10 research outputs found

    Cost management of a construction company based on functional cost analysis

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    In conditions of environmental instability and uncertainty, one of the factors for the effective functioning and development of a construction company is high-quality and continuous cost management. The cost management process is aimed at maximizing profits by increasing the efficiency of the use of all resources. It requires constant monitoring to make adjustments to the planned costs and their amounts. Cost management is impossible without careful analysis. Along with the traditional methods of cost management, it is advisable for construction companies to apply functional cost analysis, which is an effective tool for optimizing costs and the quality of production functions performance. The research studies a construction company. Particular attention in the study is paid to indirect costs due to an increase in their share in the structure of the construction products cost. Within the framework of the functional cost analysis, an ABC analysis was carried out and a Pareto curve was modelled. It allowed us to focus on the allocated cost areas and classify the processes into main, basic and supportive ones. The significance of the identified processes was determined using the paired comparisons method. The results obtained allow us to draw a conclusion about the correspondence of the share of cost items and their significance for the analyzed construction company. The research materials are of interest and practical importance for the CEOs of construction companies

    Construction of fairways and reconstruction of channels using rotary-bucket dredgers and calculation of soil-collecting devices

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    Rotary bucket dredgers are used in various operations: dredging, mining, development of all types of soil. Despite their high weight, cost and complexity of construction, they are increasingly used in underwater soil development due to their versatility and high efficiency. The article presents the developed method for calculating the rotary bucket dredgers, taking into account their placement under water

    Comparative analysis of physical development of children, teen agers and youths from different countries at the end of the 1990s – the beginning of the 2000s

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    We made a comparative analysis of the main indices of physical development of children, teen-agers and youth at the age of 7–17 years from Belarus, Russia, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria and Estonia, examined in the late 1990s – the early 2000s. The closest tendencies in the growth of Belarusian children of both sexes were noticed with Russians and Poles. Serbian and Estonian children are the tallest. Major variations appear between Belarusian and Estonian schoolchildren. Belarusian young people at the age of 7–17 showed significant similarities with almost all ethno-territorial groups regarding the pace and the nature of growth processes

    Cost management of a construction company based on functional cost analysis

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    In conditions of environmental instability and uncertainty, one of the factors for the effective functioning and development of a construction company is high-quality and continuous cost management. The cost management process is aimed at maximizing profits by increasing the efficiency of the use of all resources. It requires constant monitoring to make adjustments to the planned costs and their amounts. Cost management is impossible without careful analysis. Along with the traditional methods of cost management, it is advisable for construction companies to apply functional cost analysis, which is an effective tool for optimizing costs and the quality of production functions performance. The research studies a construction company. Particular attention in the study is paid to indirect costs due to an increase in their share in the structure of the construction products cost. Within the framework of the functional cost analysis, an ABC analysis was carried out and a Pareto curve was modelled. It allowed us to focus on the allocated cost areas and classify the processes into main, basic and supportive ones. The significance of the identified processes was determined using the paired comparisons method. The results obtained allow us to draw a conclusion about the correspondence of the share of cost items and their significance for the analyzed construction company. The research materials are of interest and practical importance for the CEOs of construction companies

    Construction of fairways and reconstruction of channels using rotary-bucket dredgers and calculation of soil-collecting devices

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    Rotary bucket dredgers are used in various operations: dredging, mining, development of all types of soil. Despite their high weight, cost and complexity of construction, they are increasingly used in underwater soil development due to their versatility and high efficiency. The article presents the developed method for calculating the rotary bucket dredgers, taking into account their placement under water

    Selected problems of the relation between pain-immunity and depression

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    The paper presents selected problems of the coexistence of chronic pain and depression . It has been assumed that chronic pain and depression make two se parate ailments that often coexist. The phenomenon of the coexistence of physical symptoms (including pain) and depression have been widely popularised. Over 65% of patients with pain ailments suffer from depression that is often undiagnosed. The therapi sts specify this phenomenon as a “closed circle”, as it is not known what the beginning of its appearance was. On one hand, pain often hides the symptoms of depression so effectively that its recognition by a physician seems impossible; on the other, it is known that chronic pain causes continual lowering of mood and depression that increases pain ailments. Moreover, the existence of common neurobiological mechanisms makes depression and pain escalate mutually