150 research outputs found

    The Acceptance of Western Piano Music in Japan and the Career of Takahiro Sonoda

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    THE ACCEPTANCE OF WESTERN PIANO MUSIC IN JAPAN AND THE CAREER OF TAKAHIRO SONODABy: Mari IidaMajor Professor: Dr. Edward Gates, D.M.Western music was almost completely unknown until 1853 when Japan opened the country to the world. However, recently, young Japanese pianists have become very active in the field of international piano competitions. And Western classical-music concerts flourish in Japan to this day. It is obvious that Western music is rooted firmly in Japan. The author considers that there is a need of a succinct account that traces the progress of acceptance and popularization of Western music in Japan.The purpose of this study is twofold; to reveal how Japanese people, who had no Western music tradition, reached this high level of understanding of Western music, especially Western classical piano music; and to provide a focus on the career of Takahiro Sonoda, the first internationally recognized Japanese concert pianist. It observes the process of acceptance and popularization together with concurrent social and political phenomena and deals with many figures and events that the author found significant and worthy of documentation.Part one of the study, entitled "The Period of Acceptance," is devoted to a historical background related to pianists and teachers before 1928. It describes the drastic Westernization by the newly established Meiji government, which included adoption of Western music as a part of a national compulsory education curriculum. This government-led Western music education planted the seed of Western music in Japan.Part two, entitled "The Period of Challenge," concerns musical events from 1928 to today and focuses on a biographical survey of Sonoda. It is a history of the challenge of closing the musical gap between Japan and the West. The performance techniques of Japanese musicians were advanced by the rise of musical media, the immigration of European musicians, the diversification of school music programs, and the success of domestic piano mass production.The author found that the accomplishment of Western music acceptance and popularization was a natural outcome of the trajectory that began with the Meiji restoration and the opening of Japan to the West. Sonoda's achievement represents the last stage of 150 years of challenge and progress by Japanese pianists

    Oppilaiden välinen kiusaaminen alakoulun liikuntatilanteissa

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    Peruskoulujemme toimintakulttuurien liikunnallistamispyrkimysten myötä koulupäivien aikaiset oppilasliikuntatilanteet ovat lisääntyneet. On tärkeää, etteivät nämä hyvinvoinnin edistämistoimet latautuisi negatiivisesti esimerkiksi kiusaamisen takia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin koulukiusaamiselle alttiita liikuntatilanteita sekä tyypillisimpiä kiusaamisen muotoja niissä alakouluoppilaiden ja heidän opettajiensa näkökulmista. Kiusaamistilanteiden tunnistaminen lukeutuu kiusaamiseen puuttumisen edellytyksiin.Tutkimus toteutettiin loppukeväällä 2018 strukturoidulla kyselyllä. Siihen vastasi 239 oppilasta luokka-asteilta 3–6 sekä heidän 15 liikuntaa opettavaa opettajaansa kuluneen lukuvuoden pohjalta. Dataa analysoitiin frekvenssianalyysein sekä Mann-Whitney U -testein.Kiusaamista esiintyi eniten liikunta- ja välitunneilla pelien, leikkien ja harjoitusten aikana. Seuraavaksi yleisintä kiusaaminen oli pukuhuoneessa, joukkuejaoissa sekä siirtymissä liikuntatunneille, kouluun ja kotiin. Tyypillisimpiä kiusaamismuotoja liikuntatilanteissa olivat ärsyttäminen, nimittely, selän takana pahaa puhuminen sekä porukan ulkopuolelle jättäminen. Säännöllistäkin kiusaamista koettiin kaikissa eritellyissä muodoissa. Sukupuolierot jäivät vähäisiksi, mutta nuoremmat oppilaat kokivat sekä enemmän kiusaamista että kohtasivat runsaammin eri kiusaamismuotoja. Opettajat olivat melko hyvin perillä liikuntakiusaamistilanteiden lisäksi oppilaiden tavoista kiusata toisiaan.Tutkimuksen perusteella valvontaa tulee terävöittää erityisesti alakoulun nuorempien oppilaiden parissa liikuntatuntien eri toiminnoissa ja välitunneilla. Myös koulumatkat tulee huomioida. Porukan ulkopuolellejättämistä tulee havainnoida tarkasti liikuntatilanteissa.</p

    Atypical Lipomatous Tumor of the Tongue:Report of a Case

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    The term atypical lipomatous tumor (ALT) is synonymous with well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDL). This tumor occurs very rarely in the tongue. Thus, it is difficult to predict its prognosis. Although recurrence of ALT/WDL is thought to be unlikely after complete excision, long-term follow-up is necessary when considering the pathologic conditions of this tumor at other sites. Here, we report a case of an ALT of the tongue, with a review of the literature. A 68-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of a tumor on the left side of his tongue. Upon palpation, the tumor was 12mm in diameter, circumscribed, elastic and hard, well demarcated, movable, and painless. We diagnosed the lesion as a lipoma and extirpated the tumor under local anesthesia. Because the specimen was histopathologically diagnosed as an ALT, as a precaution, we excised an additional 5mm from the area surrounding the original tumor under general anesthesia. Three years after the operation, the tongue demonstrated good healing without paresthesia or dysfunction, and to date there has been no evidence of recurrence

    Density of juvenile of tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus in the Sone Estuary, Kitakyushu, Japan, with notes on sediment particle sizes in habitats and breeding areas

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    2016年7月16–18日に福岡県北九州市曽根干潟においてカブトガニの幼体密度・成長段階組成および幼体生息場所・成体産卵場所の底質を調査した.また,海岸に打ち上げられたカブトガニ成体の遺骸のサイズおよび性についても調査した.貫川河口南に生息する幼体の前体幅は8.0–52.0mm (N=68)であった.カブトガニ幼体の密度は875個体/haであった.幼体の密度は岸側から沖に向かうほど著しく低下したが,底質の中央粒径値には差がほとんどみられなかった.打ち上げられた成体の遺骸55個体の前体幅を測定した結果,215.0–377.0mmであった.性比は雄40%,雌56%であり,残りの4%は雌雄を判別できなかった.遺骸には尾剣が折れた個体,卵が体内に残存している個体がみられた.曽根干潟の北方に位置する吉田海岸から南に位置する松山埋立地までの産卵に利用されている7地点の底質は中央粒径値が0.77–2.58mmの砂・礫であった.このことから,曽根干潟では粒径の大きい底質においても産卵が行われていることが明らかとなった.The density and composition of developmental stages of juveniles of the tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus (Leach, 1819) and sedimentary environment of juveniles' habitats and adults' breeding areas were investigated at the Sone tidal flat, Fukuoka Prefecture during 16 to 18 July, 2016. The sizes and sexes of dead adults beached on the shore were also examined. The carapace width of juveniles collected at the mouth of the Nuki River ranged from 8.0 to 52.0mm (N=68). The density of juveniles was about 875indiv./ha, with the density decreasing in the offshore direction. However, mean diameters of sedimentary particles did not differ considerably among five line transects set up from the inshore to offshore. The carapace width of beached dead adults ranged from 215.0 to 377.0mm (N=55) with sex proportions of 40% male, 56% female, and 4% unidentified. Some dead adults bore a broken tail spine or contained eggs in the bodies. Mean sizes of sedimentary particles at the seven breeding areas located along the inner part of the flat ranged 0.77 to 2.58mm, and tended to be more coarse than at other breeding areas in Japan.本研究は公益財団法人福武財団「平成28,29年度瀬戸内海文化研究・活動支援助成」によって行われたのでここに感謝を記す

    Biological notes on Tachypleus tridentatus (Leach, 1819) in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan: two species of epibiotic organisms found on adults, and the carcass of a juvenile presumably eaten by a bird

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    2016年8月5日に広島県竹原市ハチ干潟で発見されたカブトガニ成体に,表在生物のカブトガニウズムシおよびカニエラエボシが確認された.また,2017年9月20日には野鳥に捕食されたと考えられるカブトガニ幼体の死骸が発見された.On August 5, 2016, two epibiotic species, the turbellarian Ectoplana limuli (Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916) and the goose barnacles Octolasmis neptuni (MacDonald, 1869), were found on two adults of the Japanese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus (Leach, 1819) in Hiroshima Prefecture. On September 20, 2017, the carcass of a juvenile horseshoe crab was found, which had presumably been eaten by a bird.本研究の一部は公益財団法人福武財団「瀬戸内海文化研究・活動支援助成」によって行われたことを明記する

    Talent Retention and the Development of Digital Skills : A study of the ecosystem-based Digitalisation Academy located in Vaasa, Finland

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    In 2018, Vaasa-based energy cluster companies and higher education institutions jointly established the Digitalisation Academy. The aim of the Digitalisation Academy, which was created as a joint effort, has been to respond to the talent shortage in the region’s business sector by strengthening the digital skills of Finnish and foreign students studying in Vaasa and supporting their employment in the region’s companies. This publication is the final report of a research and development project to develop the Digitalisation Academy, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and carried out by the University of Vaasa’s Innolab. The international multidisciplinary group of researchers studied the experiences of the students and the representatives of companies and higher education institutions involved in the project. Based on these observations, the report includes proposals on how the Digitalisation Academy can be developed in the future. The report also describes the previous talent shortage and the ways to commit experts, as well as research on ecosystem cooperation and cooperation between companies and higher education institutions. In view of these, the researchers have issued recommendations on actions to the parties. The report can also be used as a handbook for setting up similar units in other Finnish clusters and as a basis for a discussion on how to support the commitment of highly educated experts to Finland

    Density of juveniles of tri-spined horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus and characteristics of sediments in the Sone Estuary, Fukuoka, Japan

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    2017年7月25–27日の大潮最干時刻に福岡県北九州市曽根干潟において,大野川河口,貫川河口,貫川河口−朽網川河口中間点,朽網川河口の底質上に存在するカブトガニ幼体密度を目視よって測定した.幼体は貫川河口付近から沖に向って約300mまでの範囲及び貫川河口−朽網川中間地点にて確認され,その密度は0.063–1.000個体 /m²であった.出現した幼体の前体幅は17.0–60.5 mm(n = 27)であり,第4–8脱皮齢に相当する.粒度分析の結果より,大野川河口は細砂,貫川河口は細粒砂~中粒砂,貫川河口−朽網川河口中間地点は極細粒砂,朽網川河口は極粗粒砂に分類される底質であることが分かった.各調査地点において底質硬度・全硫化物量・強熱減量を測定したところ,いずれも幼体密度との相関はみられなかった.貫川河口域の底質の粒度より算出した中央粒径値は,2016年7月16日に同地点で採取した底質の中央粒径値とは大きく異なっており,貫川河口域での底質環境の変化が示唆された.The density of juveniles of the tri-spined horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus (Leach, 1819) was measured at the lowest tide during the period from 25 to 27 July 2017 at the Sone Estuary in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. It ranged from 0.063 to 1.000 indiv./m². The highest density was recorded at the mouth of Nuki River. The range of carapace width of juveniles was 17.0–60.5 mm (n = 27), corresponding to the 4th to 8th molts. No juveniles were found at the mouth of the Ono River. Median diameter of sedimentary particles at the habitat area ranged from 0.020 to 0.740 mm. Hardness, total sulfide content and ignition loss were simultaneously measured at each station, but no significant correlation was detected with the density. The median particle size was significantly different from that calculated at the same stations on 16 July 2016, suggesting that the sedimentary environments for the habitat of juveniles in Sone estuary were drastically changed within a year.本研究の一部は公益財団法人福武財団「瀬戸内海文化研究・活動支援助成」によって行われた