4,723 research outputs found

    A Narrative Approach to the Evaluation of Supportive Housing: Stories of Homeless People Who Have Experienced Serious Mental Illness

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    We present the findings of a narrative approach to the evaluation of supportive housing for formerly homeless people who have experienced serious mental illness. According to the accounts of 11 men and 9 women, their youth and adult years were piled with personal problems, troubled relationships, and a lack of adequate social resources. Since entering supportive housing, participants noted more stability in their lives and the beginning of journeys to recover positive personal identities, restore or develop new supportive relationships, and reclaim resources vital to leading lives with dignity and meaning. The findings add to the literature on housing interventions for this population in suggesting many positive gains beyond reductions in hometessness and hospitatization

    The welfare effects of private sector participation in Guinea's urban water supply

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    In 1989 the government of Guinea enacted far-reaching reform of its water sector, which had been dominated by a poorly run public agency. The government signed a lease contract for operations and maintenance with a private operator, making a separate public enterprise responsible for ownershipof assets and investment. Although based on a successful model that had operated in Cote d'Ivoire for nearly 30 years, the reform had many highly innovative features. It is being transplanted to several other developing countries, so the authors evaluate its successes and failures in the early years of reform. They present standard performance measures and results from a cost-benefit analysis to assess reform's net effect on various stakeholders in the sector. They conclude that, compared with what might have been expected under continued public ownership, reform benefited consumers, the government, and, to a lesser extent, the foreign owners or the private operator. Most sector performance indicators improved, but some problems remain. The three most troublesome areas are water that is unaccounted for (there are many illegal connections and the quality of infrastructure is poor), poor collection rates, and high prices. The weak institutional environment makes it difficult to improve collection rates, but the government could take some steps to correct the problem. To begin with, it could pay its own bills on time. Also, the legislature could authorize the collection of unpaid bills from private individuals.Water Conservation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Water and Industry,Economic Theory&Research,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Environmental Economics&Policies,Water and Industry,Water Supply and Sanitation Governance and Institutions,Water Conservation,Town Water Supply and Sanitation

    Does foreign bank penetration reduce access to credit in developing countries"evidence from asking borrowers

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    Existing evidence on the effect of foreign bank penetration on lending to small and medium-size enterprises is ambiguous. Case studies of developing countries show that foreign banks lend less to such firms than domestic banks do. But cross-country studies find that foreign bank entry fosters competition and reduces interest rates, benefits that should extend to all firms. The authors use data from a large cross-country survey of enterprises to investigate this issue. Their results suggest that foreign bank penetration improves financing conditions (both the quantities of financing and the terms) for enterprises of all sizes, although it seems to benefit larger firms more.Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Municipal Financial Management,Economic Theory&Research


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    Tropical mountain peatlands are abundant in the Andes but are under intense grazing pressure and subject to climate change, both of which alter hydrologic conditions. Therefore, our first objective was to assess how carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes change across a hydrological gradient in a mountain peatland in Huascaran National Park, Peru. Our second objective was to evaluate how short-term carbon cycling is changed after rewetting from ditch blocking. CO2 and CH4 effluxes were measured using the static chamber method. Net ecosystem exchange in the reference and the unrestored areas were on average 1.07 ± 0.06, and 0.76 ± 0.11 g CO2 m-2 hr-1. Although this is a groundwater fed peatland, we found that drained areas responded more to seasonal precipitation. Unexpectedly, ecosystem respiration in the unrestored treatment increased as water table rose in the rainy season. CH4 emissions were 2.76 ± 1.06 mg CH4 m-2 day-1 on average. However, at water table levels below -10 cm, CH4 fluxes were zero. Although establishing the effect of restoration was complicated in this study by the timing of the wet season, our results indicate that rewetting increased Net Ecosystem Exchange and the ability to store carbon to near reference conditions

    Foreign bank entry - experience, implications for developing countries, and agenda for further research

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    In recent years, foreign bank participation has increased tremendously in several developing countries. In Argentina, Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, for example, more than fifty percent of banking assets are now in foreign-controlled banks. In Asia, Africa, The Middle East, and the former Soviet Union, the rate of entry by foreign banks has been slower, but the trend is similar. Although the number of countries welcoming foreign banks is growing, many questions about foreign bank entry are still being debated, including: 1) What draws foreign banks to a country? 2) Which banks expand abroad? 3) What do foreign banks do once they arrive? 4) How does the mode of a bank's entry - for example, as a branch of its parent, or as an independent subsidiary company - affect its behavior? The authors summarize current knowledge on these issues. In addition, since the existing literature focuses heavily on industrial countries, they put forth an agenda for further study of the effects of foreign bank entry in developing countries.Financial Intermediation,Banks&Banking Reform,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banking Law,Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banking Law,Municipal Financial Management

    Bank lending to small businesses in Latin America : does Bank origin matter?

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    In recent years foreign bank participation has increased tremendously in Latin America. Some observers argue that foreign bank entry will benefit Latin American banking systems by reducing the volatility of loans and deposits and increasing efficiency. Others are concerned that foreign banks might choose to extend credit only to certain customers, leaving some sectors-such as small businesses-unserved. The authors examine this issue. Using bank-level data for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru during the mid-1990s, they empirically investigate whether bank origin affects the share and growth rate of bank lending to small businesses. They find that although foreign banks generally lent less to small businesses (as share of total lending) than private domestic banks, the difference is due primarily to the behavior of small foreign banks. The difference was considerably smaller for large and medium-sized banks. And in Chile and Colombia, large foreign banks might actually lend slightly more (as share of total lending) than large domestic banks.Financial Intermediation,Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Economic Theory&Research,Banking Law

    The invertebrate Caenorhabditis elegans biosynthesizes ascorbate.

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    l-Ascorbate, commonly known as vitamin C, serves as an antioxidant and cofactor essential for many biological processes. Distinct ascorbate biosynthetic pathways have been established for animals and plants, but little is known about the presence or synthesis of this molecule in invertebrate species. We have investigated ascorbate metabolism in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, where this molecule would be expected to play roles in oxidative stress resistance and as cofactor in collagen and neurotransmitter synthesis. Using high-performance liquid chromatography and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry, we determined that ascorbate is present at low amounts in the egg stage, L1 larvae, and mixed animal populations, with the egg stage containing the highest concentrations. Incubating C. elegans with precursor molecules necessary for ascorbate synthesis in plants and animals did not significantly alter ascorbate levels. Furthermore, bioinformatic analyses did not support the presence in C. elegans of either the plant or the animal biosynthetic pathway. However, we observed the complete (13)C-labeling of ascorbate when C. elegans was grown with (13)C-labeled Escherichia coli as a food source. These results support the hypothesis that ascorbate biosynthesis in invertebrates may proceed by a novel pathway and lay the foundation for a broader understanding of its biological role

    Behaviour Profiling for Transparent Authentication for Mobile Devices

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    Since the first handheld cellular phone was introduced in 1970s, the mobile phone has changed significantly both in terms of popularity and functionality. With more than 4.6 billion subscribers around the world, it has become a ubiquitous device in our daily life. Apart from the traditional telephony and text messaging services, people are enjoying a much wider range of mobile services over a variety of network connections in the form of mobile applications. Although a number of security mechanisms such as authentication, antivirus, and firewall applications are available, it is still difficult to keep up with various mobile threats (i.e. service fraud, mobile malware and SMS phishing); hence, additional security measures should be taken into consideration. This paper proposes a novel behaviour-based profiling technique by using a mobile user’s application usage to detect abnormal mobile activities. The experiment employed the MIT Reality dataset. For data processing purposes and also to maximise the number of participants, one month (24/10/2004-20/11/2004) of users’ application usage with a total number of 44,529 log entries was extracted from the original dataset. It was further divided to form three subsets: two intra-application datasets compiled with telephone and message data; and an inter-application dataset containing the rest of the mobile applications. Based upon the experiment plan, a user’s profile was built using either static and dynamic profiles and the best experimental results for the telephone, text message, and application-level applications were an EER (Equal Error Rate) of: 5.4%, 2.2% and 13.5% respectively. Whilst some users were difficult to classify, a significant proportion fell within the performance expectations of a behavioural biometric and therefore a behaviour profiling system on mobile devices is able to detect anomalies during the use of the mobile device. Incorporated within a wider authentication system, this biometric would enable transparent and continuous authentication of the user, thereby maximising user acceptance and security
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