1,673 research outputs found

    It is Time for Action in the Struggle against Antibiotic-Resistance, Let’s Start Reducing or Replacing Antibiotics in Agriculture

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    Million people around the world are infected each year and thousands of them die from pathogens that are resistant to the treatment by any of known antibiotics [1]. The excessive use and abuse of antibiotics in clinical setting and in agriculture, added to the great ability of microorganisms to evolve, are the causes of the wide spread of isolates resistant to all major classes of current antibiotics. It is time for action in order to tackle antimicrobial-resistance (AMR), which can be considered a major threat to global health care and security. While we are waiting for new antimicrobial molecules and strategies, shorter-term approaches are needed to address the menace of AMR and preserve the efficacy of current antibiotic

    Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum essential oil prevented biofilm formation and showed antibacterial activity against planktonic and sessile bacterial cells.

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    Essential oils from six different populations of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum were compared for their antibiofilm properties. The six essential oils (A to F) were characterized by a combination of gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detector analyses. All oils showed weak activity against the planktonic form of a group of Staphylococcus aureus strains and against a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 reference strain. The ability to inhibit biofilm formation was investigated at sub-MIC levels of 200, 100, and 50 m g/ml by staining sessile cells with safranin. Sample E showed the highest average effectiveness against all tested strains at 50 m g/ml and had inhibition percentages ranging from 30 to 52%. In the screening that used preformed biofilm from the reference strain P. aeruginosa, essential oils A through E were inactive at 200 m g/ml; F was active with a percentage of inhibition equal to 53.2%. Oregano essential oil can inhibit the formation of biofilms of various food pathogens and food spoilage organisms.Essential oils from six different populations of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum were compared for their antibiofilm properties. The six essential oils (A to F) were characterized by a combination of gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detector analyses. All oils showed weak activity against the planktonic form of a group of Staphylococcus aureus strains and against a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 reference strain. The ability to inhibit biofilm formation was investigated at sub-MIC levels of 200, 100, and 50 m g/ml by staining sessile cells with safranin. Sample E showed the highest average effectiveness against all tested strains at 50 m g/ml and had inhibition percentages ranging from 30 to 52%. In the screening that used preformed biofilm from the reference strain P. aeruginosa, essential oils A through E were inactive at 200 m g/ml; F was active with a percentage of inhibition equal to 53.2%. Oregano essential oil can inhibit the formation of biofilms of various food pathogens and food spoilage organisms

    Antimicrobial peptides from echinoderms as antibiofilm agents: a natural strategy to combat bacterial infections

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    Increased attention has been focused on marine invertebrates as a source of bioactive molecules for biomedical applications. Many bioactive molecules are part of the innate immune system. Some more recently isolated compounds, mainly from the sea urchin and the sea cucumber, are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and fungi. In this review we described the most recent studies on AMPs isolated from echinoderms. AMPs are small peptides (< 10 kDa) with cationic charge and amphipathic structure. Recently, it was demonstrated that in the coelomocyte lysates of Paracentrotus lividus and Holothuria tubulosa, AMPs possess activity against staphylococcal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. The data shows a great potential for application of AMPs in biotechnology for developing novel therapeutic agents that are either alternative or complementary to conventional antibiotic therapy to combat multiresistant pathogens

    Theragnostic aspects and radioimmunotherapy in pediatric tumors

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    The use of theragnostic radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine has grown rapidly over the years to combine the diagnosis and therapy of tumors. In this review, we performed web-based and desktop literature research to investigate and explain the potential role of theragnostic imaging in pediatric oncology. We focused primarily on patients with aggressive malignancies such as neuroblastoma and brain tumors, to select patients with the highest chance of benefit from personalized therapy. Moreover, the most critical and groundbreaking applications of radioimmunotherapy in children's oncology were examined in this peculiar context. Preliminary results showed the potential feasibility of theragnostic imaging and radioimmunotherapy in pediatric oncology. They revealed advantages in the management of the disease, thereby allowing an intra-personal approach and adding new weapons to conventional therapies

    Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum essential oil prevented biofilm formation and showed antibacterial activity against planktonic and sessile bacterial cells

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    Essential oils from six different populations of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum were compared for their antibiofilm properties. The six essential oils (A to F) were characterized by a combination of gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detector analyses. All oils showed weak activity against the planktonic form of a group of Staphylococcus aureus strains and against a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 reference strain. The ability to inhibit biofilm formation was investigated at sub-MIC levels of 200, 100, and 50 m g/ml by staining sessile cells with safranin. Sample E showed the highest average effectiveness against all tested strains at 50 m g/ml and had inhibition percentages ranging from 30 to 52%. In the screening that used preformed biofilm from the reference strain P. aeruginosa, essential oils A through E were inactive at 200 m g/ml; F was active with a percentage of inhibition equal to 53.2%. Oregano essential oil can inhibit the formation of biofilms of various food pathogens and food spoilage organisms.Essential oils from six different populations of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum were compared for their antibiofilm properties. The six essential oils (A to F) were characterized by a combination of gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detector analyses. All oils showed weak activity against the planktonic form of a group of Staphylococcus aureus strains and against a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 reference strain. The ability to inhibit biofilm formation was investigated at sub-MIC levels of 200, 100, and 50 m g/ml by staining sessile cells with safranin. Sample E showed the highest average effectiveness against all tested strains at 50 m g/ml and had inhibition percentages ranging from 30 to 52%. In the screening that used preformed biofilm from the reference strain P. aeruginosa, essential oils A through E were inactive at 200 m g/ml; F was active with a percentage of inhibition equal to 53.2%. Oregano essential oil can inhibit the formation of biofilms of various food pathogens and food spoilage organisms

    Pyrrolomycins as potential anti-staphylococcal biofilms agents

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    With the goal of discovering new anti-infective agents active against microbial biofilms, we focused on some natural pyrrolomycins, a family of halogenated pyrrole antibiotics. In this study we investigated the anti-staphylococcal biofilm activity of pyrrolomycins C, D, F1, F2a, F2b, F3 and of the synthesized related compounds I, II, III. The susceptibility of six staphylococcal biofilms was determined by methyltiazotetrazolium (MTT) staining. Most of the compounds were active at concentrations of 1.5 ÎĽg/mL with significant inhibition percentages. A few of the compounds were active at the lowest screening concentration of 0.045ÎĽg/mL. We also report the population log reduction of activity against the two best biofilm forming S. aureus strains as determined by viable plate counts. In order to adequately assess the utility of these compounds, their toxicity against human cells was evaluated. In conclusion, pyrrolomycins and synthetic derivatives are promising compounds for developing novel effective chemical countermeasures against staphylococcal biofilm

    Immune mediators of sea-cucumber Holothuria tubulosa (Echinodermata) as source of novel antimicrobial and anti-staphylococcal biofilm agents

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    The present study aims to investigate coelomocytes, immune mediators cells in the echinoderm Holothuria tubulosa, as an unusual source of antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents. The activity of the 5kDa peptide fraction of the cytosol from H. tubulosa coelomocytes (5-HCC) was tested against a reference group of Gram-negative and Gram-positive human pathogens. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 125 to 500 mg/ml were determined against tested strains. The observed biological activity of 5-HCC could be due to two novel peptides, identified by capillary RP-HPLC/nESI-MS/MS, which present the common chemical-physical characteristics of antimicrobial peptides. Such peptides were chemically synthesized and their antimicrobial activity was tested. The synthetic peptides showed broad-spectrum activity at 12.5 mg/ml against the majority of the tested Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains, and they were also able to inhibit biofilm formation in a significant percentage at a concentration of 3.1 mg/ml against staphylococcal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. The immune mediators in H. tubulosa are a source of novel antimicrobial peptides for the development of new agents against biofilm bacterial communities that are often intrinsically resistant to conventional antibiotics

    Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of a Recombinant Fragment of β-Thymosin of Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus

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    With the aim to obtain new antimicrobials against important pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we focused on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from Echinoderms. An example of such peptides is Paracentrin 1 (SP1), a chemically synthesised peptide fragment of a sea urchin thymosin. In the present paper, we report on the biological activity of a Paracentrin 1 derivative obtained by recombination. The recombinant paracentrin RP1, in comparison to the synthetic SP1, is 22 amino acids longer and it was considerably more active against the planktonic forms of S. aureus ATCC 25923 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 15442 at concentrations of 50 µg/mL. Moreover, it was able to inhibit biofilm formation of staphylococcal and P. aeruginosa strains at concentrations equal to 5.0 and 10.7 µg/mL, respectively. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations allowed to rationalise the results of the experimental investigations, providing atomistic insights on the binding of RP1 toward models of mammalian and bacterial cell membranes. Overall, the results obtained point out that RP1 shows a remarkable preference for bacterial membranes, in excellent agreement with the antibacterial activity, highlighting the promising potential of using the tested peptide as a template for the development of novel antimicrobial agents

    Composizione e attività biologica di “idrolati” di agrumi

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    Gli idrolati, o acque aromatiche, sono prodotti naturali ricavati dalla distillazione di piante o parti di piante fresche che conservano intatte le loro proprietà e possono essere utilizzati a diverso scopo1. Essi sono comunemente considerati un sottoprodotto degli oli essenziali, ma in realtà, data la diversa composizione e la conseguente maggiore delicatezza, hanno un loro apprezzabile utilizzo, legato comunque al mantenimento delle proprietà delle piante da cui derivano. Nell’industria agrumaria gli idrolati sono il risultato della produzione degli oli essenziali attraverso spremitura a freddo delle bucce degli agrumi e sono considerati un rifiuto da smaltire. Lo studio della composizione chimica dell’idrolato è poco noto: gli idrolati sono comunque ricchi di composti prevalentemente ossigenati che oltre a conferire un gradevole profumo, possono donargli numerose proprietà biologiche. Abbiamo quindi deciso di intraprenderne uno studio di caratterizzazione LC-MS e GC-MS sull’idrolato dell’arancia di Ribera per identificare sostanze di interesse farmaceutico, cosmetico, ecc. e di possibile attività biologica. Questo potrebbe rappresentare per l’industria agrumaria un valore aggiunto nel valorizzare un prodotto attualmente di scarto. I risultati biologici preliminari hanno indicato che l’estratto organico inibisce la crescita di forme planctoniche di S. Aureus ATCC 25923 ad una concentrazione 5 mg/mL. Sono in corso ulteriori studi per valutare l’attività contro ceppi Gram-negativi e di inibizione di biofilm di Gram-positivi e Gram-negativi. Bibliografia 1 Lante, A.; Tinello, F. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2015, 27, 154–15
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