1,226 research outputs found

    Native Language Identification on Text and Speech

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    This paper presents an ensemble system combining the output of multiple SVM classifiers to native language identification (NLI). The system was submitted to the NLI Shared Task 2017 fusion track which featured students essays and spoken responses in form of audio transcriptions and iVectors by non-native English speakers of eleven native languages. Our system competed in the challenge under the team name ZCD and was based on an ensemble of SVM classifiers trained on character n-grams achieving 83.58% accuracy and ranking 3rd in the shared task.Comment: Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA


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    Educazione alla genitorialitĂ  e formazione degli insegnanti per un ruolo come guide parentali in Europa

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    As teachers, we feel we have a duty toward our students in helping them to become their best version, by providing not what they want, but what they need. And what they need mostly is an interested and informed parent, who doesn’t stop learning about the different stages her child goes through in order to support her all the way in becoming an independent and accomplishedadult and a good future parent.We begun this year’s project at the kindergarten “Tudor Vladimirescu” regarding parental education using previous data. Along the way, by participating to the conference “Good practices of parenting at European level”, we gained information we used in some training sessions. Furthermore, we used the research developed by the Grundtvig project Leadlab to develop tools for parental education and gained more by the teamwork from thestudy visit “Adult education – validation of former learning and assessing progress and achievement”.Come insegnanti, sentiamo di avere il dovere di supportare i nostri studenti nel realizzare la propria e migliore versione di sé stessi, fornendo non quello che vogliono, ma ciò di cui loro hanno bisogno. E tra questo bisogno si trova la presenza di genitori informati ed interessati ai propri figli, che non smette di imparare a conoscere le diverse fasi della crescita, attraverso le quali il bambino passa fino a diverntare un adulto indipendente e un future buon genitore. Durante il corso di quest’anno è stato implementato un progetto di formazione alla genitorialità nel contesto della scuola dell’infanzia “Tudor Vladimirescu”, basandosi su esperienze precedent. Lungo il percorso, abbiamo partecipato al convegno “Le buone pratiche della genitorialità a livello europeo”, il quale ci ha orientate nello sviluppo di sessione di formazione alla genitorialità. Inoltre, abbiamo usato la ricerca sviluppata all’interno del progetto Grundtvig LEADLAB per sviluppare strumenti per l’educazione dei genitori; nel contesto di questo progetto, le nostre idee sono state rafforzate dalla visita studio e scambio europeo per formatori “Educazione degli adulti – convalida del precedente apprendimento e valutazione dello stato di avanzamento”


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    The purposeof this study was to evaluate comparatively the phytochemical content, the antioxidant enzymes activities and the antioxidant activity in two cultivars of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba). The content of reducing sugar, ascorbic acid, total phenolic, flavonoids, catalase and peroxidase activity were determined by colorimetric methods. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assay. The results show that studied chemical indices vary depending on the analyzed cultivar. This study recommends introducing the investigated varieties in diet due to the rich content of compounds with antioxidant properties
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