4 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of DHPLC technology for high-throughput detection of mutations in a durum wheat TILLING population
Supplemental file S1. ÃŽË›-LCY gene sequences. (DOCX 12 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of The carotenoid biosynthetic and catabolic genes in wheat and their association with yellow pigments
List of detected QTLs for yellow index and/or yellow pigment content in wheat. (DOCX 18 kb
Additional file 5: Table S3. of The carotenoid biosynthetic and catabolic genes in wheat and their association with yellow pigments
Number of significant marker-trait associations detected by four GWAS models. (DOCX 13 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of The carotenoid biosynthetic and catabolic genes in wheat and their association with yellow pigments
Expression analysis from PLEXdb database of all key genes in carotenoid biosynthesis. (DOCX 83 kb