8 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of the IOPES seamless indoor-outdoor positioning approach

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    Tracking the members of civil protection or emergency teams is still an open issue. Although outdoors tracking is routinely performed using well-seasoned techniques such as GNSS, this same problem must be still solved for indoors situations. There exist several approaches for indoor positioning, but these are not appropriate for tracking emergency staff in real-time: some of these approaches rely on existing infrastructures; others have not been tested in light devices in real-time; none offers a combined solution. The IOPES project seeks to solve or at least alleviate this problem by building a portable, unobtrusive, lightweight device combining GNSS for outdoor positioning and visual-inertial odometry / SLAM for the indoors case. This work, the third of the IOPES series, presents the analysis of the performance results obtained after developing and testing the first IOPES prototype. To do it, the operational aspects of the prototype, the real-life scenarios where the tests took place and the actual results thus obtained are described.This publication has been produced with the support of the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission. This contribution is part of the results of IOPES project, co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), under the call UCPM-2019-PP-AG.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mapping air quality with a mobile crowdsourced air quality monitoring system (C-AQM)

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    World cities are currently facing one of the major crisis of the last century. Some preliminary studies on COVID-19 pandemia have shown that air pollutants may have a strong impact on virus effects. Improved gas sensors and wireless communication systems open the door to the design of new air monitoring systems based on citizen science to better monitor and communicate the air quality levels. In this paper, we present the Crowdsourced Air Quality Monitoring (C-AQM) system, which relies on Air Quality Monitoring reference stations and a cluster of new low-cost and low-energy sensor nodes, in order to improve the resolution of air quality maps. The data collected by the C-AQM system is stored in a time series database and is available both to city council managers for decision making and to citizens for informative purposes. In this paper, we present the main bases of the C-AQM system as well as the measurements validation campaign carried out.The authors would like to acknowledge Sabadell city council and their program ”Pressupostos Participatius 2019” for partially funding this work. We would also like to thank ADENC (Associaci´o per a la Defensa i l’Estudi de la Natura de Catalunya) for their support to the project and their unvaluable help in testing site volunteers recruitment. the project is supported by Generalitat de Catalunya under the program Suport als Grups de Recerca Emergents (2017 SGR 820). Last but not least, the authors also would like to thank all the volunteers for the walks and the commitment with the project.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards seamless indoor-outdoor positioning: the IOPES project approach

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    The management of emergencies require the use of multiple resources that must be coordinated to achieve the best possible results. For a good decision-making process, the availability of timely and reliable information about the variables on which such process rely is crucial. Among these variables, the ability to track the position in the field - either outdoors or indoors - of the members of the emergency teams it is of special importance. The IOPES project targets at improving an existing, already operational emergency management system where the tracking of operative staff is integrated. This paper concentrates only in the positioning aspect of IOPES - which encompasses other subsystems, such as portable communications or fast mapping - and describes the approach adopted by the project to perform such integration. This includes the concept itself, the hardware selected and well as the algorithms used to implement a portable, lightweight positioning device able to provide seamless indoor / outdoor positioning that will make possible the real-time tracking of personnel in the field. Promising preliminary results for mixed indoor-outdoor trajectories are as well presented.This contribution is part of the results of IOPES project, co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), under the call UCPM-2019-PP-AGPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A methodology for semi-automatic documentation of archaeological elements using RPAS imagery

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    One of the main tasks of archaeologists is to document (map) their sites at a level where stones may be clearly distinguished and to provide centimetre-level reliable measurements of man-built structures.One of the goals of the project ARCHREMOTELANDS is to develop a methodology to generate those maps semi-automatically combiningRPAS imagery, photogrammetry and machine learning techniquePostprint (published version

    The accuracy potential of Galileo E5/E1 pseudoranges for surveying and mapping

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    In the paper we discuss the potential of the new Galileo signals for pseudorange based surveying and mapping in open areas under optimal reception conditions (open sky scenarios) and suboptimal ones (multipath created by moderate to thick tree coverage). The paper reviews the main features of the Galileo E5 AltBOC and E1 CBOC signals; describes the simulation strategy, models and algorithms to generate realistic E5 and E1 pseudoranges with and without multipath sources; describes the ionosphere modeling strategy, models and algorithms and discusses and presents the expected positioning accuracy and precision results. According to the simulations performed, pseudoranges can be extracted from the Galileo E5 AltBOC signals with tracking errors (1-σ level) ranging from 0.02 m (open sky scenarios) to 0.08 m (tree covered scenarios) whereas for the Galileo E1 CBOC signals the tracking errors range between 0.25 m to 2.00 m respectively. With these tracking errors and with the explicit estimation of the ionosphere parameters, simulations indicate real-time open sky cm-level horizontal positioning precisions and dm-level vertical ones and dm-level accuracies for both the horizontal and vertical position components

    ENCORE: Enhanced Galileo code receiver for surveying applications

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    In this paper we describe the development of a low-cost high-accuracy Galileo Code receiver, user application software and positioning algorithms for land management applications, which have been implemented using a dedicated FPGA board and dual frequency Galileo E5/L1 Radio Frequency Front-End. The current situation of rural property surveying in Brazil is described and the use of code measurements from the new Galileo signals E5 AltBOC combined with E1 MBOC for use in land management applications is explored. We explain how such approach is expected to allow delivering an absolute positioning solution which could bridge the gap between receivers of high cost/complexity/accuracy based on carrier phase and receivers of lower cost/accuracy based on pseudorange observables. The system is presented together with a detailed description of main components: the Code Receiver and the Application Software. The work presented is part of an ongoing European-Brazilian consortium effort to explore the use of new Galileo for land management applications in Brazil and sponsored by the GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA)