10 research outputs found

    Hemispheric asymmetry as a radiological symptom helpful in further neurological diagnostics-clinico-radiological review of selected neurological units related to the asymmetry of the brain structure

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    Asymetria półkul mózgu jest zjawiskiem fizjologicznym, a dominacja jednej ze stron, zwłaszcza czynnościowa, jest szczególnie wyraźna w sferze funkcji poznawczych. W odróżnieniu do fizjologicznej, w patologicznej nierówności półkul mózgowych występują znaczne różnice w budowie anatomicznej i histologicznej oraz pojawiają się objawy takie jak niedowłady, napady padaczkowe, zaburzenia funkcji poznawczych czy zaburzenia ruchowe. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zespoły powiązane z asymetrią półkul mózgu, dokonano klasyfikacji ze względu na etiologię oraz przebieg (na postępujące i niepostępujące), przedstawiono ich kliniczną oraz radiologiczną charakterystykę.The asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres is a physiological phenomenon and the dominance of one of the sides, especially the functional one, is particularly clear in the sphere of cognitive functions. In contrast to the physiological, the pathological inequality of the cerebral hemispheres shows significant differences in the anatomical and histological structure and there are symptoms such as paresis, epileptic seizures, cognitive disorders and movement disorders. The article presents selected syndromes related to the asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, classifies them according to their etiology and course (into progressive and non-progressive), and presents their clinical and radiological characteristics

    Copy Number Variants Contributing to Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency

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    Combined pituitary hormone deficiency represents a disorder with complex etiology. For many patients, causes of the disease remain unexplained, despite usage of advanced genetic testing. Although major and common transcription factors were identified two decades ago, we still struggle with identification of rare inborn factors contributing to pituitary function. In this report, we follow up genomic screening of CPHD patient cohort that were previously tested for changes in a coding sequences of genes with the use of the whole exome. We aimed to find contribution of rare copy number variations (CNVs). As a result, we identified genomic imbalances in 7 regions among 12 CPHD patients. Five out of seven regions showed copy gains whereas two presented losses of genomic fragment. Three regions with detected gains encompassed known CPHD genes namely LHX4, HESX1, and OTX2. Among new CPHD loci, the most interesting seem to be the region covering SIX3 gene, that is abundantly expressed in developing brain, and together with HESX1 contributes to pituitary organogenesis as it was evidenced before in functional studies. In conclusion, with the use of broadened genomic approach we identified copy number imbalances for 12 CPHD patients. Although further functional studies are required in order to estimate its true impact on expression pattern during pituitary organogenesis and CPHD etiology

    Association between estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms and bone mineral density in Polish female patients with Graves' disease

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    Graves' (GD) hyperthyroidism leads to reduced bone mineral density (BMD) accompanied by accelerated bone turnover. Ample studies have identified association between estrogen receptor (ESR1) gene polymorphism and decreased BMD and osteoporosis. In contrast, number of publications that link ESR1, BMD and Graves' disease is limited. The purpose of this study was to identify the association between ESR1 polymorphisms and BMD in premenopausal women with GD and to determine whether ESR1 polymorphic variants can predispose to GD. The study included 75 women aged 23-46 years with GD and 163 healthy controls. BMD was measured at lumbar spine and femoral neck. We investigated two SNPs in the ESR1 gene and analyzed genetic variants in the form of haplotypes reconstructed by statistical method. Three out of four possible haplotypes of the PvuII and XbaI restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found in GD patients: px (55.3 %), PX (33.3 %) and Px (11.4 %). Women homozygous for xx of XbaI and for pp of PvuII had the lowest BMD at lumbar spine. Moreover, the px haplotype predisposed to reduced lumbar BMD. No associations were observed for femoral neck BMD. No statistically significant relationship were found between ESR1 polymorphisms or their haplotypes and GD. These results indicate that the PvuII and the XbaI polymorphisms of ESR1 gene are associated with bone mineral density in premenopausal women with GD and may help to estimate the risk of bone loss particularly at lumbar spine. However, none of the ESR1 gene alleles predict the risk of GD in Polish female patients

    Severe unilateral orbitopathy in a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis - a case report

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    Abstract Background Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) constitutes an immune-mediated inflammation of the orbital tissues of unclear etiopathogenesis. TAO is most prevalent in hyperthyroid patients with Graves’ disease (GD); however, severe cases of orbitopathy associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) have rarely been described. Case presentation Herewith we report an unusual case of a middle-aged clinically and biochemically euthyroid woman with a stable HT, who developed a severe unilateral left-sided TAO. Thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) concentration was negative. Intraocular pressure in the left eye was mildly elevated (24 mmHg), while vision acuity was not compromised. Abnormal positioning of the eyeball suggested the extraocular muscles involvement. Unilaterally, von Graefe’s, Stellwag’s, Kocher’s and Moebius' signs were positive. Conjunctival erythema, redness and edema of the eyelid and an enlarged, swollen lacrimal caruncle were visible. She received 4/7 points in the Clinical Activity Scale (CAS) and class IV in the NO SPECS severity scale for the left eye (I-0, II-a, III-0, IV-b, V-0, VI-0). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed thickening of the left medial rectus muscle with an increase in T2 signal intensity and prolonged T2 relaxation indicating an active form of TAO. The patient received therapy with glucocorticosteroids intravenously, followed by intramuscular injections with a cumulative dose of 3.24 g of methylprednisolone during a 9-week period with good tolerance. The applied therapy, combined with adequate L-thyroxine substitution, as well as vitamin D and selenium supplementation, resulted in a complete remission of ophthalmic symptoms. Conclusions Unilateral exophthalmos in TRAb-negative patients with HT is not a typical manifestation of the disease, and requires a wider differential diagnosis with MRI of the orbits. Scheme of three iv. pulses of methylprednisolone intravenously and the continuation of treatment with im. injections seems to be an effective and safe method of treatment in this group of patients. What is more, adequate vitamin D supplementation and the maintenance of biochemical euthyroidism may help to achieve an ultimate therapeutic effect. Patients with TAO in the course of HT need a careful and continued interdisciplinary approach both ophthalmological and endocrinological. Further studies are needed to elucidate the etiopathogenesis of TAO in TRAb-negative patients