58 research outputs found

    Co-designing a mental health training curriculum for staff in the vision impairment sector

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    Depression and anxiety are common in people with congenital and acquired vision impairment but often go unaddressed. Staff from a variety of professions and roles in the sight impairment sector are well placed to identify mental health issues and signpost individuals for support. However, many of these individuals need training to do this competently. The aim of this project was to develop a mental health training curriculum for staff. We used a seven-step method involving staff and service users from national sight loss charities & local authority and university researchers. The result was a curriculum containing five modules covering an introduction to mental wellbeing, the use of a standardised depression and anxiety screening tool, referral and support options and implementation issues to consider. Future work involves developing the curriculum into an online training programme for wide dissemination across the sight loss sector

    Evaluating Retinal Function in Age-Related Maculopathy with the ERG Photostress Test

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate the diagnostic potential of the electroretinogram (ERG) photostress test and the focal cone ERG in age-related maculopathy (ARM). METHODS. The cohort comprised 31 patients with ARM and 27 age-matched control subjects. The ERG photostress test was used to monitor cone adaptation after intense light adaptation. Focal 41- and 5-Hz cone ERGs were recorded monocularly (central 20°) to assess steady state retinal function. Univariate analysis identified electrophysiological parameters that differed between groups, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to assess their diagnostic potential. Logistic regression analysis determined the diagnostic potential of a model incorporating several independent predictors of ARM. RESULTS. The rate of recovery of the ERG photostress test was reduced (recovery was slower) in subjects with ARM. The parameter exhibited good diagnostic potential (P = 0.002, area under ROC curve = 0.74). The implicit times of the 5-Hz (a-wave, P = 0.002; b-wave, P < 0.001) and the 41-Hz (P < 0.001) focal cone ERGs were increased, and the 41-Hz focal cone ERG amplitude (P = 0.003) and focal to full-field amplitude ratio (P = 0.001) were reduced in the ARM group. Logistic regression analysis identified three independent predictors of ARM, including the rate of recovery of the ERG photostress test. CONCLUSIONS. Early ARM has a marked effect on the kinetics of cone adaptation. The clinical application of the ERG photostress test increases the sensitivity and specificity of a model for the diagnosis of ARM. Improved assessment of the functional integrity of the central retina will facilitate early diagnosis and evaluation of therapeutic interventions

    Psychosocial interventions to improve mental health in adults with vision impairment: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose To systematically assess the literature on psychosocial interventions to improve mental health (i.e. depression, anxiety, mental fatigue, loneliness, psychological stress and psychological well-being) in visually impaired adults (≥18 years). Methods The databases Medline, Embase and Psychinfo were searched for relevant studies, which were categorised into randomised controlled trials (RCTs), non-RCTs and before and after comparisons (BA). The Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool was used to assess study quality. Standardised mean differences (SMD) were calculated to quantitatively summarise the outcomes of the RCTs and non-RCTs in a meta-analysis. Meta-regression was used to explore sources of heterogeneity in the data. Results The search identified 27 papers (published between 1981 and 2015), describing the outcomes of 22 different studies (14 RCTs, four non-RCTs, and four BAs). Pooled analyses showed that interventions significantly reduced depressive symptoms (SMD −0.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) −0.60 to −0.01), while effects on anxiety symptoms, mental fatigue, psychological stress and psychological well-being were non-significant. Meta-regression analyses showed homogeneity in effect sizes across a range of intervention, population, and study characteristics. Only a higher age of participants was associated with less effective results on depressive symptoms (b = 0.03, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.05), psychological stress (b = 0.07, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.13) and psychological well-being (b = −0.03, 95% CI −0.05 to 0.01). However, after removing a clear outlier the overall effect on depressive symptoms and the influence of age on depressive symptoms and psychological stress were no longer significant, while the influence of age on psychological well-being remained. Conclusions There is currently only limited evidence for the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in the field of low vision. More well-designed trials are needed with specific attention for interventions tailored to the needs of elderly patients

    The effect of gaze angle on visual acuity in infantile nystagmus

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    Purpose: Most individuals with infantile nystagmus (IN) have an idiosyncratic gaze angle at which their nystagmus intensity is minimized. Some adopt an abnormal head posture to use this “null zone,” and it has therefore long been assumed that this provides people with nystagmus with improved visual acuity (VA). However, recent studies suggest that improving the nystagmus waveform could have little, if any, influence on VA; that is, VA is fundamentally limited in IN. Here, we examined the impact of the null zone on VA. Methods: Visual acuity was measured in eight adults with IN using a psychophysical staircase procedure with reversals at three horizontal gaze angles, including the null zone. Results: As expected, changes in gaze angle affected nystagmus amplitude, frequency, foveation duration, and variability of intercycle foveation position. Across participants, each parameter (except frequency) was significantly correlated with VA. Within any given individual, there was a small but significant improvement in VA (0.08 logMAR) at the null zone as compared with the other gaze angles tested. Despite this, no change in any of the nystagmus waveform parameters was significantly associated with changes in VA within individuals. Conclusions: A strong relationship between VA and nystagmus characteristics exists between individuals with IN. Although significant, the improvement in VA observed within individuals at the null zone is much smaller than might be expected from the occasionally large variations in intensity and foveation dynamics (and anecdotal patient reports of improved vision), suggesting that improvement of other aspects of visual performance may also encourage use of the null zone

    Automated Retinal Layer Segmentation Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Evaluation of Inter-Session Repeatability and Agreement between Devices

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    Retinal and intra-retinal layer thicknesses are routinely generated from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, but on-board software capabilities and image scaling assumptions are not consistent across devices. This study evaluates the device-independent Iowa Reference Algorithms (Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging) for automated intra-retinal layer segmentation and image scaling for three OCT systems. Healthy participants (n = 25) underwent macular volume scans using a Cirrus HD-OCT (Zeiss), 3D-OCT 1000 (Topcon), and a non-commercial long-wavelength (1040nm) OCT on two occasions. Mean thickness of 10 intra-retinal layers was measured in three ETDRS subfields (fovea, inner ring and outer ring) using the Iowa Reference Algorithms. Where available, total retinal thicknesses were measured using on-board software. Measured axial eye length (AEL)-dependent scaling was used throughout, with a comparison made to the system-specific fixed-AEL scaling. Inter-session repeatability and agreement between OCT systems and segmentation methods was assessed. Inter-session coefficient of repeatability (CoR) for the foveal subfield total retinal thickness was 3.43μm, 4.76μm, and 5.98μm for the Zeiss, Topcon, and long-wavelength images respectively. For the commercial software, CoR was 4.63μm (Zeiss) and 7.63μm (Topcon). The Iowa Reference Algorithms demonstrated higher repeatability than the on-board software and, in addition, reliably segmented all 10 intra-retinal layers. With fixed-AEL scaling, the algorithm produced significantly different thickness values for the three OCT devices (P<0.05), with these discrepancies generally characterized by an overall offset (bias) and correlations with axial eye length for the foveal subfield and outer ring (P<0.05). This correlation was reduced to an insignificant level in all cases when AEL-dependent scaling was used. Overall, the Iowa Reference Algorithms are viable for clinical and research use in healthy eyes imaged with these devices, however ocular biometry is required for accurate quantification of OCT images

    Visual processing in infantile nystagmus is not slow

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    Purpose: Treatments for infantile nystagmus (IN) sometimes elicit subjective reports of improved visual function, yet quantifiable improvements in visual acuity, if any, are often negligible. One possibility is that these subjective “improvements” may relate to temporal, rather than spatial, visual function. This study aimed to ascertain the extent to which “time to see” might be increased in nystagmats, as compared to normally sighted controls. By assessing both eye movement and response time data, it was possible to determine whether delays in “time to see” were due solely to the eye movements, or to an underlying deficit in visual processing. Methods: The time taken to respond to the orientation of centrally and peripherally presented gratings was measured in subjects with IN and normally sighted controls (both groups: n = 11). For each vertically displaced grating, the time until the target-acquiring saccade was determined, as was the time from the saccade until the subject's response. Results: Nystagmats took approximately 60 ms longer than controls to execute target-acquiring saccades to vertically displaced targets (P = 0.010). However, the time from the end of the saccade until subjects responded was not significantly different between groups (P = 0.37). Despite this, nystagmats took longer to respond to gratings presented at fixation. Conclusions: Individuals with IN took longer to direct their gaze toward objects of interest. However, once a target was foveated, the time taken to process visual information and respond did not appear to differ from that of control subjects. Therefore, conscious visual processing in IN is not slow

    The use of microperimetry in assessing visual function in age-related macular degeneration

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    Microperimetry is a novel technique for assessing visual function and appears particularly suitable for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Compared to standard automated perimetry (SAP), microperimetry offers several unique features. It simultaneously images the fundus, incorporates an eye tracking system to correct the stimulus location for fixation loss and identifies any preferred retinal loci. A systematic review of microperimetry in the assessment of visual function in AMD identified 680 articles; of these, 52 met the inclusion criteria. Microperimetry and AMD is discussed in relation to: disease severity; structural imaging outcomes; other measures of visual function; and evaluation of the efficacy of surgical and/ or medical therapies in clinical trials. The evidence for the use of microperimetry in the functional assessment of AMD is encouraging. Disruptions of the ellipsoid zone (EZ) band and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are clearly associated with reduced differential light sensitivity (DLS) despite the maintenance of good visual acuity (VA). Reduced DLS is also associated with outer segment thinning and RPE thickening in early AMD and with both a thickening and a thinning of the whole retina in CNV. However, microperimetry lacks the robust diffuse and focal loss age-corrected probability analyses associated with SAP and the technique is currently limited by this omission

    Infantile nystagmus adapts to visual demand

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    purpose. To determine the effect of visual demand on the nystagmus waveform. Individuals with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS) commonly report that making an effort to see can intensify their nystagmus and adversely affect vision. However, such an effect has never been confirmed experimentally. methods. The eye movement behavior of 11 subjects with INS were recorded at different gaze angles while the subjects viewed visual targets under two conditions: above and then at resolution threshold. Eye movements were recorded by infrared oculography and visual acuity (VA) was measured using Landolt C targets and a two-alternative, forced-choice (2AFC) staircase procedure. Eye movement data were analyzed at the null zone for changes in amplitude, frequency, intensity, and foveation characteristics. Waveform type was also noted under the two conditions. results. Data from 11 subjects revealed a significant reduction in nystagmus amplitude (P < 0.05), frequency (P < 0.05), and intensity (P < 0.01) when target size was at visual threshold. The percentage of time the eye spent within the low-velocity window (i.e., foveation) significantly increased when target size was at visual threshold (P < 0.05). Furthermore, a change in waveform type with increased visual demand was exhibited by two subjects. conclusions. The results indicate that increased visual demand modifies the nystagmus waveform favorably (and possibly adaptively), producing a significant reduction in nystagmus intensity and prolonged foveation. These findings contradict previous anecdotal reports that visual effort intensifies the nystagmus eye movement at the cost of visual performance. This discrepancy may be attributable to the lack of psychological stress involved in the visual task reported here. This is consistent with the suggestion that it is the visual importance of the task to the individual rather than visual demand per se which exacerbates INS. Further studies are needed to investigate quantitatively the effects of stress and psychological factors on INS waveforms

    Anisometropia is independently associated with both spherical and cylindrical ametropia

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    Purpose. To explore the associations between anisometropia and spherical ametropia, astigmatism, age, and sex. Method. Associations between the prevalence and magnitude of anisometropia with age, sex, spherical power, and cylindrical power, were assessed in a group of 90,884 subjects attending optometry practices in the United Kingdom. Logistic regression models were used to assess the independent contribution of each explanatory variable. Results. Logistic regression analyses that included all subjects or just those aged 20 to 40 years showed that spherical ametropia and astigmatism were independently associated with anisometropia (myopes, P < 1.0E–61; hyperopes, P < 1.0E–11). Anisometropia was relatively stable between the ages of 20 and 40 years, but then became more common with age, in myopes from the age of 40 years onward (P < 0.003) and in hyperopes from the age of 70 years onward (P < 1.0E–6). Sex was not associated with anisometropia to a clinically significant extent. Conclusions. This is the first study to show an independent association between anisometropia and both spherical ametropia and astigmatism. The results also suggest that the previously noted increased prevalence of anisometropia with age occurs later in hyperopes than in myopes, once other covariates have been controlled for. However, it could not be ruled out that this latter effect was due to clinical selection bias in our sample. The findings suggest that research projects involving the recruitment of highly ametropic subjects, such as those investigating the genetics of refractive error, may benefit by avoiding the use of stringent inclusion criteria for anisometropia, because otherwise a large proportion of the relevant population will be excluded