agresywnością i dużą zdolnością do naciekania i nawrotów