28 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This research intent to know how big average students learned result by use of experiment method and without utilize experiment method on IPA\u27S learning is brazed IV. SDN 06 Pawis Jelimpo\u27s districts. Method that is utilized is Experiment Method. This observational sample is 20 students. Base analisis\u27s result acquired data, averagely assesses i. cycle as big as 66,00 and average appreciative cycle II. 88,00. It points out that purpose influence methodics experiment to give impact that adequately positive deep increase student studying result brazes IV. on styled material gets to regard object and style power gets to regard object form

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Menggunakan Metode Picture And Picture di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to improve the ability to write the essay in class V SD Negeri 08 Muara Pawan Ketapang. Students have not been able to master the indicators making up assessment. Solving business problems using picture and picture. Composing activities are divided into: (1) initial activities, are related to learning motivation essay writing, introduction and explanation of the picture and picture, (2) core activities, ie writing essays using the picture and picture, and (3) cover activities, namely revise essay, provide reinforcement and inference about the material they have learned. Based on the observation and reflection picture and picture use methods in teaching writing essays: (1) in cycle I acquisition sum of the scores of students on three aspects of assessment are fabricated in 1210 (60,5) and (2) in cycle II the amount of students scores on the three aspects of the assessment be fabricated in 1480 (74,0). Concluded that the use of methods of picture and picture in learning Indonesian can enhance and improve students enthusiastic essay writing

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Menggunakan Metode Sas di Kelas I Sdn 09 Tampi Bide

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    This research intent to know ability step-up reads on I. class student at Country Elementary School 09 Tampi Bide utilizes to methodic SAS. Metode is research that is utilized is descriptive method. Observational observational action brazes. Its character, get collaboration character. Learned Yielding step-up Indonesian Utilizes To Methodic SAS on I. class Student SDN 09 Tampi, there is even that as subjek research is I. class student semester II SDN 09 Tampi Bide school years 2013 / 2014 ones consisting of 9 student where exists 5 males and 4 females. Acquired result in this research on I. cycle bases student studying watch 87,6 % and on cycle II 97,5 %. On phases I. cycle I. planning 3,26 on cycle II. 3,64. On phases I. cycle performing II. 3,4 on cycle II. performing II. 3,67. its mean available Yielding increasing happening Learned on student to solve aspect reads startup on I. class student semester II. SDN 09 Tampi Bide sengahTemila's districts school years 2013 / 2014

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Puisi Menggunakan Teknik Pemodelan dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas V

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    The reaserch porpuse for increasing the student ability in reading poem at grade five mah agk in 18 Matan Hilir Selatan Kabupaten Ketapang. Issue raised is whether the application of modeling can improve the ability to read a poem in class V 18 public elementary schools Matan Hilir Selatan Kabupaten Ketapang. The method used in this study is modeling. Basically the study was designed in an action called a cycle. While the nature of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Techniques and instruments of data collection in this study was to use direct observation techniques, and as a data collection instrument is using the observation sheet to show an increase in the ability to read poetry on aspects of pronunciation, intonation, and expression in the process of learning Indonesian is: Aspects of pronunciation has increased from an average pre-cycle 20.00, the first cycle of 21.92 on average an increase of 1.92, in the second cycle of 23.86 on average an increase of 1.94. Intonation aspects of pre cycle increased average 20.00, the first cycle of 20.77 on average an increase of 0.77, in the second cycle of 23.08 on average an increase of 2.31. Aspects increased expression of pre-cycle average 16.92, the first cycle of 23.85 on average an increase of 6.93, in the second cycle on average 30.00 on average an increase of 6.15. In general, concluded that the use of modeling to improve the ability to read poetry in learning Indonesian language support of aspects of pronunciation, intonation, and expression in class V

    Penerapan Media Gambar dalam Pembelajaran IPA di Kelas V SD Pl. Santo Bacillius Jelai Hulu Ketapang

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    . Improved Learning Outcomes of Students in Learning Science by Using Images in the Media Elementary School Fifth Grade Pl. St. Bacillius Jelai Hulu. This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes in science learning by using media images. This research method descriptive method to form action research (CAR) for two cycles. Data collection techniques using direct observation techniques and measurement techniques. Data collection tool with the observation sheet and achievement test. The study says that an increase in the ability of the teacher in the learning plan by 28 %, 22.6% learning implementation. The use of media images can improve student learning outcomes, seen the number of students who achieve a passing grade on the first cycle of 7 people (38.89 %), increased to 15 people (83.33 %), with an average value of 51.11 in cycle 1 to 70.56 in cycle 2

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Media Realia

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    : This action research was conducted in order to improve student learning outcomes in the fifth grade math learning by using a flat wake kite on the material determine the kite formula in class V Elementary School 04 Matan Hilir Utara general formulation of the problem , namely : " Is using realia media in teaching mathematics to the material determine the kite formula can improve learning outcomes in Mathematics in Elementary School fifth grade students 04 Matan Hilir Utara ? " Form of research is Classroom Action Research . The subject teachers and 21 fifth grade students of SDN 04 North Matan Hilir . Classroom Action Research (CAR ) is done in two cycles of action . With each cycle consisting of phases : planning phase implementation stage , the stage of observation , and reflection phase . In each cycle of the implementation techniques used direct observation by means of observation and measurement techniques with tests and assessment tools and process performance . Furthermore, from the data collected was processed and analyzed using data analysis techniques . These results generally indicate that the use of flat wake kite in the learning of Mathematics in the material determine the kite formula effectively improve student learning outcomes SDN 04 Matan Hilir Utara

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Menggunakan Metode Kerja Kelompok di Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of this study was conducted to determine the steps Indonesian learning using group work on a children\u27s story concludes material to improve the reading skills of students of State Elementary School class V 18 Nanga Tayap Ketapang with the formulation of the problem in general, namely: "What is the use of working methods groups can improve students\u27 reading comprehension class V SDN 18 Nanga Tayap Ketapang? " The method used in this research is the method of group work. Forms of research is classroom action research. The subject teachers and 20 students of class V SDN 18 Nanga Tayap Ketapang Class Action Research (PTK) was conducted in two cycles of action. With each cycle consists of stages: planning phase implementation stage, the stage of observation, and reflection stages. Student learning outcomes in the study of action has increased from cycle 1 the average value of student learning outcomes by 64 and on the second cycle increased to 83. There was an increase of 19