15 research outputs found

    Screening performance of risk prediction or scoring models.

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    <p>The colour of the points indicates the study. Vertical and horizontal lines show the 95% confidence intervals for sensitivity and positive rate respectively. Studies may report more than one performance estimate, this is reflected in the number of coloured shapes for each study</p

    Screening performance of risk factor combinations for identifying GDM using IPD.

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    <p>The colour of the points indicates the number (No) of risk factors included. Circles indicate results for Atlantic DIP and triangles represent results for BiB.</p

    Screening performance (sensitivity and percentage offered an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) by study and by risk factor method (guideline recommendations, number (No) of risk factors, ‘other method and risk model/score).

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    <p>The colour of the points indicates the study. The shape of the points (circles, triangle, square, cross) indicates method used No. RF = number of risk factors (i.e. presence of one risk factor, two risk factors and so on). Studies may report more than one performance estimate, this is reflected in the number of coloured shapes for each study.</p

    Screening performance of guidelines using a risk factor screening strategy.

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    <p>Vertical and horizontal lines show the 95% confidence intervals for sensitivity and positive rate respectively. The colour of the points indicates the study. The shape of the points (circles, triangle, square, cross) indicates method used. RF = Risk factor, No = number. ACOG = American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ADA = American Diabetes Association. ADIPS = Australasian Diabetes In Pregnancy Society. NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Studies may report more than one performance estimate, this is reflected in the number of coloured shapes for each study.</p