53 research outputs found

    Povezanost stereovida i motoričkih vještina u djece s intelektualnim teškoćama

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    The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between stereoacuity and proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Stereovision is one of the information sources for accurate perception of objects in depth, and it is related to performance on motor skills tasks. Studies have shown that children of primary school age with mild intellectual disabilities perform worse than typically developing children on specific fine and gross motor skills. Also, problems in visual functioning, including impaired binocular vision (stereovision), are common in children with intellectual disability. We tested 27 children with intellectual disabilities but without any motor skills deficiency. Research was conducted at the Centre for Education "Velika Gorica" and Elementary School "Nad lipom". For this research, we constructed a Likert-type scale to assess fine and gross motor proficiency. We also tested stereoacuity using the Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea Symbols®. Our results show a relationship between the degree of stereovision and level of proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Since stereovision develops during preschool years and is related to other skills, we need to provide timely assessment of visual functioning and create specific program adaptations for children with intellectual disabilities.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u gruboj te finoj motorici. Stereovid je jedan od izvora informacija za točnu procjenu percepcije objekata u dubini i povezan je s izvođenjem motoričkih aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su djeca s lakim intelektualnim teškoćama osnovnoškolske dobi lošija u izvođenju motoričkih aktivnosti nego djeca tipičnog razvoja. Također, vizualna odstupanja učestala su kod djece s intelektualnim teškoćama, uključujući i oslabljen binokularni vid (stereovid). Testirali smo 27-ero djece s intelektualnim teškoćama, bez motoričkih teškoća. Istraživanje je provedeno u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje "Velika Gorica" i Osnovnoj školi "Nad lipom". Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, konstruirali smo skalu Likertovog tipa za procjenu spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Također, testirali smo i stereovid koristeći stereotest Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea Symbols®. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje povezanosti između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Budući da se stereovid razvija u predškolskoj dobi i povezan je s razvojem drugih vještina, nužno je osigurati pravovremenu procjenu vizualnog funkcioniranja i u skladu s tim, kreirati specifične programe za djecu s intelektualnim teškoćama

    Povezanost stereovida i motoričkih vještina u djece s intelektualnim teškoćama

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    The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between stereoacuity and proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Stereovision is one of the information sources for accurate perception of objects in depth, and it is related to performance on motor skills tasks. Studies have shown that children of primary school age with mild intellectual disabilities perform worse than typically developing children on specific fine and gross motor skills. Also, problems in visual functioning, including impaired binocular vision (stereovision), are common in children with intellectual disability. We tested 27 children with intellectual disabilities but without any motor skills deficiency. Research was conducted at the Centre for Education "Velika Gorica" and Elementary School "Nad lipom". For this research, we constructed a Likert-type scale to assess fine and gross motor proficiency. We also tested stereoacuity using the Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea Symbols®. Our results show a relationship between the degree of stereovision and level of proficiency in fine and gross motor skills. Since stereovision develops during preschool years and is related to other skills, we need to provide timely assessment of visual functioning and create specific program adaptations for children with intellectual disabilities.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u gruboj te finoj motorici. Stereovid je jedan od izvora informacija za točnu procjenu percepcije objekata u dubini i povezan je s izvođenjem motoričkih aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su djeca s lakim intelektualnim teškoćama osnovnoškolske dobi lošija u izvođenju motoričkih aktivnosti nego djeca tipičnog razvoja. Također, vizualna odstupanja učestala su kod djece s intelektualnim teškoćama, uključujući i oslabljen binokularni vid (stereovid). Testirali smo 27-ero djece s intelektualnim teškoćama, bez motoričkih teškoća. Istraživanje je provedeno u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje "Velika Gorica" i Osnovnoj školi "Nad lipom". Za potrebe ovog istraživanja, konstruirali smo skalu Likertovog tipa za procjenu spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Također, testirali smo i stereovid koristeći stereotest Random Dot 2 Acuity Test with Lea Symbols®. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje povezanosti između stupnja razvoja stereovida i spretnosti u finoj te gruboj motorici. Budući da se stereovid razvija u predškolskoj dobi i povezan je s razvojem drugih vještina, nužno je osigurati pravovremenu procjenu vizualnog funkcioniranja i u skladu s tim, kreirati specifične programe za djecu s intelektualnim teškoćama


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    Tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja (2004. i 2005. godine) obavljeno je istraživanje o visini prinosa i ekonomskoj isplativosti proizvodnje tri rane sorte soje (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 i Danica 000) različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na poljima Zavoda za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo iz Osijeka, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova Gradiška uz primjenu standardne agrotehnike za soju. Jaz koji nastaje porastom broja stanovnika i istovremenim smanjenjem poljoprivrednih površina iz godine u godinu sve je veći, a soja zbog velikog postotka bjelančevina (od 35-50%) i ulja (od 18-24%) preuzima vodeće mjesto u proizvodnji i ishrani čovječanstva. Soja zbog naknadne i postrne sjetve postaje zanimljiva poljoprivrednim proizvođačima diljem svijeta. Uzimajući u obzir agrotehničke mjere koje se koriste, uz pomoć tablica i grafikona dana je analiza čimbenika i usporedba isplativosti proizvodnje pojedine sorte soje u Hrvatskoj na površini preko tri hektara, kako bi se odredila najpogodnija sorta za domaću poljoprivrednu proizvodnju.During the two vegetation years (2004 and 2005) an examination was conducted on influence of three early breeds of soybean (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 and Danica 000) belonging to different groups of ripening in terms of level of crop yield and cost effectiveness. The tests were undertaken by split-plot scheme on the crop fields originated from Institution for seed and seedlings Osijek, Kutjevo d.d. and PPK Nova Gradiška using standardized agro measures valid for soybean in The Republic of Croatia. The difference between increase of the number of inhabitants and decrease in the crop fields area has risen significantly. Soybean, because of its high percentage of proteins (35-50%) and oil (18-24%), slightly for sure overtakes the first position in agricultural production and nutrition of mankind. Soybean is becoming more and more interesting to producers worldwide because of its rich seeding capability. Taking into account the agricultural measures used the analysis and comparison of production effectiveness between each breed of soybean in Croatian on the area more than three ha are presented in tables and graphs. In this way the best breed can be ultimately determined for domestic farm production

    Exploring Pro-Environmental Behaviour in FMCG Supply Chain

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    This paper aims to define indicators that predict and shape the pro-environmental behaviour of manufacturers, transport companies, wholesalers and retailers as participants in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) supply chain in the Western Balkans region. The main task is to determine the indicators which participants of FMCG supply chain consider as most important for the prediction of the pro-environmental behaviour concept. The findings showed a statistically significant correlation between the green indicators of pro-environmental behaviour, such as reverse logistics, the packaging waste management, energy consumption, ecological awareness, acting in accordance with green moral codes, compliances with legal and statutory ecological norms, interior hygiene and ecological infrastructure. The differences in these indicators are particularly visible among the observed participants in the supply chain and between the places of residence of employees (EU/non-EU countries). The test results served as the basis for defining a model for predicting pro-environmental behaviour. Future research should focus on extending the sample of research to the EU market, in order to make a better comparative analysis between EU and non-EU countries


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    Smišljenom rekombinacijom gena izvršene su promjene u pojedinim biljnim organima, prije svega visini biljke, visini stabljike i dužini klasa kod novih kultivara ozime pšenice što je rezultiralo i povećanjem uroda zrna u odnosu na standardnu sortu Žitarku. U prvoj grupi ispitivanih sorti povećani urod je bio za 6,65% veći u odnosu na Žitarku, u drugoj grupi 9,4%, u trećoj 10,82% a u četvrtoj grupi ispitivanih sorti 12,15%. Farinogramski i ekstenzogramski pokazatelji kakvoće kao i sadržaj ukupnih proteina u zrnu i sedimentacijska vrijednost brašna svrstavaju nove kultivare u vrlo kvalitetne sorte ozime pšenice. Ovo kontinuirano povećanje rodnosti i kakvoće genotipova je konkretan doprinos oplemenjivanja povećanju uroda i kakvoće ozime pšenice.In new varieties of winter wheat changes in some plant organs, such as plant height, stem height and ear length were achieved by the thoughtout gene recombination. These changes resulted with kernel yield improvement in comparison with standard variety Žitarka. In first group of examined varieties yield was for 6,65% higher than yield of Žitarka, in second group for 9,46% in third for 10,82% and in fourth group of examined varieties tor 12,15% higher. Pharinographic and extensographic index of quality, protein content in kernel and sedimentation values of flour classify new varieties in high quality winter wheat varieties. This continuity in increasing of genotypes yield and quality is concrete contribution of plant breeding to improving of winter wheat yield and quality


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    The translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye and the long arm of chromosome 1A, 1B or 1D of wheat represents practically the most common introduced foreign genes into the genome of hexaploid wheat. 1RS chromosome arm represents a source of different useful genes, associated with increased disease resistance, improved adaptability, stress tolerance, and increased stability and level of yield. On the other hand, translocation is associated with poor technological quality of wheat as a result of the presence of secalin and reduced number of gluten loci. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of 1RS translocation among some Croatian winter wheat varieties using molecular markers. The study included 40 varieties of which 23 Croatian. Four pairs of primers: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR and PAW161 were used for determination of translocation. The presence of translocation was determined in 12 of 40 (30%) varieties, while among the Croatian wheat varieties translocation had 8 of 23 (34.78%) varieties (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda and Dea).Translokacija između kratkoga kraka kromosoma 1R raži i dugoga kraka kromosoma 1A, 1B ili 1D pšenice predstavlja praktično najzastupljenije unesene strane gene u genom heksaploidne pšenice. 1RS krak kromosoma predstavlja izvor različitih korisnih gena, koji se povezuju s povećanom otpornošću na bolesti, povećanom adaptabilnosti, tolerantnosti na stres te povećanom stabilnošću i visinom prinosa. S druge strane, translokaciju se povezuje i s lošom tehnološkom kvalitetom pšenice, kao posljedicom prisutnosti sekalina i smanjenja broja glutenskih lokusa. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi zastupljenost 1RS translokacije u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pšenice korištenjem molekularnih markera. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 kultivara pšenice, od čega 23 hrvatska kultivara. Za identifikaciju translokacije korištena su četiri para početnica: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR i PAW161. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost translokacije u 12 od 40 (30%) ispitivanih kultivara, dok je među hrvatskim kultivarima pšenice translokaciju imalo 8 od 23 (34,78%) kultivara (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea)


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    Tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine obavljena su istraživanja o utjecaju lokaliteta i godine uzgoja na postotak ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu. Ispitivanja su provedena na tri sorte soje - Dubravka, Marija i Danica, različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na tri lokacije - Zavod za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova Gradiška. Ispitivane sorte pokazale su statistički visoko opravdane razlike (P<0,01) u postotku ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu soje na različitim lokacijama i u različitim godinama ispitivanja. Dobiveni podaci ukazuju na mogućnost povećanja dobiti (većim postotkom ulja) u proizvodnji kroz izbor najbolje sorte za pojedinu lokaciju.During two vegetation years, 2004 and 2005, research work was conducted regarding influence of locality and year on oil and protein content in soybean seeds. Research work included soybean varieties - Dubravka, Marija and Danica. Trials were planted in split-plot design, in four replications at three different locations – Osijek, Kutjevo and Nova Gradiška. Results are showing statistically highly important differences (P<0,01) in seed quality for different varieties, different locations and different years. Results also pointing out possibilities for improvement of soybean production with the right choice of variety depending of location condition


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    Tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine obavljena su istraživanja o utjecaju lokaliteta i godine uzgoja na postotak ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu. Ispitivanja su provedena na tri sorte soje - Dubravka, Marija i Danica, različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na tri lokacije - Zavod za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova Gradiška. Ispitivane sorte pokazale su statistički visoko opravdane razlike (P<0,01) u postotku ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu soje na različitim lokacijama i u različitim godinama ispitivanja. Dobiveni podaci ukazuju na mogućnost povećanja dobiti (većim postotkom ulja) u proizvodnji kroz izbor najbolje sorte za pojedinu lokaciju.During two vegetation years, 2004 and 2005, research work was conducted regarding influence of locality and year on oil and protein content in soybean seeds. Research work included soybean varieties - Dubravka, Marija and Danica. Trials were planted in split-plot design, in four replications at three different locations – Osijek, Kutjevo and Nova Gradiška. Results are showing statistically highly important differences (P<0,01) in seed quality for different varieties, different locations and different years. Results also pointing out possibilities for improvement of soybean production with the right choice of variety depending of location condition


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    Morfološka svojstva klasa korištena su za utvrđivanje genetske različitosti 50 sorti heksaploidne ozime pšenice porijeklom iz hrvatskih oplemenjivačkih programa. Poljski pokusi postavljeni su na dvije lokacije tijekom dvije vegetacijske godine (2008./09. i 2009./10.). Ocjene u poljskim pokusima i laboratoriju provedene su na 13 svojstava klasa koja se koriste u DUS ispitivanju. Temeljem provedenog istraživanja genetske različitosti hrvatske germplazme pšenice na osnovi morfoloških svojstava klasa, utvrđena je visoka razina različitosti (0,625) između ispitivanih sorata, te su se izdvojile sorte Super Žitarka i AFZG Karla, između kojih je utvrđen najveći koeficijent različitosti (0,94). Primjenom UPGMA metode, sve su sorte u različitim skupinama pokazale prisustvo značajne genetske različitosti. Na osnovi analiziranih podataka, utvrđene su najudaljenije sorte najboljih morfoloških svojstava klasa, što će pomoći pri uspješnom izboru novih roditeljskih kombinacija u budućim oplemenjivačkim programima.Morphological characteristics of ear were used for estimation of genetic diversity in 50 varieties of hexaploid winter wheat originated from Croatian breeding programs. Field trials were set at two locations in two vegetation years (2008/09 and 2009/10). Observations in field trials and laboratory were done on 13 ear characteristics used in DUS testing. Genetic diversity research of Croatian wheat germplasm according to ear morphological characteristics, showed a high level of dissimilarity (0.625) among the tested varieties. Varieties Super Žitarka and AFZG Karla are pointed out with highest coefficient of dissimilarity (0.94). Application of UPGMA method showed that all varieties in different groups had significant genetic diversity. On the basis of data analysis the most distant varieties with the best morphological characteristics of ear were determined and it will be help in the selection of new parent combinations in future breeding programs


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    Razvoj i održivost genetske različitosti germplazme ozime pšenice jedan je od osnovnih uvjeta za uspjeh u budućim oplemenjivačkim programima. Odabir divergentnih i genetski različitih roditelja najvažniji je korak u stvaranju novih superiornih sorata. Opasnost od genetske erozije je pogotovo prisutna u manjim oplemenjivačkim programima koji imaju manji ograničenih proizvodnih površina u kojima se selekcija odvija u sličnim uvjetima uzgoja. Upotreba molekularnih markera u procjeni genetske različitosti sorata ozime pšenice je ograničena u hrvatskim oplemenjivačkim programima. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio procijeniti genetsku različitost hrvatske sorata ozime pšenice koristeći SSR i AFLP markere. U istraživanje je bilo uključeni 40 sorata ozime pšenice iz hrvatskih i stranih oplemenjivačkih centara. Korišten je set od 26 mikrosatelitnih početnica s kojima se nastojao pokriti genom pšenice sa 42 kromosoma. Prosječna udaljenost iznosila je 0,66. Najveća udaljenost zabilježena je između sorata Zlatna dolina i Lela (dij=0,98), dok su najsličnije sorte bila Super Žitarka i Barbara s genetskom udaljenosti od dij=0,21. Pomoću četiri kombinacije AFLP početnica proizvedeno je ukupno 108 polimorfnih fragmenata sa prosjekom od 34 fragmenta po kombinaciji. Prosječno je utvrđeno 27 polimorfnih alela po kombinaciji i prosječnom vrijednosti PIC od 0,34. Specifični AFLP fragmenti uspješno su razlučili tri sorte pšenice: Žitarku, Super Žitarku i Barbaru te se stoga mogu koristiti za njihovu identifikaciju. Grupiranje sorata bilo je u skladu s njihovim podrijetlom i podacima o pedigreu.Sustaining and developing of genetic diversity in winter wheat germplasm is one of the main prerequisite for success in future winter wheat breeding programs. Selection of diverse parents is essential for creation of superior new varieties. Danger of genetic erosion specially exists in smaller breeding programs and selection for limited production area with similar growing conditions. Croatian winter wheat breeding has a long tradition but it is relatively small compared to countries with bigger growing areas. Use of molecular markers in evaluating genetic diversity of winter wheat varieties is limited in Croatian breeding programs. Therefore, aim of this study was to evaluate genetic diversity of Croatian winter wheat varieties using SSR and AFLP markers as a powerful tool for assessing genetic diversity. Forty winter wheat varieties, from three Croatian breeding centres and foreign centres were included in the study. A set of 26 microsatellite primers were used, covering three wheat genomes and 42 chromosomes by 0.66 average genetic distance. The largest calculated distance was between the varieties Zlatna Dolina and Lela (dij=0.98), while most similar varieties were Super Žitarka and Barbara with the distance value of dij=0.21. Four AFLP marker combinations generated 108 polymorphic bands with average of 34 specific bands per primer combination. On the average 27 polymorphic bands were generated with average PIC value of 0.34. Specific polymorphic bands were discriminant for the three varieties Žitarka, Super Žitarka and Barbara, which, therefore, can be used for their identification. Grouping of varieties was in accordance with their origin (breeding centre) and pedigree data