33 research outputs found

    Clinical Application of 810nm Diode Laser to Remove Gingival Hyperplasic Lesion

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    Introduction: Several treatment options have been introduced for removal of gingival hyperplasic lesions, but using diode lasers have many advantages such as less bleeding, time saving, better shaping, improved healing and less complication for the patients.Case: A 15-year-old girl with multiple fibroma-like lesions in the oral cavity, who had a medical history of tuberous sclerosis, was selected for gingivoplasty treatment with 810nm diode laser.Result: A perfect shaping was obtained after removal of the whole lesion in one session and no recurrence was observed in 6 months.Conclusion: Using laser in the treatment of oral lesions leads to excellent wound healing along with excellent functional results

    Antimicrobial Activity of Cold Plasma Treatment on Acrylic Denture Bases: An In Vitro Evaluation

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    Introduction: Cross-contamination between dental office and prosthetic laboratories is of utmost importance. The dental prosthesis could harbor tones of microorganisms harmful to health staff. It has been estimated that more than 60% of the prostheses delivered to clinics from laboratories or vice versa are contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. Several disinfection methods and chemicals have been proposed for sanitizing prostheses. Cold plasma, or nonthermal plasma, has been introduced as a new method in medical equipment disinfection. The current study aimed to compare the antimicrobial effect of cold plasma and the routinely used alcohol-based impression disinfectant ASEPTOPRINT® on disinfecting dentures.Methods: In this experimental study, 30 maxillary complete dentures were used as the microbial source. Dentures were randomly divided into 3 groups: (1) cold plasma treatment for 30 seconds, (2) cold plasma for 60 seconds, (3) ASEPTOPRINT® spray. Microbial culturing was taken before and after disinfection in each group on both Blood Agar plates and Soborou Dextrose Agar (SDA) plates. After 48 hours incubation at 37°C, the number of colonies was counted using a digital colony counter and differences between the groups were analyzed.Results: A significant reduction in microbial colonies was observed after using all disinfection methods. ASEPTOPRINT® spray showed more antimicrobial effects comparing to cold plasma.Conclusion: The antimicrobial effect of ASEPTOPRINT® spray solution is more than cold plasma application on both microbial and fungal microorganisms. The time of plasma application was not accompanied by any significant differences in the results

    Expedited Removal of Pyogenic Granuloma by Diode Laser in a Pediatric Patient

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    Introduction: Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is one of the inflammatory hyperplasia seen in the oral cavity. It is a reactional response to minor trauma or chronic irritation. The most common treatment of PG is surgical excision but alternative approaches such as laser excision have also been proposed especially for pediatric patients.Case report: Herein, we present a case of gingival pyogenic granuloma in a 6-year-old patient. The lesion was excised successfully with diode laser as a conservative and non-stressful method in a pediatric patient.Results and conclusion: The use of laser as modern medicine offers a new tool for treatment of oral lesions as comfortable as possible in pediatric patients, which results in less stress and fear in children

    Laser Assisted Treatment of Extra Oral Cutaneous Sinus Tract of Endodontic Origin: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Sinus tracts (or fistulas) are a common manifestation of pulpal necrosis that requires conventional or rarely surgical- endodontic treatment in order to heal. They are mainly identified intraorally and in rare cases they manifest extraorally which may frequently be misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated. New technologies such as lasers have been developed as adjuncts to standard endodontic antimicrobial procedures in order to increase the success rate of endodontic therapy and complying the desire of saving a natural tooth.Case presentation: Herein, we present a clinical case of extra oral sinus tract with Periodic pus drainage that was successfully treated by combining   conventional endodontic therapy, intra canal PDT and extra oral low level laser therapy.Results and conclusion: Treatment of the odontogenic lesion among with the extra oral lesion was an ingenious and successful technique which was achieved by laser technology and winded up to patient’s consent and satisfactory results of treatment

    Theoretical model of homogenized piezoelectric materials with small non-collinear periodic cracks

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    An analytical model for the homogenization of a piezoelectric material with small periodic fissures is proposed on the basis of the method of asymptotic expansions for the elastic displacement, the electric scalar potential and the test functions. Starting from the variational formulation of the three-dimensional problem of linear piezoelectricity, we have at first obtained that concerning a cracked piezoelectric structure, before the implementation of homogenized equations for a piezoelectric structure with a periodic distribution of cracks. It then follows, the characterization of the homogenized law between the mechanical strain and the electric potential, on one hand, and the mechanical stress and the electric displacement, on the other hand. Contrary to the previous investigations, the focus of this paper is the development of a mathematical model taking the non-parallelism of cracks into account

    The Viewpoints of Last-Year Dentistry Students of Shahid Beheshti University on the Application of Lasers as an Independent Credit in the Education of General Dentistry

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    Introduction: Enhancing students’ pragmatic skills as an enabling means warrants changes in their curricula, which should be reconciled with the students’ educational needs. Thus, this study seeks to examine the viewpoints of last-year dentistry students on the need for the instruction of laser application as an independent credit in general dentistry curricula. The findings of this study can be helpful in determining the educational priorities of students while providing and compiling their curricula.Methods: This descriptive study was done on 91 last-year dentistry students of Shahid Beheshti University in a full census manner. The data collection tool was a fieldwork questionnaire which its validity and reliability evaluation was carried out. To announce the findings, frequency distribution, frequency percentage and average tableaux were utilized.Results: Amongst the 91 participants, regarding the average figures of value assignment from 1 to 10 to respond to questions, the highest value was assigned to learning the side effects of lasers (7.99 ± 0.01), and the lowest importance of and need for learning was assigned to learning about the history of laser and light physics (4.53 ± 0.47).Conclusion: The findings indicate that students have a positive attitude toward the incorporation of an independent laser credit in their curricula and, thus, the necessity of incorporating this credit in their curricula can be posed

    A Comparison of 940 nm Diode Laser and Cryosurgery With Liquid Nitrogen in the Treatment of Gingival Physiologic Hyperpigmentation Using Split Mouth Technique: 12 Months Follow Up

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    Introduction: Gingival hyperpigmentation is excessive deposition of melanin pigments in the epithelium of gingiva which affects facial esthetics. Various surgical methods for gingival depigmentation have been used to treat the darkened color of pigmented gingiva. This study compared the use of 940 nm diode laser and liquid nitrogen cryosurgery in the treatment of gingival physiologic hyperpigmentation in terms of gingival depigmentation, postoperative pain, healing duration, pigmentation recurrence, and patients’ satisfaction.Methods: Fifteen systemically healthy patients (11 females and 4 males; 17-35 years of age) with bilateral gingival physiologic hyperpigmentation were enrolled in this split-mouth randomized study. Maxillary anterior labial gingiva of each patient was divided into left and right halves, and each half was randomly depigmented by either laser or cryosurgery. Patients were given questionnaires to evaluate the procedures and were followed up in 3, 7, 10, 17 and 21 days postoperatively for the assessment of gingival healing and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatments to detect any sign of pigmentation recurrence.Results: The severity of post-op pain measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) was mild to average and showed no significant difference between the 2 modalities (P > 0.05). There was no considerable swelling or hemorrhage after the treatment procedures and the healing duration was significantly shorter in laser (P < 0.05). The degree of pigmentation in all gingival sites treated by laser reached and remained at zero until the last follow up (1 year) and reached zero in 9 out of 15 cryosurgery-treated sites. All patients were completely satisfied with the laser, and 9 out of 15 were completely satisfied with cryosurgery. No pigmentation recurrence was observed during any follow-up periods.Conclusion: Removal of gingival physiologic hyperpigmentation by laser therapy and cryotherapy was effective and safe. The efficiency of the laser was better than cryotherapy

    Comparison of the Antibacterial Effect of 810 nm Diode Laser and Photodynamic Therapy in Reducing the Microbial Flora of Root Canal in Endodontic Retreatment in Patients With Periradicular Lesions

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the antibacterial efficacy of diode laser 810nm and photodynamic therapy (PDT) in reducing bacterial microflora in endodontic retreatment of teeth with periradicular lesion.Methods: In this in vivo clinical trial, 20 patients who needed endodontic retreatment were selected. After conventional chemo mechanical preparation of root canals, microbiological samples were taken with sterile paper point (PP), held in thioglycollate broth, and then were transferred to the microbiological lab. In the first group, PDT with methylene blue (MB) and diode laser (810 nm, 0.2 W, 40 seconds) was performed and in the second group diode laser (810 nm, 1.2 W, 30 seconds) was irradiated. Then second samples were taken from all canals.Results: CFU/ml amounts showed statistically significant reduction in both groups (P < 0.001). CFU/ml amounts were compared between the two groups and there was no statistical difference.Conclusion: PDT and diode laser 810 nm irradiation are effective methods for root canal disinfection. PDT is a suitable alternative for diode laser 810 nm irradiation, because of lower thermal risk on root dentin

    Comparison of Antibacterial Effects of Photodynamic Therapy, Modified Triple Antibiotic Paste and Calcium Hydroxide on Root Canals Infected with Enterococcus Faecalis: An In-Vitro Study

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    Background: A pivotal issue to achieve success in the treatment of the root canal is root canal disinfection. One of the most important bacteria that infect root canal is enterococcus faecalis. This study seeks to examine the effectiveness of three methods for disinfecting the root canal: photodynamic therapy, modified triple antibiotic paste (MTAP) and calcium hydroxide.Method and material: 62 single-rooted extracted anterior teeth were collectected.After cleaning and disinfection, crowns were cut at the CEJ point. The root canals were shaped to the working length up to file F3 protaper (F1, F2, F3). EDTA 17% and sodium hypochlorite 2.5% were used for 5 minutes to wash and remove the smear layer, and then the apical foramen was sealed using composite. After that, the teeth were sterilized in an autoclave at 121° C for 15 minutes. Then 10 samples were taken randomly as the negative control. The remaining samples were immersed and cultivated in a suspension containing enterococcus faecalis for 21 days. Then samples were divided into 5 groups: two positive control groups, one group treated with the antibiotic paste with the concentration of 1mg/ml, one group treated with calcium hydroxide, and one group treated with photodynamic therapy. Then, to collect the biofilm, the protaper file F4 was used. After that, the microbial suspension was provided and counting the colonies to compare the groups was carried out.Results: The findings indicated that the amount of CFU/mg of MTAP samples, including clindamycin, metronidazole and ciprofloxacin in the concentration of 1mg/ml and photodynamic therapy and calcium hydroxide was lower than that in the control group. Antibiotic paste, cleansed the root canal up to 99.9%. Photodynamic therapy reduced the amount of CFU/mg to 98.8%, and calcium hydroxide reduced the amount of CFU/mg to 94.13%.Conclusion: Using photodynamic therapy causes a reduction in biofilm and inhibits the growth of enterococcus faecalis bacterium. In addition, in this study MTAP with the concentration of 1mg/ml was used, which expunged the bacteria completely. Meanwhile, calcium hydroxide had the weakest effect of all on the enterococcus faecalis bacteriu

    Posthaste Outgrow of Lip Pyogenic Granuloma after Diode Laser Removal

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    Introduction: Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is one of the inflammatory hyperplasia seen in the oral cavity. It is a reactional response to minor trauma or chronic irritation and also might be related to hormonal changes. Rarely, PG occurs extragingivally.The most common treatment of PG is surgical excision but alternative approaches such as laser excision have also been proposed.Case report: Herein, we present a case of lip pyogenic granuloma in a 15-year-old male whom had been under orthodontic treatment. The lesion was first excised with diode laser as a conservative method, but the lesion had immediately recurred and was excised with surgical blade as the traditional method. No recurrence or scarring was observed in 6 months follow-up.Results and conclusion: Although the use of laser as modern medicine offers a new tool for treatment of oral lesions, scalpel (blade) surgical excision still seems to be the successful treatment of choice in minimizing the recurrence of lesion especially when exacerbating factors such as hormonal imbalances exist