1,866 research outputs found

    Local calibrations for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional with a triple junction

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    We prove that, if u is a function satisfying all Euler conditions for the Mumford-Shah functional and the discontinuity set of u is given by three line segments meeting at the origin with equal angles, then there exists a neighbourhood U of the origin such that u is a minimizer of the Mumford-Shah functional on U with respect to its own boundary conditions on the boundary of U. The proof is obtained by using the calibration method.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Relaxation of the Hencky model in perfect plasticity

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    In this paper we give a full proof of the relaxation of the Hencky model in perfect plasticity, under suitable assumptions for the domain and the Dirichlet boundary

    Functionals depending on curvatures with constraints

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    We deal with a family of functionals depending on curvatures and we prove for them compactness and semicontinuity properties in the class of closed and bounded sets which satisfy a uniform exterior and interior sphere condition. We apply the results to state an existence theorem for the Nitzberg and Mumford problem under this additional constraint.Comment: 20 pages. To appear on Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Universita' di Padov

    Local calibrations for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional with a regular discontinuity set

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    Using a calibration method, we prove that, if w is a function which satisfies all Euler conditions for the Mumford-Shah functional on a two-dimensional domain, and the discontinuity set S of w is a regular curve connecting two boundary points, then there exists a uniform neighbourhood U of S such that w is a minimizer of the Mumford-Shah functional on U with respect to its own boundary conditions. We show that Euler conditions do not guarantee in general the minimality of w in the class of functions with the same boundary value of w and whose extended graph is contained in a neighbourhood of the extended graph of w, and we give a sufficient condition in terms of the geometrical properties of the domain and the discontinuity set under which this kind of minimality holds.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Finite Difference Approximation of Free Discontinuity Problems

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    We approximate functionals depending on the gradient of uu and on the behaviour of uu near the discontinuity points, by families of non-local functionals where the gradient is replaced by finite differences. We prove pointwise convergence, Γ\Gamma-convergence, and a compactness result which implies, in particular, the convergence of minima and minimizers.Comment: 39 pages. to appear on Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. Ser.

    The time-dependent von Kármán plate equation as a limit of 3D nonlinear elasticity

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    The asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of three-dimensional nonlinear elastodynamics in a thin plate is studied, as the thickness h of the plate tends to zero. Under appropriate scalings of the applied force and of the initial values in terms of h, it is shown that three-dimensional solutions of the nonlinear elastodynamic equation converge to solutions of the time-dependent von Kármán plate equation
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