2 research outputs found

    Stavovi studenata prema primjeni mobilne proŔirene stvarnosti u visokom obrazovanju

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    Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged from the framework of academic and industrial laboratories and have acquired global attention. Currently, the focus shifted from the technologies themselves to finding adequate teaching and learning applications. In this paper, the students\u27 attitudes toward the application of mobile AR (MAR) in higher education (HE) were researched (with a focus on augmented textbooks). The results showed that the students have a mostly positive attitude, and it is concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and non-STEM students\u27 opinions regarding this topic. Based on the results, the further research and integration of this technology into HE settings can be suggested.Virtualna i proÅ”irena stvarnost izaÅ”le su iz okvira akademskih i industrijskih laboratorija i stekle su globalnu pozornost. Trenutačno se fokus pomaknuo sa samih tehnologija prema pronalaženju odgovarajuće primjene u poučavanju i učenju. U ovom radu istraživani su stavovi studenata o primjeni mobilne proÅ”irene stvarnosti u visokom obrazovanju (s naglaskom na augmentiranim udžbenicima). Rezultati su pokazali da studenti imaju uglavnom pozitivan stav, a zaključeno je i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u miÅ”ljenju između STEM (znanost, tehnologija, inženjerstvo i matematika) i ne-STEM studenata o ovoj temi. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja mogu se predložiti daljnja istraživanja i integracija ove tehnologije u postavke visokog obrazovanja

    Possible Application of Virtual Reality in Geography Teaching

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    Abstract Virtual reality represents simulated three-dimensional environment created by hardware and software, which providing realistic experience and possibility of interaction to the end-user. Benefits provided by immersive virtual reality in educational setting were recognised in the past decades, however mass application was left out due to the lack of development and high price. Intensive development of new platforms and virtual reality devices in the last few years started up with Oculus Rift, and subsequently accelerated in the year 2014 by occurrence of Google Cardboard. Nowadays, for the first time in history, immersive virtual reality is available to millions of people. In the mid 2015 Google commenced developing Expeditions Pioneer Program aiming to massively utilise the Google Cardboard platform in education. Expeditions and other VR apps can enhance geography teaching and learning. Realistic experience acquired by utilisation of virtual reality in teaching process significantly overcome possibilities provided by images and illustrations in the textbook. Besides literature review on usage of virtual reality in education this paper presents suggestion of VR mobile apps that can be used together with the Google Cardboard head mounted displays (HMDs) in geography classes, thereby emphasising advantages and disadvantages as well as possible obstacles which may occur in introducing the immersive virtual reality in the educational process