52 research outputs found

    IL-24: a classic cytokine and/or a potential cure for cancer?

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    IL-24, a member of the IL-10 family of cytokines, is produced by monocytes and Th2 cells. Interestingly, immune cells do not appear to express specific IL-24 receptor chains (IL-20R1/IL-20R2 and IL-22R/IL-20R2), it is therefore unlikely that IL-24 has classical immune-modulating properties. Skin, on the other hand, seems to represent a major target tissue for IL-24 and related cytokines such as IL-19, -20, and -22. However, the initial interest in IL-24 did not arise from its physiological signalling properties through its cognate receptors but rather because of its tentative ability to selectively kill different cancer cells. In an attempt to further investigate the signalling events underlying the IL-24-induced cancer cell death, we found that melanoma cell lines did not react in the expected and previously described way. Using several different forms and delivery modes of IL-24, we were unable to detect any apoptosis-inducing properties of this cytokine in melanoma cells. In the present "Point of view" we will briefly summarise these findings and put them in context of published reports stating that IL-24 might be a long sought after treatment for several types of cancer

    Distinct Cargos of Small Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Hypoxic Cells and Their Effect on Cancer Cells

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    Hypoxia is a common hallmark of solid tumors and is associated with aggressiveness, metastasis and poor outcome. Cancer cells under hypoxia undergo changes in metabolism and there is an intense crosstalk between cancer cells and cells from the tumor microenvironment. This cross talk is facilitated by small extracellular vesicles (sEVs; diameter between 30 and 200 nm), including exosomes and microvesicles, which carry a cargo of proteins, mRNA, ncRNA and other biological molecules. Hypoxia is known to increase secretion of sEVs and has an impact on the composition of the cargo. This sEV-mediated crosstalk ultimately leads to various biological effects in the proximal tumor microenvironment but also at distant, future metastatic sites. In this review, we discuss the changes induced by hypoxia on sEV secretion and their cargo as well as their effects on the behaviour and metabolism of cancer cells, the tumor microenvironment and metastatic events

    Recombinant Interleukin-24 Lacks Apoptosis-Inducing Properties in Melanoma Cells

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    IL-24, also known as melanoma differentiation antigen 7 (mda-7), is a member of the IL-10 family of cytokines and is mainly produced by Th2 cells as well as by activated monocytes. Binding of IL-24 to either of its two possible heterodimeric receptors IL-20R1/IL-20R2 and IL-22R/IL-20R2 activates STAT3 and/or STAT1 in target tissues such as lung, testis, ovary, keratinocytes and skin. To date, the physiological properties of IL-24 are still not well understood but available data suggest that IL-24 affects epidermal functions by increasing proliferation of dermal cells. In stark contrast to its “normal” and physiological behaviour, IL-24 has been reported to selectively and efficiently kill a vast variety of cancer cells, especially melanoma cells, independent of receptor expression and Jak-STAT signalling. These intriguing properties have led to the development of adenovirally-expressed IL-24, which is currently being evaluated in clinical trials. Using three different methods, we have analysed a large panel of melanoma cell lines with respect to IL-24 and IL-24 receptor expression and found that none of the investigated cell lines expressed sufficient amounts of functional receptor pairs and therefore did not react to IL-24 stimulation with Jak/STAT activation. Results for three cell lines contrasted with previous studies, which reported presence of IL-24 receptors and activation of STAT3 following IL-24 stimulation. Furthermore, evaluating four different sources and modes of IL-24 administration (commercial recombinant IL-24, bacterially expressed GST-IL-24 fusion protein, IL-24 produced from transfected Hek cells, transiently over-expressed IL-24) no induction or increase in cell death was detected when compared to appropriate control treatments. Thus, we conclude that the cytokine IL-24 itself has no cancer-specific apoptosis-inducing properties in melanoma cells

    Many ways to resistance: How melanoma cells evade targeted therapies

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    Melanoma is an aggressive malignancy originating from pigment-producing melanocytes. The development of targeted therapies (MAPK pathway inhibitors) and immunotherapies (immune checkpoint inhibitors) led to a substantial improvement in overall survival of patients. However, the long-term efficacy of such treatments is limited by side effects, lack of clinical effects and the rapidly emerging resistance to treatment. A number of molecular mechanisms underlying this resistant phenotype have already been elucidated. In this review, we summarise currently available treatment options for metastatic melanoma and the known resistance mechanisms to targeted therapies. A focus will be placed on “phenotype switching” as a mechanism and driver of drug resistance, together with an overview of novel approaches to circumvent resistance. A large body of recent data and literature suggests that tumour progression and phenotype switching could be better controlled and development of resistance prevented or at least delayed, by combining drugs targeting fast- and slow-proliferating cells

    A multi-omics integrative approach unravels novel genes and pathways associated with senescence escape after targeted therapy in NRAS mutant melanoma

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    Therapy Induced Senescence (TIS) leads to sustained growth arrest of cancer cells. The associated cytostasis has been shown to be reversible and cells escaping senescence further enhance the aggressiveness of cancers. Chemicals specifically targeting senescent cells, so-called senolytics, constitute a promising avenue for improved cancer treatment in combination with targeted therapies. Understanding how cancer cells evade senescence is needed to optimise the clinical benefits of this therapeutic approach. Here we characterised the response of three different NRAS mutant melanoma cell lines to a combination of CDK4/6 and MEK inhibitors over 33 days. Transcriptomic data show that all cell lines trigger a senescence programme coupled with strong induction of interferons. Kinome profiling revealed the activation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) and enriched downstream signaling of neurotrophin, ErbB and insulin pathways. Characterisation of the miRNA interactome associates miR-211-5p with resistant phenotypes. Finally, iCell-based integration of bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data identifies biological processes perturbed during senescence and predicts 90 new genes involved in its escape. Overall, our data associate insulin signaling with persistence of a senescent phenotype and suggest a new role for interferon gamma in senescence escape through the induction of EMT and the activation of ERK5 signaling.VG is supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fond (FNR) PRIDE DTU CanBIO [grant reference: 21/16763386]. TR is supported by the FNR PRIDE DTU CriTiCS [grant reference: 10907093]. Project-related work performed by VG, HH, CM, DP, MTN, MB, AG, FT and SK were also supported by the University of Luxembourg and the Fondation Cancer, Luxembourg (grant “SecMelPro”). KM and NP are supported by funding from the European Union’s EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN-2019), funded under EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant Agreement No 860895. KM, NMD, GC and NP are supported by funding from the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant 770827. NP is also supported by funding from the Spanish State Research Agency AEI 10.13039/501100011033 grant number PID2019-105500GB-I00.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 22 autors/es: Vincent Gureghian 1, Hailee Herbst 1, Ines Kozar 2, Katarina Mihajlovic 3, Noël Malod-Dognin 3, Gaia Ceddia 3, Cristian Angeli 1, Christiane Margue 1, Tijana Randic 1, Demetra Philippidou 1, Milène Tetsi Nomigni 1, Ahmed Hemedan 4, Leon-Charles Tranchevent 4, Joseph Longworth 5, Mark Bauer 1, Apurva Badkas 1, Anthoula Gaigneaux 1, Arnaud Muller 6, Marek Ostaszewski 4, Fabrice Tolle 1, Nataša Pržulj 3, 7, 8 and Stephanie Kreis 1 // 1 Department of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Luxembourg, 6, Avenue du Swing, L-4367 Belvaux, Luxembourg; 2 Laboratoire National de Santé, Dudelange, Luxembourg; 3 Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 08034 Barcelona, Spain; 4 Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; 5 Experimental and Molecular Immunology, Department of Infection and Immunity, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; 6 LuxGen, TMOH and Bioinformatics platform, Data Integration and Analysis unit, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; 7 Department of Computer Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK; 8 ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, SpainPostprint (published version

    Kinase inhibitor library screening identifies synergistic drug combinations effective in sensitive and resistant melanoma cells

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    Background: Melanoma is the most aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer with increasing case numbers worldwide. The development of inhibitors targeting mutated BRAF (found in around 60% of melanoma patients) has markedly improved overall survival of patients with late-stage tumors, even more so when combined with MEK inhibitors targeting the same signaling pathway. However, invariably patients become resistant to this targeted therapy resulting in rapid progression with treatment-refractory disease. The purpose of this study was the identification of new kinase inhibitors that do not lead to the development of resistance in combination with BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi), or that could be of clinical benefit as a 2nd line treatment for late-stage melanoma patients that have already developed resistance. Methods: We have screened a 274-compound kinase inhibitor library in 3 BRAF mutant melanoma cell lines (each one sensitive or made resistant to 2 distinct BRAFi). The screening results were validated by dose-response studies and confirmed the killing efficacies of many kinase inhibitors. Two different tools were applied to investigate and quantify potential synergistic effects of drug combinations: the Chou-Talalay method and the Synergyfinder application. In order to exclude that resistance to the new treatments might occur at later time points, synergistic combinations were administered to fluorescently labelled parental and resistant cells over a period of > 10 weeks. Results: Eight inhibitors targeting Wee1, Checkpoint kinase 1/2, Aurora kinase, MEK, Polo-like kinase, PI3K and Focal adhesion kinase killed melanoma cells synergistically when combined with a BRAFi. Additionally, combination of a Wee1 and Chk inhibitor showed synergistic killing effects not only on sensitive cell lines, but also on intrinsically BRAFi- and treatment induced-resistant melanoma cells. First in vivo studies confirmed these observations. Interestingly, continuous treatment with several of these drugs, alone or in combination, did not lead to emergence of resistance. Conclusions: Here, we have identified new, previously unexplored (in the framework of BRAFi resistance) inhibitors that have an effect not only on sensitive but also on BRAFi-resistant cells. These promising combinations together with the new immunotherapies could be an important step towards improved 1st and 2nd line treatments for late-stage melanoma patients

    Systematic transcriptional profiling of responses to STAT1- and STAT3- activating cytokines in different cancer types

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    Cytokines orchestrate responses to pathogens and in inflammatory processes but they also play an important role in cancer by shaping the expression levels of cytokine response genes. Here, we conducted a large profiling study comparing miRNome and mRNA transcriptome data generated following different cytokine stimulations. Transcriptomic responses to STAT1- (IFN, IL-27) and STAT3-activating cytokines (IL6, OSM) were systematically compared in nine cancerous and nonneoplastic cell lines of different tissue origins (skin, liver and colon). The largest variation in our datasets was seen between cell lines of the three different tissues rather than stimuli. Notably, the variability in miRNome datasets was a lot more pronounced than in mRNA data. Our data also revealed that cells of skin, liver and colon tissues respond very differently to cytokines and that the cell signaling networks activated or silenced in response to STAT1- or STAT3- activating cytokines are specific to the tissue and the type of cytokine. However, globally, STAT1-activating cytokines had stronger effects than STAT3-inducing cytokines with most significant responses in liver cells, showing more genes up-regulated and with higher fold change. A more detailed analysis of gene regulations upon cytokine stimulation in these cells provided insights into STAT1- versus STAT3-driven processes in hepatocarcinogenesis. Finally, independent component analysis revealed interconnected transcriptional networks distinct between cancer cells and their healthy counterparts

    Hypoxia-Induced Adaptations of miRNomes and Proteomes in Melanoma Cells and Their Secreted Extracellular Vesicles

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    Reduced levels of intratumoural oxygen are associated with hypoxia-induced pro-oncogenic events such as invasion, metabolic reprogramming, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, metastasis and resistance to therapy, all favouring cancer progression. Small extracellular vesicles (EV) shuttle various cargos (proteins, miRNAs, DNA and others). Tumour-derived EVs can be taken up by neighbouring or distant cells in the tumour microenvironment, thus facilitating intercellular communication. The quantity of extracellular vesicle secretion and their composition can vary with changing microenvironmental conditions and disease states. Here, we investigated in melanoma cells the influence of hypoxia on the content and number of secreted EVs. Whole miRNome and proteome profiling revealed distinct expression patterns in normoxic or hypoxic growth conditions. Apart from the well-known miR-210, we identified miR-1290 as a novel hypoxia-associated microRNA, which was highly abundant in hypoxic EVs. On the other hand, miR-23a-5p and -23b-5p were consistently downregulated in hypoxic conditions, while the protein levels of the miR-23a/b-5p-predicted targetIPO11were concomitantly upregulated. Furthermore, hypoxic melanoma EVs exhibit a signature consisting of six proteins (AKR7A2, DDX39B, EIF3C, FARSA, PRMT5, VARS), which were significantly associated with a poor prognosis for melanoma patients, indicating that proteins and/or miRNAs secreted by cancer cells may be exploited as biomarkers

    Single-cell transcriptomics of NRAS-mutated melanoma transitioning to drug resistance reveals P2RX7 as an indicator of early drug response.

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    peer reviewedTreatment options for patients with NRAS-mutant melanoma are limited and lack an efficient targeted drug combination that significantly increases overall and progression-free survival. In addition, targeted therapy success is hampered by the inevitable emergence of drug resistance. A thorough understanding of the molecular processes driving cancer cells' escape mechanisms is crucial to tailor more efficient follow-up therapies. We performed single-cell RNA sequencing of NRAS-mutant melanoma treated with MEK1/2 plus CDK4/6 inhibitors to decipher transcriptional transitions during the development of drug resistance. Cell lines resuming full proliferation (FACs [fast-adapting cells]) and cells that became senescent (SACs [slow-adapting cells]) over prolonged treatment were identified. The early drug response was characterized by transitional states involving increased ion signaling, driven by upregulation of the ATP-gated ion channel P2RX7. P2RX7 activation was associated with improved therapy responses and, in combination with targeted drugs, could contribute to the delayed onset of acquired resistance in NRAS-mutant melanoma

    The novel S527F mutation in the integrin beta3 chain induces a high affinity alphaIIbbeta3 receptor by hindering adoption of the bent conformation.

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    peer reviewedThree heterozygous mutations were identified in the genes encoding platelet integrin receptor alphaIIbbeta3 in a patient with an ill defined platelet disorder: one in the beta3 gene (S527F) and two in the alphaIIb gene (R512W and L841M). Five stable Chinese hamster ovary cell lines were constructed expressing recombinant alphaIIbbeta3 receptors bearing the individual R512W, L841M, or S527F mutation; both the R512W and L841M mutations; or all three mutations. All receptors were expressed on the cell surface, and mutations R512W and L841M had no effect on integrin function. Interestingly, the beta3 S527F mutation produced a constitutively active receptor. Indeed, both fibrinogen and the ligand-mimetic antibody PAC-1 bound to non-activated alphaIIbbeta3 receptors carrying the S527F mutation, indicating that the conformation of this receptor was altered and corresponded to the high affinity ligand binding state. In addition, the conformational change induced by S527F was evident from basal anti-ligand-induced binding site antibody binding to the receptor. A molecular model bearing this mutation was constructed based on the crystal structure of alphaIIbbeta3 and revealed that the S527F mutation, situated in the third integrin epidermal growth factor-like (I-EGF3) domain, hindered the alphaIIbbeta3 receptor from adopting a wild type-like bent conformation. Movement of I-EGF3 into a cleft in the bent conformation may be hampered both by steric hindrance between Phe(527) in beta3 and the calf-1 domain in alphaIIb and by decreased flexibility between I-EGF2 and I-EGF3
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