4 research outputs found

    Rotifera das zonas limnética e litorùnea do reservatório de Tapacurå, Pernambuco, Brasil Rotifera from littoral and pelagic zones of Tapacurå reservoir, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Os rotĂ­feros do reservatĂłrio de TapacurĂĄ, Pernambuco, Brasil foram estudados quanto Ă  distribuição horizontal nas zonas limnĂ©tica e litorĂąnea, nos perĂ­odos chuvoso (agosto de 2003) e seco (janeiro de 2004). Amostras quali-quantitativas foram obtidas atravĂ©s de coletas em ritmo nictimeral nas distintas zonas do reservatĂłrio, com intervalo de seis horas, em duas profundidades. Os parĂąmetros biĂłticos riqueza, densidade, diversidade e equitabilidade foram avaliados. AnĂĄlises de similaridade e variĂąncia (ANOVA) tambĂ©m foram utilizadas. Vinte e oito espĂ©cies e duas subespĂ©cies de Rotifera foram encontradas, das quais cinco espĂ©cies sĂŁo novas ocorrĂȘncias para Pernambuco. A zona litorĂąnea apresentou maior riqueza que a limnĂ©tica em ambos ao perĂ­odo sazonais, com nove espĂ©cies exclusivas. As diferenças de densidade e equitabilidade entre as zonas do reservatĂłrio nĂŁo foram significativas, ao contrĂĄrio da diversidade, que apresentou-se mais elevada na zona litorĂąnea no perĂ­odo seco (p<0,01). A anĂĄlise de similaridade revelou homogeneidade horizontal da comunidade de Rotifera no perĂ­odo chuvoso, caracterizado por menores temperaturas e maior velocidade do vento, e tendĂȘncia Ă  estratificação horizontal no perĂ­odo seco, caracterizado por temperaturas mais elevadas e menor intensidade dos ventos. A presença de macrĂłfitas propiciou caracterĂ­sticas peculiares na zona litorĂąnea.<br>The rotifers of TapacurĂĄ reservoir, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were studied concerning the horizontal distribution in pelagic and littoral zones, in the rainy (August/2003) and dry seasons (January/2004). Qualitative and quantitative samples were carried out in nictimeral samplings in the different zones of the reservoir, with an interval of six hours in the two depths. Biotic parameters as richness, density, diversity and equitability were estimated. Similarity and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were also used. Twenty-eight species and two subspecies of Rotifer were found from which five species are considered new occurrences in State of Pernambuco. The littoral zone presented higher richness than the limnetic zone in both seasonal periods with nine exclusive species. The density and equitability differences between zones of the reservoir were not expressive in opposite to diversity that was higher in the littoral zone in the dry season (p<0.01). The similarity analysis indicated horizontal homogeneity of Rotifer community in the rainy season characterized by lower temperatures and higher wind velocity, and a tendency to horizontal stratification in the dry season characterized by higher temperatures and lower wind intensity. Presence of aquatic vegetation yielded peculiar features in the littoral zone

    Pteropoda (Gastropoda, Thecosomata e Gymnosomata) coligidos ao largo dos arquipélagos de São Pedro e São Paulo, costa nordeste, Brasil Pteropoda (Gastropoda, Thecosomata and Gymnosomata) collected along the northeast coast of the archipelago of São Pedro and São Paulo, Brazil

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    <abstract language="eng">Pteropoda studies were carried out offshore SĂŁo Pedro and SĂŁo Paulo Archipelago (0Âș56'2"N e 29Âș20'6"W) to assess biodiversity and spatial distribution. A Bongo net (mesh size 300 micrometer) was hauled obliquely from a depth between 0 and 50 m and Oand 100 m by the REVIZEE-SCORE/NE I oceanographic expedition on board of the Brazilian Navy Oceanographic Ship Antares. Samples were collected at 16 stations from September to October 1995. A total of 880 organisms distributed in 20 species, 14 genera and 9 families were identified. At the layer 0-50 m, Creseis virgula (Rang (828) was the most frequent species (71.43%), followed by Limacina inflata (Orbigny, (836) and Cavolinia inflexa (Lesueur, 18(3) (64.28%, each). ln terms of relative abundance outranked L. inflara (varying between 57.5 and 92.24%) and C. virgula (varying between 60.0 and 72.73%). At the layer 0-100 m, C. virgula was very frequent (80%), L. inflata (70%) and Cuvierina columnella (Rang (827) (40%) were frequent, other species had less than 30% of frequency. L. inflata varied from 37.5 to 100% and C. virgula from 42.42 to 100% of relative abundance. Species diversity varied from medium to low ( < 2.0 bits.ind-1) in both layers. At the layer 0-50 m C. virgula was directly correlated to temperature and salinity, while at the layer 0-100 m L. inflata was correlated to these parameters, showing that these species are Tropical Water indicators