6 research outputs found
Rate ratio of PCV10 dosing schedule according to pneumococccal vaccine-type nasopharyngeal carriage.
§<p>Administered only for previously unvaccinated children who received the vaccine at 12 months of age or older.</p>†<p>Includes non-vaccine type carriage and non-carriage children.</p>‡<p>34 isolates missing Quellung reaction results: unvaccinated (n = 9), one catch-up dose (n = 8), 2p+0 (n = 6), 3p+0 (n = 11).</p
Characteristics associated with unvaccinated and vaccinated children with PCV10.
†<p>Defined as children who did not receive any dose at all (n = 96) or 1 dose before 12 months of age (n = 124).</p>‡<p>Defined as children who received 2 (n = 365) or 3 (n = 397) doses before 12 months of age or 1 cacth up dose >12 months of age (n = 291).</p
PCV10 effectiveness on pneumococcal vaccine-types carriage.
‡<p>Administered only for children 12 months of age or older.</p>§<p>Adjusted for no. of children in household, mother’s schooling, day-care attendance, and age (as continuous variable).</p>†<p>Percentage based on results of multivariate analysis. Vaccine effectiveness: (1-RR)×100.</p
Distribution of pneumococcal serotypes carriage in children 7–18 months of age. Goiania, December/2010-February/2011.
<p>Other serotypes: 9A, 9N, 10A, 15A, 17F, 18A, 20, 21, 22F, 23A, 23B, 24F, 25A, 28A, 29, 31, 33F, 34, 35F.</p
Distribution of children within age-groups according to age at enrollment and age at first dose, Goiania, Dec/2010 Feb/2011.
‡<p>That is, the age-group at the moment of nasopharyngeal specimen collection.</p>§<p>Unvaccinated children were classified according to age at PCV10 introduction into National Immunization Program.</p
Categories of exposure and outcome of interest considered for the estimation of rate ratio and vaccine effectiveness.
§<p>Administered only for children 12 months of age or older.</p>†<p>No culture for any other bacteria.</p><p>a+b+c+d  =  number of pneumococcal carriage, vaccine type and non-vaccine type.</p><p>c+d  =  number of unvaccinated children with pneumococcal carriage.</p><p>a+b  =  number of vaccinated children with pneumococcal carriage.</p