2 research outputs found

    Excited-State Structure and Dynamics of Ketoā€“Amino Cytosine: The <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* State Is Nonplanar and Its Radiationless Decay Is Not Ultrafast

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    We have measured the mass- and tautomer-specific S<sub>0</sub> ā†’ S<sub>1</sub> vibronic spectra and S<sub>1</sub> state lifetimes of the ketoā€“amino tautomer of cytosine cooled in supersonic jets, using two-color resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectroscopy at 0.05 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> resolution. The rotational contours of the 0<sub>0</sub><sup>0</sup> band and nine vibronic bands up to +437 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> are polarized in the pyrimidinone plane, proving that the electronic excitation is to a <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* state. All vibronic excitations up to +437 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> are overtone and combination bands of the low-frequency out-of-plane Ī½<sub>1</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> (butterfly), Ī½<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> (boat), and Ī½<sub>3</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> (Hā€“Nā€“C<sup>6</sup>ā€“H twist) vibrations. UV vibronic spectrum simulations based on approximate second-order coupled-cluster (CC2) calculations of the ground and <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* states are in good agreement with the experimental R2PI spectrum, but only if the calculated Ī½<sub>1</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> and Ī½<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> frequencies are reduced by a factor of 4 and anharmonicity is included. Together with the high intensity of the Ī½<sub>1</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> and Ī½<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> overtone vibronic excitations, this implies that the <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* potential energy surface is much softer and much more anharmonic in the out-of-plane directions than predicted by the CC2 method. The <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* state lifetime is determined from the Lorentzian line broadening necessary to reproduce the rotational band contours: at the 0<sub>0</sub><sup>0</sup> band it is Ļ„ = 44 ps, remains at Ļ„ = 35ā€“45 ps up to +205 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>, and decreases to 25ā€“30 ps up to +437 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>. These lifetimes are 20ā€“40 times longer than the 0.5ā€“1.5 ps lifetimes previously measured with femtosecond pumpā€“probe techniques at higher vibrational energies (1500ā€“3800 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>). Thus, the nonradiative relaxation rate of ketoā€“amino cytosine close to the <sup>1</sup>Ļ€Ļ€* state minimum is <i>k</i><sub>nr</sub> āˆ¼ 2.5 Ɨ 10<sup>10</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup>, much smaller than at higher energies. An additional nonradiative decay channel opens at +500 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> excess energy. Since high overtone bands of Ī½<sub>1</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> and Ī½<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> are observed in the R2PI spectrum but only a single weak 2Ī½<sub>3</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> band, we propose that Ī½<sub>3</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> is a promoting mode for nonradiative decay, consistent with the observation that the Ī½<sub>3</sub><sup>ā€²</sup> normal-mode eigenvector points toward the ā€œC<sup>6</sup>-puckeredā€ conical intersection geometry

    Gas-Phase Cytosine and Cytosineā€‘N<sub>1</sub>ā€‘Derivatives Have 0.1ā€“1 ns Lifetimes Near the S<sub>1</sub> State Minimum

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    Ultraviolet radiative damage to DNA is inefficient because of the ultrafast S<sub>1</sub> ā‡ S<sub>0</sub> internal conversion of its nucleobases. Using picosecond pumpā€“ionization delay measurements, we find that the S<sub>1</sub>(<sup>1</sup><i>Ļ€Ļ€</i>*) state vibrationless lifetime of gas-phase keto-amino cytosine (Cyt) is Ļ„ = 730 ps or āˆ¼700 times longer than that measured by femtosecond pumpā€“probe ionization at higher vibrational excess energy, <i>E</i><sub>exc</sub>. N<sub>1</sub>-Alkylation increases the S<sub>1</sub> lifetime up to Ļ„ = 1030 ps for N<sub>1</sub>-ethyl-Cyt but decreases it to 100 ps for N<sub>1</sub>-isopropyl-Cyt. Increasing the vibrational energy to <i>E</i><sub>exc</sub> = 300ā€“550 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> decreases the lifetimes to 20ā€“30 ps. The nonradiative dynamics of S<sub>1</sub> cytosine is not solely a property of the amino-pyrimidinone chromophore but is strongly influenced by the N<sub>1</sub>-substituent. Correlated excited-state calculations predict that the gap between the S<sub>2</sub>(<sup>1</sup><i>n</i><sub>O</sub>Ļ€*) and S<sub>1</sub>(<sup>1</sup><i>Ļ€Ļ€</i>*) states decreases along the series of N<sub>1</sub>-derivatives, thereby influencing the S<sub>1</sub> state lifetime