7 research outputs found

    Plagiarism as another ethical issue in scientific research

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    The excessive demand for publications results in high plagiarism and duplicate numbers by scientists who take over existing texts into new publications. In addition to serious ethical problems, this practice hinders the generation of original material. In order to reduce the problem, softwares such as eTBLAST are being used to detect plagiarism and repeated papers. Despite the persistence of fraudsters, these tools have helped to reduce these problems; however, the ideal solution would be the basic ethical establishment principles. Therefore, plagiarism has always been a foible that could lead to fraudulent and dishonorable development of science

    Influence Of Spirituality In Pediatric Cancer Management: A Systematic Review

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    Context: Pediatric cancer is a wide challenge for the patients, family and health care team. They must deal with anxiety, distress, and pain. Thereby, to find meaning for this journey, they use different coping strategies, among which, spirituality appears to be a way, providing well-being and hope.Objective: The purpose of this review was to analyze the influence of spirituality in childhood cancer care, involving biopsychosocial aspects of child, family, and health professionals facing cancer.Data Sources: To achieve this goal, a systematic review of literature was conducted via electronic databases Scopus, MEDLINE and PubMed using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms: “spiritualityâ€, “neoplasm†and “pediatricâ€.Study Selection: Through this search it was found 65 articles. After analyzing them by abstract 13 met the eligibility criteria and were entirely read before included in the final sample.Data Extractions: sys Most of the studies stated that spirituality helps pediatric patients and their families to find a positive meaning from cancer experience, turning better the management of child. Besides, health practitioners may be able to facilitate this process working as a multidisciplinary team, providing to patient an unabridged care. Results: In this context, previous studies stated that when health care team respects patient’s spirituality their connection becomes stronger allowing confidence to take place, promoting treatment engagement. Spirituality also revealed to be a psychological support that acts improving life’s quality.Conclusion: So, it is necessary to promote a deep discussion about this topic since graduation, providing humanized care to child with cancer by qualified health practitioners

    Prevalência de obstrução numa população exposta ao fumo do tabaco â Projecto PNEUMOBIL

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    Resumo: A espirometria não atingiu ainda a divulgação que se justificaria em patologia respiratória, ou indivíduos que se encontram em risco relativamente a esta patologia, cujo diagnóstico é insuficiente, havendo um escasso conhecimento, e consequente controlo, dos custos atribuíveis a estas doenças, com destaque para a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC).O PNEUMOBIL, iniciativa que visa esta divulgação entre fumadores e ex-fumadores, foi reactivado, após 10 anos de aplicação em Portugal, revelando agora, numa amostra de 5324 indivíduos, em que cerca de 50% ainda mantêm os hábitos tabágicos, sejam do sexo masculino ou feminino, que houve uma elevada prevalência de obstrução detectada por espirometria (30% e 25%, respecti-vamente) nas pessoas rastreadas perto de centros de saúde (grupo público) e em empresas (grupo privado). Este risco não se explica em regra por exposição ocu-pacional, nem se relaciona com a maioria dos sintomas respiratórios, muito frequentes nos rastreados. Apenas a dispneia (OR=1,28; p=0,02) e os episódios frequentes de expectoração (OR=1,21; p=0,008) ou de bronquite aguda (OR=1,31; p=0,05) revelam al-guma relação com a obstrução. O reconhecimento prévio da DPOC é muito reduzi-do e a presença de obstrução não se correlaciona (p=0,204) com o assumir da condição de portador.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (5): 803-846 Abstract: The use of spirometry is not yet widespread enough in chronic respiratory or at-risk patients whose diagnosis is incomplete. There is scarce knowledge and inadequate management of the burden of these diseases, particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Pneumobil, an initiative aimed at raising awareness among smokers and ex-smokers, was reactivated 10 years after its launch in Portugal. It found a large prevalence of bronchial obstruction as measured by spirometry (30% and 25% in men and women respectively) in a sample of 5324 smoke-exposed individuals, 50% current smokers, screened at state or business (private company group) health institutions. This risk is neither mainly attributable to occupational exposure nor mainly related to respiratory symptoms, which were very common in our population. Only dyspnoea (OR=1.28; p=0.02) and frequent episodes of sputum production (OR=1.21; p=0.008) or acute bronchitis (OR=1.31; p=0.05) were somewhat related to bronchial obstruction. Prior knowledge of COPD is rare and bronchial obstruction is not correlated (p=0.204) to a possible diagnosis of COPD.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (5): 803-846 Palavras-chave: Fumo do tabaco, obstrução brôn-quica, DPOC, PNEUMOBIL, Key-words: Tobacco smoke, bronchial obstruction, COPD, PNEUMOBI

    Nanorradiolipossomas modulados molecularmente para estudar a drenagem linfática pulmonar profunda

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    Resumo: A drenagem linfática pulmonar profunda (DLPP) desempenha um papel importante na remoção de materiais estranhos, constituindo os macrófagos alveolares a primeira linha de defesa fagocitária, dada a grande afinidade para microrganismos patogénicos. Os Bacillus subtilis são saprófitas do tracto respiratório humano com ampla utilização em investigação e em biotecnologia.As cadeias linfáticas pulmonares profundas (CLPP) constituem um dos primeiros locais de disseminação de tumores pulmonares.Neste trabalho pretendeu-se desenvolver e validar um método não invasivo para avaliar as CLPP através de nanorradiolipossomas aerosolisados e modulados pela parede do esporo do Bacillus subtilis. O objectivo final foi produzir uma formulação de nanorradiolipossomas capaz de imitar a dinâmica da remoção de esporos pelas CLPP e simultaneamente ter propriedades ideais como traçador para imagiologia molecular.Testámos sete diferentes formulações lipossómicas, tendo a formulação F demonstrado possuir propriedades fisicoquímicas e radiofarmacêuticas que a tornam o traçador ideal para imagiologia molecular in vivo das CLPP.Os nanorradiolipossomas da formulação F após marcação com 99mTc-HMPAO foram administrados sob a forma de aerossóis a 20 Sus scrofa. Visualizaram-se comunicações hilares e interpulmonares nos primeiros 5 minutos após a inalação, as cadeias infradiafragmáticas entre os 10 e os 20 minutos, os gânglios da cadeia aórtica aos 20 minutos e os da região hilar renal aos 30 minutos.Em conclusão, o método proposto visualiza os gânglios linfáticos e a rede linfática pulmonar profunda. A modulação dos nanorradiolipossomas permite que eles atinjam órgãos ou tecidos específicos, conferindo-lhes importantes potencialidades no âmbito do diagnóstico e/ou da terapêutica.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (2): 261-293 Abstract: Lung deep lymphatic drainage (LDLD) plays an important role in the removal of foreign materials from lungs being alveolar macrophages the first line of phagocytic defence with high affinity for pathogenic microorganisms. Bacillus subtilis is a well-known genome-decoded saprophyte of the human respiratory tract used in research and in the biotechnology industry.Lung deep lymphatic chains (LDLC) constitute one of the first sites of lung tumoursâ dissemination. In this work we intended to develop and validate a non-invasive method for assessing LDLC by nanoradioliposomes aerosolised modulated on the Bacillus subtilis spore wall. The final goal was to produce a nanoradioliposome formulation that can mimics the dynamics of preferential removal of spores by LDLD and present the ideal properties as a tracer for molecular imaging studies.Seven different liposomal formulations were tested, and the formulation-F demonstrated physicochemical and radiopharmaceutical properties that make it an ideal candidate as an in vivo probe for molecular imaging studies of the LDLC.Nanoradioliposomes of the formulation-F after labelling with 99mTc-HMPAO were administered as aerosols to 20 Sus scrofa. Hilar and interpulmonary communications were visualized in first 5 minutes post-inhalation, infradiaphragmatic chains between 10 and 20 minutes, the ganglia of the aortic chain at 20 minutes and those of the renal hilar region at 30 minutes.Conclusion: the proposed method enables visualization of deep lymphatic lung network and lymph nodes. Besides, this technique involving the modulation of nanoradioliposomes targeting specific organs or tissues may be an important tool for diagnostic or even for therapeutic purposes.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (2): 261-293 Palavras-chave: Nanorradiolipossomas, modulação molecular, drenagem linfática pulmonar, imagem nuclear funcional, Key-words: Nanoradioliposomes, molecular modulation, lung lymphatic drainage, functional nuclear imagin

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