327 research outputs found

    Transitional Labour Markets, from theory to policy application. Can transitional labour markets contribute to a less traditional gender division of labour ?

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    Much of the gender inequality in the labour market is brought about by women's dual role as worker and (potential) carer. In this regard transitional arrangements can contribute to mitigate the risks associated with parenthood and to distribute risks more equally. This paper looks at these issues in light of the transitional labour market (TLM) concept. The first section discusses various gender-equality models which imply different ways of organising, for example, childcare, parental leave and flexible working time. Sections two and three look at gender inequalities in labour market outcomes and discuss transitional arrangements that can contribute to the achievement of more gender equality in six countries taken as examples. The last section discusses the results of the labour market and institutional analysis in light of the TLM concept.Gender, labour market, transitional labour markets, childcare, parental leave, flexible working time.

    Transitional Labour Markets, from theory to policy application. Can transitional labour markets contribute to a less traditional gender division of labour ?

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/CESFramDP2009.htmClassification JEL : J08, J16, J38.Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2009.27 - ISSN : 1955-611XMuch of the gender inequality in the labour market is brought about by women's dual role as worker and (potential) carer. In this regard transitional arrangements can contribute to mitigate the risks associated with parenthood and to distribute risks more equally. This paper looks at these issues in light of the transitional labour market (TLM) concept. The first section discusses various gender-equality models which imply different ways of organising, for example, childcare, parental leave and flexible working time. Sections two and three look at gender inequalities in labour market outcomes and discuss transitional arrangements that can contribute to the achievement of more gender equality in six countries taken as examples. The last section discusses the results of the labour market and institutional analysis in light of the TLM concept.La plupart des inégalités de genre sur le marché du travail sont dues au rÎle dual rempli par la femme en tant que travailleuse et (potentielle) pourvoyeuse de soins. A cet égard, des dispositions transitionnelles peuvent contribuer à atténuer les risques associés à la parentalité et à repartir ceux-ci de maniÚre plus équitable. Ce document examine ces questions à la lumiÚre du concept de marché transitionnel du travail (MTT). La premiÚre section aborde les divers modÚles d'égalité professionnelle. Les sections deux et trois étudient les inégalités de genre ainsi que les mesures "transitionnelles" pouvant contribuer à la réalisation d'une plus grande égalité entre hommes et femmes, dans six pays sélectionnés. La derniÚre section traite des résultats de l'analyse du marché du travail et des institutions à la lumiÚre du concept MTT

    Grußwort der Bischöfin der Nordelbischen Ev.-Luth. Kirche

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    Der vorliegende Band vereint die Reden, die auf der akademischen Gedenkveranstaltung in der UniversitÀt Hamburg am 27. April 2004 gehalten wurden. Sie wurden um eine Predigt von Dorothee Sölle und drei exemplarische Zeugnisse als Echo auf ihren Tod ergÀnzt.This volume brings together the speeches given at the academic commemoration ceremony at the University of Hamburg on 27 April 2004. They were supplemented by a sermon by Dorothee Sölle and three exemplary testimonies as an echo of her death


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    Der fĂŒnfte Teil der „Hamburgischen Kirchengeschichte in AufsĂ€tzen“ umfasst die Hamburger Kirchengeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Neben ÜberblicksbeitrĂ€gen zur Geschichte der Landeskirche in der Weimarer Republik, im „Dritten Reich“, in der Nachkriegszeit und in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts werden theologische Außenseiter, die Studierendenseelsorge, der lange Weg zur Gleichberechtigung der Theologinnen, die Entnazifizierung, das PĂ€dagogisch-Theologische Institut und die Praktische Theologie vorgestellt. In eigenen BeitrĂ€gen wird die Geschichte der katholischen Kirche geschildert. Biographien der Landesbischöfe und eine Bibliographie runden die Darstellung ab.The fifth part of the "Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte in AufsĂ€tzen" (Hamburg\u27s church history in essays) covers Hamburg\u27s church history in the 20th century. In addition to articles on the history of the regional church in the Weimar Republic, in the "Third Reich", in the post-war period and in the second half of the 20th century, theological outsiders, student counselling, the long road to equality of theologians, denazification, the Pedagogical-Theological Institute and practical theology are presented. The history of the Catholic Church is described in own contributions. Biographies of the regional bishops and a bibliography complete the presentation

    Cormorant predation effects on fish populations: A global meta-analysis

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    This paper provides the results from the first meta-analysis to examine the impact of cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) predation on fish. It is based on a systematic search of literature, covering studies using significance-based hypotheses tests on the relation between fish parameters and cormorant abundance. The results show that extensive research on cormorant diet exists, but few studies use statistical hypotheses testing to examine the effect on fish populations. In total, 603 publications were identified from titles and abstracts, to include the interaction between cormorants and fish. From these, 27 articles tested fish population parameters against cormorant predation, whereof 22 could be included in analyses. The effect size was defined negative in cases when cormorant numbers or presence reduced fish numbers or biomasses, or when individual fish sizes decreased, and vice versa for a positive effect. In a hierarchical dependence model, the combined effect of cormorant predation on fish was negative, but the overall effect was not significant at the 95% confidence level (-0.169, 95% C.L. -0.505 to 0.167, p = .256, df = 5.26). A covariate analysis revealed a difference in predatory effects between fish prey taxa (p = .006, df = 5.73), but no difference in effect sizes between study type, foraging habitat, or response variable measured. The meta-analysis reveals a complex interaction between cormorants and fish, but adds to the consensus on the importance of considering cormorant predatory effects in research, conservation actions, ecosystem-based management, and environmental monitoring

    The Role of Diabetes Co-Morbidity for Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study from Mwanza, Tanzania.

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    Due to the association between diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), diabetes may threaten the control of TB. In a prospective cohort study nested in a nutrition trial, we investigated the role of diabetes on changes in anthropometry, grip strength, and clinical parameters over a five months follow-up period. Among pulmonary TB patients with known diabetes status, we assessed anthropometry and clinical parameters (e.g. haemoglobin) at baseline and after two and five months of TB treatment. A linear mixed-effects model (repeated measurements) was used to investigate the role of diabetes during recovery. Of 1205 TB patients, the mean (standard deviation) age was 36.6 (13.0) years, 40.9% were females, 48.9% were HIV co-infected, and 16.3% had diabetes. TB patients with diabetes co-morbidity experienced a lower weight gain at two (1.3 kg, CI95% 0.5; 2.0, p = 0.001) and five months (1.0 kg, CI95% 0.3; 1.7, p = 0.007). Similarly, the increase in the level of haemoglobin was lower among TB patients with diabetes co-morbidity after two (Δ 0.6 g/dL, CI95% 0.3; 0.9 p < 0.001) and five months (Δ 0.5 g/dL, CI95% 0.2; 0.9 p = 0.004) of TB treatment, respectively. TB patients initiating TB treatment with diabetes co-morbidity experience delayed recovery of body mass and haemoglobin, which are important for the functional recovery from disease

    Smartphone-based objective monitoring in bipolar disorder:status and considerations

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    Abstract In 2001, the WHO stated that: “The use of mobile and wireless technologies to support the achievement of health objectives (mHealth) has the potential to transform the face of health service delivery across the globe”. Within mental health, interventions and monitoring systems for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have been developed and used. The present paper presents the status and findings from studies using automatically generated objective smartphone data in the monitoring of bipolar disorder, and addresses considerations on the current literature and methodological as well as clinical aspects to consider in the future studies

    Smartphone-Based Self-Assessment of Stress in Healthy Adult Individuals:A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Stress is a common experience in today’s society. Smartphone ownership is widespread, and smartphones can be used to monitor health and well-being. Smartphone-based self-assessment of stress can be done in naturalistic settings and may potentially reflect real-time stress level. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this systematic review were to evaluate (1) the use of smartphones to measure self-assessed stress in healthy adult individuals, (2) the validity of smartphone-based self-assessed stress compared with validated stress scales, and (3) the association between smartphone-based self-assessed stress and smartphone generated objective data. METHODS: A systematic review of the scientific literature was reported and conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. The scientific databases PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, IEEE, and ACM were searched and supplemented by a hand search of reference lists. The databases were searched for original studies involving healthy individuals older than 18 years, measuring self-assessed stress using smartphones. RESULTS: A total of 35 published articles comprising 1464 individuals were included for review. According to the objectives, (1) study designs were heterogeneous, and smartphone-based self-assessed stress was measured using various methods (e.g., dichotomized questions on stress, yes or no; Likert scales on stress; and questionnaires); (2) the validity of smartphone-based self-assessed stress compared with validated stress scales was investigated in 3 studies, and of these, only 1 study found a moderate statistically significant positive correlation (r=.4; P<.05); and (3) in exploratory analyses, smartphone-based self-assessed stress was found to correlate with some of the reported smartphone generated objective data, including voice features and data on activity and phone usage. CONCLUSIONS: Smartphones are being used to measure self-assessed stress in different contexts. The evidence of the validity of smartphone-based self-assessed stress is limited and should be investigated further. Smartphone generated objective data can potentially be used to monitor, predict, and reduce stress levels
