114 research outputs found

    A New Method of Testing in Wind Tunnels

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    Now, in existing wind tunnels, using a horsepower of 100 to 300, the models are generally made to a 1/10 scale and the speed is appreciably lower than the speeds currently attained by airplanes. The Reynolds number realized is thus 15 to 25 times smaller than that reached by airplanes in free flight, while the ratio of speed to the velocity of sound is between a third and three quarters of the true ratio. The necessary increases in either the diameter of the wind tunnel or the velocity of the airstream are too costly. However, the author shows that it is possible to have wind tunnels in which the Reynolds number will be greater than that now obtained by airplanes, and in which the ratio of the velocity to the velocity of sound will also be greater than that realized in practice, by employing a gas other than air, at a pressure and temperature different from those of the surrounding atmosphere. The gas is carbonic acid, a gas having a low coefficient of viscosity, high density, and a low ratio of specific heat. The positive results of using carbonic acid in wind tunnel tests are given

    Notes on specifications for French airplane competitions

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    Given here are the rules officially adopted by the Aeronautical Commission of the Aero Club of France for a flight competition to be held in France in 1920 at the Villacoublay Aerodrome. The prize will be awarded to the pilot who succeeds in obtaining the highest maximum and lowest minimum speeds, and in landing within the shortest distance

    Gordon Bennett Airplane Cup

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    The characteristics of the airplanes built for the Gordon Bennet Airplane Cup race that took place on September 28, 1920 are described. The airplanes are discussed from a aerodynamical point of view, with a number of new details concerning the French machines. Also discussed is the regulation of future races. The author argues that there should be no limitations on the power of the aircraft engines. He reasons that in the present state of things, liberty with regard to engine power does not lead to a search for the most powerful engine, but for one which is reliable and light, thus leading to progress

    Abacus giving the variation of the mean pressure of an aviation engine as a function of its speed of rotation

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    Comparing the results of the calculations for computing the mean pressure of an aviation engine for any number of revolutions, with those of experiment, the writer, by numerous examples, shows the perfect agreement between them. This report will show that, by means of a special abacus, an engineer can instantly plot the characteristics of an engine

    Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute of Moscow, Russia

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    The staff and construction of the Institute are described as well as a variety of experiments and researches being conducted there

    Propeller theory of Professor Joukowski and his pupils

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    This report gives a summary of the work done in Russia from 1911 to 1914, by Professor Joukowski and his pupils. This summary will show that these men were the true originators of the theory, which combines the theory of the wing element and of the slipstream

    TRANSPATH®—A High Quality Database Focused on Signal Transduction

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    TRANSPATH® can either be used as an encyclopedia, for both specific and general information on signal transduction, or can serve as a network analyser. Therefore, three modules have been created: the first one is the data, which have been manually extracted, mostly from the primary literature; the second is PathwayBuilder™, which provides several different types of network visualization and hence faciliates understanding; the third is ArrayAnalyzer™, which is particularly suited to gene expression array interpretation, and is able to identify key molecules within signalling networks (potential drug targets). These key molecules could be responsible for the coordinated regulation of downstream events. Manual data extraction focuses on direct reactions between signalling molecules and the experimental evidence for them, including species of genes/proteins used in individual experiments, experimental systems, materials and methods. This combination of materials and methods is used in TRANSPATH® to assign a quality value to each experimentally proven reaction, which reflects the probability that this reaction would happen under physiological conditions. Another important feature in TRANSPATH® is the inclusion of transcription factor–gene relations, which are transferred from TRANSFAC®, a database focused on transcription regulation and transcription factors. Since interactions between molecules are mainly direct, this allows a complete and stepwise pathway reconstruction from ligands to regulated genes. More information is available at www.biobase.de/pages/products/databases.html

    Beyond microarrays: Finding key transcription factors controlling signal transduction pathways

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    BACKGROUND: Massive gene expression changes in different cellular states measured by microarrays, in fact, reflect just an "echo" of real molecular processes in the cells. Transcription factors constitute a class of the regulatory molecules that typically require posttranscriptional modifications or ligand binding in order to exert their function. Therefore, such important functional changes of transcription factors are not directly visible in the microarray experiments. RESULTS: We developed a novel approach to find key transcription factors that may explain concerted expression changes of specific components of the signal transduction network. The approach aims at revealing evidence of positive feedback loops in the signal transduction circuits through activation of pathway-specific transcription factors. We demonstrate that promoters of genes encoding components of many known signal transduction pathways are enriched by binding sites of those transcription factors that are endpoints of the considered pathways. Application of the approach to the microarray gene expression data on TNF-alpha stimulated primary human endothelial cells helped to reveal novel key transcription factors potentially involved in the regulation of the signal transduction pathways of the cells. CONCLUSION: We developed a novel computational approach for revealing key transcription factors by knowledge-based analysis of gene expression data with the help of databases on gene regulatory networks (TRANSFAC(® )and TRANSPATH(®)). The corresponding software and databases are available at

    TRANSPATH(®): an information resource for storing and visualizing signaling pathways and their pathological aberrations

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    TRANSPATH(®) is a database about signal transduction events. It provides information about signaling molecules, their reactions and the pathways these reactions constitute. The representation of signaling molecules is organized in a number of orthogonal hierarchies reflecting the classification of the molecules, their species-specific or generic features, and their post-translational modifications. Reactions are similarly hierarchically organized in a three-layer architecture, differentiating between reactions that are evidenced by individual publications, generalizations of these reactions to construct species-independent ‘reference pathways’ and the ‘semantic projections’ of these pathways. A number of search and browse options allow easy access to the database contents, which can be visualized with the tool PathwayBuilder™. The module PathoSign adds data about pathologically relevant mutations in signaling components, including their genotypes and phenotypes. TRANSPATH(®) and PathoSign can be used as encyclopaedia, in the educational process, for vizualization and modeling of signal transduction networks and for the analysis of gene expression data. TRANSPATH(®) Public 6.0 is freely accessible for users from non-profit organizations under