25 research outputs found
The Finite Element Method Applied to a Problem of Blood Flow in Vessels
We use the finite element method to solve a convection-diffusion equation when convection is dominating, a problem which describes the behavior of the concentration of a solute in a blood vessel. A new technique for computing the discrete problem is used
Multicriteria Optimization Model for the Study of the Efficacy of Skin Antiaging Therapy
The evolution of the cutaneous structure after topical treatment with P63 antiaging complex, assessed with high frequency ultrasound, is studied by means of multicriteria optimization model. Due to the fact that the impact of the treatment may influence the quality of life, a medical index which measures, from this point of view, the efficacy of the treatment is given, also taking into account medical and economical aspects
This paper intends to examine the development of e-Learning in Romania and to evaluate the gap between Romania and other members of the European Union (EU). Considering that Romania is part of the EU since 2007, it is imperative to achieve, in the shortest possible time, a real convergence with other member states. This requires finding the most effective ways to accelerate the development and increase the competitiveness. Using extensive IT&C technologies represent such a way, and public services – education, too – are among the development priorities on the agendas of all policies, both nationally and European. Thus, the subject treated in the paper is not only present but also of strategic importance for the immediate future of Romania.e-learning, e-education, IT&C
Medicoeconomic Index for Photo-Induced Skin Cancers
Like in every type of cancer, in skin cancer the efficiency of the medical treatment is very important. In the present paper, a Bayesian model for the management of this disease is given, and a medical index to measure the effectiveness of treatment from medical, economical, and quality of life point of view is presented, taking into account some of the patients characteristics
Chemical composition, diuretic, and antityrosinase activity of traditionally used romanian cerasorum stipites
Cherry stems (CS) represent a by-product intensively used in Eastern European countries as a traditional remedy for urinary tract disorders. Ethnopharmacological evidences sustain the use of CS as aqueous preparations (infusion and decoction), but few data were previously reported about phytochemical profile and pharmacological potential of CS hydroalcoholic extracts. In this regard, we aimed to evaluate the phenolic profile, in vitro antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory potential, and in vivo diuretic activity of 70% hydroethanolic cherry stems extract and cherry stems decoction (CSD). LC-DAD-ESI/MSn analysis revealed the presence of flavonoid-type compounds as main constituents for both preparations, especially flavanones (naringenin glycosides). Antioxidant activity evaluated through DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP methods was superior for cherry stems extract, probably due to the presence of phenolic-derived compounds in higher amounts than CSD. On the other hand, tyrosinase inhibitory potential and diuretic effect exerted by CSD were stronger, highlighting that other types of hydrophilic secondary metabolites are responsible for this bioactivity. Overall, our findings indicate that CS preparations could be used as promising mild diuretic agents and encourage further investigations regarding the correlation between their chemical composition and bioactive potential.This work was supported by a Grant of the Romanian Ministry
of Education and Research, CCCDI—UEFISCDI, project
number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-5360, within PNCDI III.”
The authors MID, LB, and ICFRF are grateful to the
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for
financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to
CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC);
national funding by F.C.T. and P.I., through the
institutional scientific employment program-contract for
MID and LB contracts. To FEDER-Interreg Es-paña-
Portugal programme for financial support through the
project TRANSCoLAB 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Some Results of Researches to Develop the Proper Recycling Methods of Technological Residues from Secondary Aluminum Industry
The objective of the research is to identify new suitable process to use residual waste (like aluminium secondary dross, salt slag or fly ashes) in concrete products according with sustainable industry concepts. The paper presents some results and directions of researches of recycling secondary aluminum industry byproducts in Romania
Ventriculomegalia reprezintă dilatarea ventriculilor cerebrali peste 10 mm, fiind clasificată în uşoară sau „borderline“ (10-12 mm), moderată (13-15 mm) şi severă (peste 15 mm). Incidenţa variază foarte mult în funcţie de
tehnica utilizată şi de vârsta gestaţională. Locul de elecţie pentru măsurarea cea mai exactă a diametrului
ventricular este la nivelul glomusului plexului coroid. RMN-ul este o altă metodă de evaluare a creierului fetal
care permite, de asemenea, vizualizarea suprafeţei cerebrale. Ventriculomegalia unilaterală este cauzată de
obstrucţia morfologică, fizică sau funcţională a orificiului Monro. Ventriculomegalia „borderline“ poate fi asociată cu anomalii cromozomiale, infecţii congenitale, accidente vasculare cerebrale sau hemoragie, precum şi cu
alte anomalii extracerebrale. Factori care influenţează prognosticul copiilor diagnosticaţi cu ventriculomegalie
uşoară sunt: sexul, vârsta gestaţională, dimensiunea ventriculilor, afectarea uni- sau bilaterală, ventriculomegalie bilaterală simetrică sau asimetrică, progresia ventriculomegaliei – probabil cel mai important factor al prognosticului, regresia ventriculomegaliei. Părinţii trebuie informaţi despre faptul că există limitări ultrasonografice în diferenţierea unei ventriculomegalii „borderline“ izolate şi ventriculomegalie asociată unor altor anomalii oculte, care nu pot fi identificate iniţial în vederea luării unei decizii adecvate. Ecografia fetală de control este de preferat a se efectuat după aproximativ 1-2 săptămâni de la diagnosticul iniţial de „ventriculomegalie“
Berberine: Botanical Occurrence, Traditional Uses, Extraction Methods, and Relevance in Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Hepatic, and Renal Disorders
Berberine-containing plants have been traditionally used in different parts of the world for the treatment of inflammatory disorders, skin diseases, wound healing, reducing fevers, affections of eyes, treatment of tumors, digestive and respiratory diseases, and microbial pathologies. The physico-chemical properties of berberine contribute to the high diversity of extraction and detection methods. Considering its particularities this review describes various methods mentioned in the literature so far with reference to the most important factors influencing berberine extraction. Further, the common separation and detection methods like thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry are discussed in order to give a complex overview of the existing methods. Additionally, many clinical and experimental studies suggest that berberine has several pharmacological properties, such as immunomodulatory, antioxidative, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, and renoprotective effects. This review summarizes the main information about botanical occurrence, traditional uses, extraction methods, and pharmacological effects of berberine and berberine-containing plants
Studiul acțiunii antioxidante a unor plante medicinale din colecția CȘCPM USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu” prin utilizarea testului DPPH.
Interesul în antioxidanţi naturali, în special, cei proveniţi din plante medicinale, a crescut în ultimii ani, inclusiv prin multiple studii și publicații. Scopul acestei lucrări constă în confi rmarea acțiunii antioxidante, cu utilizarea metodei spectrofotometrice prin testul 1,1,-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), pentru unele produse vegetale: Argimoniae herba, Cichorii herba, Potentillae herba, Symphyti radix, colectate din colecția Centrului Științifi c de Cultivare a Plantelor Medicinale USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”. Rezultatele experimentale obţinute denotă că părțíle aeriene de turiță manifestă cea mai înaltă activitate antioxidantă, urmată de sclipeți, cicoare și tătăneasă: Agrimonia eupatoria L. (IC 50 = 45.557 μg/ml) ˃ Potentilla erecta L. Rausch. (60.647 μg/ml) ˃ Cichorium intybus L. (IC 50 = 173.08 μg/ml) ˃ Symphytum offi cinale L. (205,56 μg/ml)