4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of writing the article is to justify the methodological principles and recommendations for the functioning of agricultural enterprises-producers of grain in the target markets for its sale under the conditions of globalization challenges. The production and sale of grain traditionally remains the main focus of the specialization of domestic agricultural enterprises, the source of more than a significant share of their income, the formation and implementation of export potential of the agrarian sector of the national economy, the solution of a number of problematic issues of food security and ensuring the stable development of the subjects of the sphere of production of various sectoral belonging and orientation. At the same time, raising the economic efficiency of the main activities of agricultural enterprises remains a central problem, which in fact produces a complex, multi-faceted, and multi-level problem of the formation and functioning of mechanisms for the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises in the grain market. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the classical positions of economic theory, fundamental works, and scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises in the grain market, the dialectic method of cognition, and the systematic approach to the study of social phenomena and processes that occur in the process of carrying out the main activity enterprises producing grain. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the article, such general scientific and special methods of economic research as monographic (in-depth study of the set tasks), abstract-logical (a theoretical generalization of the research results and formulation of conclusions and proposals) were used. Taken together, these methods form the methodological basis of the study. Results. After conducting the research, we decided that the study of the problem of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in the grain market is the study of methodological approaches to the evaluation of structural and dynamic trends of development and the state of the situation of target markets for the production of agricultural enterprises-producers of grain in the context of establishing systems supporting strategic and tactical and operational decisions in the production and commercial planes based on the system of integral indicators and individual indicators of the state of the targets. Practical use. The results of the research can be used at the state and regional levels of management in forecasting the change and the state of market equilibrium in the agrarian market of Ukraine and the conjuncture of the world and regional markets for agricultural products and food

    Economic efficiency of Camelina sativa growing with nutrition optimization under conditions of Precarpathians of Ukraine

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    Saabunud / Received 28.09.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 07.12.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 08.12.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Andrii Butenko [email protected] results of research conducted during 2015–2018 in a field experiment on sod-podzolic soils while studying the effect of different fertilizers on productivity of Camelina sativa and oil-bearing crops and, accordingly, economic efficiency and competitiveness of this crop growing have been presented. The dependence of elements of productivity and yielding capacity on the application of mineral fertilizers has been revealed. It has been found that the application of mineral fertilizers had a significant impact on the productivity of Camelina sativa seeds and the cost index and profitability of Camelina sativa seeds, accordingly. Depending on the studied elements in growing technology of little-known in Ukraine crop of Camelina sativa, the main indices of economic efficiency were determined. It has been found that with optimization of plant nutrition, regardless of the increase in cultivation costs, conditionally net profit and profitability level increased. This was facilitated by foliar fertilization with modern restrictive preparations or complex micro fertilizers in critical periods of crop vegetation. Depending on the variant of the experiment, the average conditionally net profit during growing years ranged from 471.78 to 688.48 € ha–1 (1 UAH = 0.032 €), and profitability level ranged from 178.8 to 222.0%

    Economic efficiency of sweet corn growing with nutrition optimization

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    Saabunud / Received 13.02.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 06.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 06.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Andrii Butenko ; [email protected] efficiency of sweet corn production for grain has been studied; economic advantages of cultivation in comparison with other crops have been highlighted. The article presents the results of research on issues of improving the economic efficiency of technology elements for growing sweet corn of the variety Moreland F1 under conditions of Precarpathians of Ukraine. Taking into account the production strategy, have been outlined cost-effective resource-saving and intensive technologies which provide the stable yielding capacity of early-ripening hybrid of sweet corn under conditions of Precarpathians at the level of 4.99–6.65 t ha–1 accordingly with the profit of 370–500 € ha–1 and grain production profitability 112–135%. It is established that under the conditions of application of mineral fertilizers at the dose of N135P90K125 + N60 + N30 in two stages the grain yield of corn increases compared to the absolute control (by 2.26 t ha–1, or 30.3%) with increasing costs per 1 ha of sown area 68.23 €, or 26.4%). In proportion to the increase in yield, the amount of profit, which is 192.42 € ha–1, also increased significantly

    Competitiveness and Advantages of Camelina sativa on the Market of Oil Crops

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    The article presents the question of the effect of the effectiveness of various elements of cultivation technologies on the competitiveness of Camelina sativa and the profitability of its cultivation on acidic, low–fertility sod-podzolic soils. Fertilizers are one of the fast-acting and effective factors in increasing the yield of Camelina sativa. It was established that introduction of mineral fertilizers had a significant impact on competitiveness of Camelina sativa seeds. Dependence of productivity elements and yielding capacity on crops has been determined. It was established that spring cruciferous crops had different seed productivity. According to the results of conducted research, it was found that the highest seed yielding capacity among spring cruciferous crops had spring Brassica napus L., but the oil content in Camelina sativa seeds was 46.53%, which is 4.08% more than in Brassica napus L. Therefore, oil outcome from the yield of Brassica napus L. and Camelina sativa was almost the same