8 research outputs found

    Pollen respiratory allergy: Is it really seasonal?

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a highly prevalent respiratory condition that carries a heavy burden and can have a significant impact on patient quality of life. AR is caused by seasonal or perennial exposure to outdoor pollens and molds as well as indoor allergic triggers. In this review article, we discuss the factors associated with the development of AR throughout the year and the fact that patients with AR need continuous treatment rather than seasonal treatment. Conventionally, AR has been mainly categorized into seasonal AR and perennial AR, but these classes do not seem to be well-adapted. Climate changes, temperature changes, and high carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration affect the growth of plants and increase the length of pollen seasons and pollen allergenicity. Air pollution aggravates allergic sensitization symptoms in AR sensitized individuals. Due to increased air pollution and indefinite pollen seasons AR symptoms are present throughout the year. Patients with AR often need continuous treatment, which should be considered while making the strategy for treating allergic rhinitis sufferers. Management of AR involves avoiding the allergen, medications for symptomatic relief, anti-inflammatory therapies, and allergy immunotherapy. Although the first-generation H1-antihistamines reduce AR symptoms, they cause sedation and impair cognitive functions; thus, second-generation antihistamines (ie, levocetirizine, loratadine, bilastine, fexofenadine) are preferred. The efficacy and safety of fexofenadine for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) symptoms have been demonstrated by numerous clinical studies, irrespective of the season and underlying allergen. In this review, we discuss the allergic rhinitis classification, the role of climate change, air pollution, and factors contributing to year-round symptoms in patients with AR and the need for continuous pharmacological treatment for management

    Air pollution and indoor settings

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    International audienceIndoor environments contribute significantly to total human exposure to air pollutants, as people spend most of their time indoors. Household air pollution (HAP) resulting from cooking with polluting ("dirty") fuels, which include coal, kerosene, and biomass (wood, charcoal, crop residues, and animal manure) is a global environmental health problem. Indoor pollutants are gases, particulates, toxins, and microorganisms among others, that can have an impact especially on the health of children and adults through a combination of different mechanisms on oxidative stress and gene activation, epigenetic, cellular, and immunological systems. Air pollution is a major risk factor and contributor to morbidity and mortality from major chronic diseases. Children are significantly affected by the impact of the environment due to biological immaturity, prenatal and postnatal lung development. Poor air quality has been related to an increased prevalence of clinical manifestations of allergic asthma and rhinitis. Health professionals should increase their role in managing the exposure of children and adults to air pollution with better methods of care, prevention, and collective action. Interventions to reduce household pollutants may promote health and can be achieved with education, community, and health professional involvement

    The international survey on the management of allergic rhinitis by physicians and patients (ISMAR)

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    Epidemiologic studies suggest that the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) is rising worldwide. Several reports, in fact, indicate increasing trends in the prevalence of AR especially in developing countries, likely related to the environment and climate changes and the adoption of an urbanized Western lifestyle. The primary objective of the present study was to collect information about management in real-life settings, including a characterization of typical patients’ profile referring to physicians, the disease features, the common approaches to diagnostic assessments and therapeutic decisions. This was an international, multicenter, cross-sectional study conducted in adults or children (≥6 years) suffering from rhinitis confirmed by physician's diagnosis for at least one year. The 234 physicians who participated in the study included a total of 2778 patients in Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Israel, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. It was found that clinical history was the selected tool to diagnose and categorize AR patients (97.1%), with less than half of patients undergoing allergy testing, may be explaining the scarce use of immunotherapy on management of disease. Out of 2776 patients, 93.4% had somehow received a recommendation to avoid allergens and irritant agent exposure. Notably, 91.4% were receiving at least one treatment at the time of the survey, mostly oral antihistamines (79.7%) and intranasal corticosteroids (66.3%). Oral antihistamines, intranasal steroids and decongestants were considered both safe and effective by patients and physicians, preferring oral and nasal route of administration. The ISMAR registry was designed according to the most accepted epidemiological recommendations, and provides interesting information regarding the management of rhinitis from a patient and physician points of view, with many similarities between the participating countries. Further efforts are required to better manage AR and its comorbidities

    Thunderstorm allergy and asthma: state of the art

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    International audienceThunderstorm-triggered asthma (TA) can be defined as the occurrence of acute asthma attacks immediately following a thunderstorm during pollen seasons. Outbreaks have occurred across the world during pollen season with the capacity to rapidly inundate a health care service, resulting in potentially catastrophic outcomes for allergicpatients. TA occurs when specific meteorological and aerobiological factors combine to affect predisposed atopic patients with IgE-mediated sentitization to pollen allergens. Thunderstorm outflows can concentrate aeroallergens, most commonly grass pollen but also other pollens such as Parietaria and moulds in TA, at ground level to release respirable allergenic particles after rupture by osmotic shock related to humidity and rainfall. Inhalation of high concentrations of these aeroallergens by sensitized individuals can induce early asthmatic responses which can be followed by a late inflammatory phase. There is evidence that, during pollen season, thunderstorms can induce allergic asthma outbreaks, sometimes also severe asthma crisis and sometimes deaths in patients suffering from pollen allergy. It has been observed that changes in the weather such as rain or humidity may induce hydratation of pollen grains during pollen seasons and sometimes also their fragmentation which generates atmospheric biological aerosols carrying allergens. Asthma attacks are induced for the high concentration at ground level of pollen grains which may release allergenic particles of respirable size after rupture by osmotic shock. In other words, it is a global health problem observed in several cities and areas of the world that can strike without sufficient warning, inducing sometimes severe clinical consequences also with deaths of asthma patients. Due to constant climate change, future TA events are likely to become more common, more disastrous and more unpredictable, as a consequence it is important to have deep knowledge on this topic to prevent asthma attacks. Other environmental factors, such as rapid changes in temperature and agricultural practices, also contribute to causing TA