5 research outputs found
Characteristics of hypertension and anti-hypertensive treatment
†<p>-P<0.05</p><p>HTN–Hypertension, BP–Blood pressure.</p
Factors that, in the patient’s views, encouraged or discouraged the patient’s drug taking behavior
Awareness about hypertension and anti-hypertensive treatment
†<p>-P<0.05</p><p>HTN–Hypertension, BP–Blood pressure.</p
Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population
†<p>-P<0.05</p><p>HTN–Hypertension, PKR–Pakistani Rupee, AKU–Aga Khan University Hospital, NICVD–National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, AKU-ADS-Aga Khan University-Anxiety and Depression Scale, Hx. –History</p